
We dedicate this page to everyone who has contributed to our project. We are truly thankful for everyone who was involved.

Quick Overview

    The story of our team began in October of 2021. From the very beginning we were inspired by a local problem seas, rivers, gulfs and lakes are facing. After a series of weekly meetings and lots of brainstorming, we finally decided what our project was going to be about. Our next step was to design the experimental procedures and begin the fundraising. The project was mainly designed by the students, with the invaluable help of our advisor and PI.

    Currently, we are all working hard to complete our project and develop it further. We are forever grateful for all the help and guidance we received from our PI, our advisor, and proud of the effort of each team member. iGEM requires a multidisciplinary team effort. The completion of our project would not be feasible without the effort of everyone involved. We are forever greatful for the people who meaningfully affected our project, and we would like to thank them in advance to our attending the Grand Jamboree in Paris.

    Project Support and Mentoring:

  • Special thanks to our PI, Iro Koliakou, who has overlooked the team, by providing valuable opportunities to promote our team. Her guidance through tough times is deeply appreciated by every team member. We acknowledge her dedication to working overtime to assist the team in any potential issue that may have arisen along the way.
  • Professor Mary Kalamaki of ACT, Anatolia’s subdivision has greatly helped the team, especially the Wet Lab, by providing access to ACT’s state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities. Along with her assistance, the Wet Lab was guided such that our project can be implemented with minimal laboratory errors, which might have occurred due to the team being composed of high school students.
  • We truly appreciate our accompanying professors, Diamantis Sotiriou and Eleni Antonakou, who traveled across Europe, all the way from Thessaloniki, Greece to Paris, France to give us the once in a lifetime opportunity to attend iGEM’s 2022 Grand Jamboree!