
Communicating our vision for a world where its problems are adressed through synthetic biology is vital.

Quick Overview

    We attended various events organized by our school in order to raise awareness about the implementations of synthetic biology through our project. One of our main goals was educating the next generation about what it means to work in the field of STEM and more specifically, synthetic biology.

The Night of the Reasercher

    Attending our city's STEM exhibition, named "The night of the Researcher", was a humbling experience. We got to communicate our vision with people of all ages, including elementary children, high school students, college students and graduates, adults and even senior citizens. We prepared flyers, which included key information about our project and its potential contribution to our city's gulf, which is plagued by the problem of Eutrophication year after year. Visitors were informed about the problem of Eutrophication and how we evision tackling it. Receiving positive feedback was an honor, so we were motivated to engage in future events, such as the Women in STEM event at our school.

    We even brought forth members of our engineering team to explain how the 3D printing process of our filter took place, with an emphasis on how we decided on certain features our 3D prototype has. We enthusiastically answered any and all questions and tried our best to make the presentation of our project as accessible as possible, by adjusting our communication methods according to our audience. For example, when adressing children, we would reduce the use of scientific terminology, and focus on communicating the aim of our project. When talking to university students and graduates, we put more emphasis on explaining the process we went through to harvest the enzymes we incorporated in our filter.

Women in STEM

    Even after all this progress toward gender equality and equity, in recent years, only approximately 34% of STEM workers globally are women. More specifically in our home country Greece, only 38% of STEM researchers are women. The low percentage of women professors in engineering and technology is also extremely disappointing.For that reason, our team organized a presentation for women that want to enter the world of synthetic biology.Since we look for the new generation of students to continue our work in the competition,our presentation was focused in understanding what synthetic biology is.We were able to show that, through some experiments that were conducted with the help of our female members.Raising awareness about gender equality and support our female classmates to get into the competition.Also we did a quick tour through our laboratories that we conducted our experiment.

Community Awareness of our Solution
