From the very beginning, we started to document our iGEM journey in detail. We wrote meeting notes about every team and subteam meeting and put all collaboration meetings on our calendar. This was nice also for all team members since now we can look back together and remember all the great memories. Outside the meetings and other events summarized on this page, there are also countless hours of working hard on our project, which can not be documented in any sensible way. On the left side of the timeline, you can see our general activities, whereas on the right side you can take a closer look at our laboratory experiments.
Present: Malin, Juuli, Nelli, Minttu, Anni, Jesper, Sini, Evelina, Jonna, Iida, Otto, Kristiina, Kevät
The ABOA 2022 kickoff! Malin and Juuli, who continued from the ABOA 2021 team, introduced the competition, tracks, and the most important deliverables and deadlines.
Present: Malin, Juuli, Nelli, Jonna, Anni, Jesper, Otto, Iida, Sini, Kristiina, Evelina, Kevät, Minttu
The first official team meeting of the year! We discussed practicalities, for example schedules, meeting times, different subteams, and grouping activities. In addition, we started to brainstorm our project topic ideas.
We had a game night on Zoom to get to know each other better and have fun together.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We decided on subteam members and continued brainstorming activities.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We decided on subteam roles and discussed the upcoming team photo shooting day, team logo, and social media channel usage.
Present: Iida, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Otto, Jonna, Evelina, Anni, Jesper
Subteam roles were decided and team member availabilities were discussed.
Present: Sini, Nelli, Kristiina, Malin, Iida, Juuli, Jonna, Jesper
We decided subteam roles, such as the subteam leader and treasurer, as well as discussed the sponsors for our team clothing and office space.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We discussed things decided on previous week’s subteam meetings and our Aboa Turku ry organization. In addition, brainstorming activities were continued.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Otto
We divided different roles and discussed which kinds of things human practices actually include.
We helped each other out in writing fundraising emails and reaching possible sponsors.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Jesper, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
Human Practices criteria were introduced and we discussed the possible activities regarding it. We also discussed other subteam updates and planned upcoming photography sessions.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jonna, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Sini
We discussed more our partnership packages and what to offer to sponsors.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Otto
The main theme of this subteam meeting was to discuss values and prepare a presentation of them for our next team meeting.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli, Sini
We planned our social media posts and discussed the situation with our own web page content.
We presented our current topic ideas to our PI and got valuable feedback from him.
Present: Iida, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We planned visual aspects of our team photos, such as clothing, location, and placement. The color palette of the team was also designed.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Jonna, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We discussed our fundraising activities and paying the competition fee. The office negotiations are ongoing and brainstorming is still continuing. Team values were also discussed.
Present: Iida, Juuli, Minttu, Sini, Malin
We divided subteam roles and discussed the situation of our own web page.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We discussed the situation with brainstorming and voted on new logo colors. We also took team photos and different photos of our team members.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Sini
Subteam activities and progress were discussed.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Sini
We updated each other on the situation with sponsors, team clothing, and office space, as well as started to plan one grant application.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu. Otto, Sini
We continued brainstorming on our project topic and discussed the team clothing.
Present: Malin, Nelli, Sini
We had a meeting with the staff of the University of Turku regarding the financial support for our competition fee.
Present: Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Malin, Nelli, Sini
We discussed recent progress on different aspects of fundraising, such as sponsors, team clothing, grant applications, and office space.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
Discussions on study credits had progressed and we got our proposal of getting credits for doing iGEM accepted. Brainstorming activities were also discussed and our final topic idea of plant disease detection came up for the first time. In addition, we went through the iGEM awards and other things that need to be kept in mind.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We discussed how to start trying to get more sponsors and closed the deal about our office and meeting spaces. Practicalities, such as meeting times and places, and communication channels were decided.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Juuli, Malin, Minttu, Sini
Once again, we discussed possible social media content, web page content updates, and possible press contacts.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Sini
Updates from different subteams were discussed.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Kevät, Kristiina, Nelli, Otto
This week’s discussion topics included the organizing of wellbeing day, the sustainability of team clothing, and the ethics related to current project topic ideas.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Nelli, Otto
Subteam updates, team clothing, and communication channels were discussed further.
Present: Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Nelli
We updated each other on recent fundraising-related things and shared some responsibilities.
A lecture about synthetic biology -related things and iGEM was given for high school students.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sini
We pitched two current project topic ideas, the detection of potato/plant viruses and the detection of borreliosis, to each other. We voted and decided to go further with the topic of potato/plant viruses. Possible future collaborations and sustainable team clothing options were also covered.
Another lecture about similar topics was given, but for different target groups in the same high school.
We had a relaxed evening and played board games together.
Present: Nelli, Malin, Jesper, Kristiina, Jonna, Juuli, Sini, Iida
The main theme of this subteam meeting was to discuss recent progress on getting sponsors, and how we could improve and boost it.
Present: Iida, Kristiina, Malin, Otto, Jonna, Anni, Jesper
We discussed project design, including a possible dry lab module, our research plan, lab protocols, and reagent orders.
Present: Iida, Malin, Minttu, Nelli
This team meeting consisted of brief updates on recent things.
Present: Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Otto
We continued discussions about the sustainability of team clothing options as well as updated our team values based on the feedback we got.
Present: Malin, Nelli
We discussed recent subteam activities.
Present: Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Jonna, Evelina, Anni, Jesper
The main discussion topics in this meeting were crude extract preparation, expression construct generation, and cell-free reaction mixture preparation.
Present: Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Otto, Jesper
The project design and project novelty options were discussed and we decided to contact people who have done previous work in the same field.
Present: Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Otto
We discussed some collaboration opportunities and how to proceed with them.
Present: Juuli, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
We started the planning of the promotion video and the next team photo.
Present: Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Malin, Nelli
Once again, we discussed possible ways to get more sponsors and money.
Present: Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Malin, Nelli, Otto
Possible collaborations with other iGEM teams and other recent updates were discussed.
Present: Iida, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Otto, Jonna, Jesper
We discussed some recent issues with our project, such as difficulties in finding sequences.
We wrote grant applications and emails to possible sponsors together.
Present: Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Minttu, Nelli
Collaborations and other updates were discussed. The special prizes were also introduced and we started to consider achieving them.
Present: Iida, Kevät, Kristiina, Jonna, Jesper
We updated each other on recent discussions with other experts and how we could modify our project with the help of the information that we got.
Present: Iida, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli
We continued the planning of our promotion video and wrote a preliminary storyline for it.
Present: Jesper, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
In this week’s team meeting, we discussed problems in the wet lab and possible activities regarding our integrated human practices work. In addition, we went through this year’s medal criteria and decided on which gold medal criteria we are trying to fulfill.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli
Discussions about different collaboration and partnership opportunities were done. Other than that, we had no major things to discuss. After the meeting, we went to the sauna together.
Present: Jesper, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Otto ( + Yasoo Morimoto)
The main discussion topics included integrated human practices activities such as interviewing farmers and other stakeholders.
Present: Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Jonna, Evelina, Jesper (+ Michael Burgis)
We got a visitor to this meeting, iGEM alumni Michael Burgis, who provided us with tips on finding novelty factors and on overall wet lab design. In addition, the meeting included a lot of troubleshooting.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin
We updated each other about things going on in different subteams and also discussed more the gold medal criteria we aim to achieve.
Present: Anni, Jonna, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli
We discussed wiki writing and decided to start writing now. In addition, collaborations with different iGEM teams were covered.
Present: Anni, Jonna, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli
We discussed our social media content related to the Education & Communication gold medal criterion and sponsor agreements.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Nelli
This time, we discussed a lot about our current and possible future collaborations with other iGEM teams. In addition, the wet lab subteam introduced their current situation and progress.
Present: Jonna, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli
We planned the topics of our educational posts for different social media channels.
Present: Kevät, Malin, Jonna, Anni, Jesper
We updated the current situation with the whole project as well as discussed how to modify our project based on the information we got from recent expert interviews.
Present: Anni, Evelina, Juuli, Minttu
We planned how to reveal our project topic on different social media channels.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Sofia
Our team meeting started with introducing our new team member, Sofia. She will attend the wet lab subteam. Other than that, every subteam presented their work and progress to other members.
Present: Kevät, Jesper
Growth plates (LBA, 20 ml)
2x LBA+Amp 100 µg/ml
1x LBA+Kan 500 µg/ml
Streaked ZikV-trigger (Amp) and ZikV-sensor (Amp) to LBA-plates, started incubation at 37℃ at 3 PM. The plates were moved to the fridge at 8:01 AM
Single colonies were inoculated from both plates to culture tubes containing 2xYT-medium with the aforementioned antibiotics. Incubation started at 16.30 and moved to the fridge at 8.47.
875 µl from each of the cultures were used to make a 10 % glyserol preps which are stored at -80℃. The plasmids were purified from the rest of the cultures (3225 µl) with Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit. The purified plasmids are stored at -20℃. The concentration of the purified plasmids were measured with biodrop.
The plasmids were confirmed to contain the inserts by restriction analysis. Zikv-Trigger was cut with AvrII and Zikv-Sensor with EcoRI in a 25 µl reaction. They were incubated at 37℃ for 4 hours, followed by 80℃ inactivation for 20 min and then kept at 4℃.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli
We finished some educational posts together and finalized the plan about how to reveal our topic.
Present: Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Cell cultures
Three bottom up tubes were taken from the laboratory. 4 ml of 2 x YT was added into each of the tubes in a laminar flow cabinet. 4 µl of ampicillin (stock c = 100 mg/ml) was added into two of the tubes, 4 µl of kanamycin (stock c = 50 mg/ml) was added into one of the tubes. Streaks were taken separately from the following plates: 1) AMP100 pAD-lyseR 2) AMP100 ZikaV-Trigger 3) KAN50 Zika-V-sensor. Now we have three different cultures: one with a streak from AMP100 pAD-lyseR and ampicillin, AMP100 ZikaV-Trigger and ampicillin and Kan50 ZikaV-Sensor and kanamycin. Cell cultures were grown overnight at 200 rpm at 37 ℃.
Tetracycline stock + LBA plate
Tetracycline stock was created by weighing 13.3 mg of tetracycline to 1.33 ml of UP water. LBA plate was created by adding 25 µl of tetracycline stock to 25 ml of melted LBA, plating 20 ml of it.
LBA + T plate was streaked with bacteria from Addgene stab.
2 x 1 L bottles of 2xYT were created by weighing 16 g tryptone, 10 g yeast extract and 5 g NaCl to a bottle and filling to 1 L.
4 x 1L bottles of 2xYTP were created as above, with the addition of 3.99 g of potassium phosphate monobasic and 13.93 g of potassium phosphate dibasic.
4 x LBA + AMP100 µg/m
About 90 ml of LBA and 90 µl of ampicillin (stock c = 100 mg/ml) was added into a glass bottle. Shaked delicately. Poured onto four plates.
4 x LBA + KAN100 µg/ml
About 90 ml of LBA and 180 µl of kanamycin (stock c = 50 mg/ml) was added into a glass bottle. Shaked delicately. Poured onto four plates.
1 x LBA + TET10 µg/ml
About 20 ml of LBA and 20 µl of tetracycline (stock c = 10 mg/ml) was added into a glass bottle. Shaked delicately. Poured onto a plate.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
E. coli ZikaV + E. coli ZikaS Plasmid extraction
Plasmids were extracted with the Monarch Plasmid Mini Prep Kit. The pellet was centrifuged down with 2800 x g, 5 min, +4°C. Rest of the steps were centrifuged as described in the protocol (approx. 16 000 x g).
The DNA concentration of the plasmid extract was determined using BioDrop. The results were as follows: ZikaV-Sensor 279.2 ng/µl; ZikaV-Trigger 136.0 ng/µl.
ZikaV-S and ZikaV-T plasmid digestion
Plasmid digestion was made from the extracted ZikaV-S and ZikaV-T plasmids for gel electrophoresis to determine that the extraction was successful. The following reactions were prepared:
ZikaV-S | ZikaV-T | |
DNA, 1 µg | 3,58 µl | 7,35 µl |
rCutSmart Buffer | 5 µl | 5 µl |
H20 (MQ) | 40,42 µl | 36,65 µl |
Restriction enzyme | 1 µl (EcoRI-HF) | 1 µl (AvrII) |
50 µl | 50 µl |
Glyserol preps were made of the ZikaV-Sensor and ZikaV-Trigger cell cultures for the cell/plasmid library. The preps were stored in -80℃ in 2B/Patrikainen no.:s 146 and 147.
Cell cultures
Three bottom up tubes were taken from the laboratory. 4 ml of 2 x YT was added into each of the tubes in a laminar flow cabinet. 4 µl of ampicillin (stock c = 100 mg/ml) was added into two of the tubes, 4 µl of kanamycin (stock c = 50 mg/ml) was added into one of the tubes. Streaks were taken separately from the following plates: 1) AMP100 pAD-lyseR 2) AMP100 ZikaV-Trigger 3) KAN50 Zika-V-sensor. Now we have three different cultures: one with a streak from AMP100 pAD-lyseR and ampicillin, AMP100 ZikaV-Trigger and ampicillin and Kan50 ZikaV-Sensor and kanamycin. Cell cultures were grown overnight at 180 rpm at 37°C.
1 x LBA
Approximately 20 ml of LBA was poured onto a plate.
Present: Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Gel Electrophoresis of ZikaV-S and ZikaV-T plasmid digestions
The gel was made following the Gel Electrophoresis Protocol in our Drive: 0.6 g Agarose, 60 ml 1XTAE, and 6 µl SYBR Safe. The digestion samples were split in two so in total four samples were made: 2X ZikaV-S digested by EcoRI-HF and 2X ZikaV-T digested by AvrII. The samples were prepared as follows: 25 µl DNA from the digestion and 5 µl Loading Dye Purple 6X (NEB). The ladder used was Purple 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB).
The gel was run for 37 min on 100 V.
The samples seem to be inverted, as the ZikaV-S plasmid is supposed to be 6455 bp and ZikaV-T plasmid 5675 bp but on the gel, ZikaV-T seems to be bigger than ZikaV-S. New digestion & gel will be made tomorrow to determine that the fault is due to misnaming the samples while digestion and that the extracted plasmids are named correctly and good to use.
2XYTPG preparation
400 ml of 2xYTPG was prepared by dissolving 7.2 g of glucose to 100 ml of 2xYTP and filter sterilizing it. Then, 300 ml of sterile 2xYTP was added.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli, Otto
Besides other updates, we discussed getting more iGEM teams from Finland. That ideation process had already been started by the previous ABOA team, and we definitely want to continue from it! In addition, we voted for the project name from various different options and ended up with CropFold!
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
ZikaV S and ZikaV T Plasmid digestion
Following reactions were prepared:
ZikaV Sensor | ZikaV Trigger | Negative control (H2O) |
DNA 3.6 µl | DNA 7.4 µl* | - |
rCutSmart 5 µl | rCutSmart 5 µl | rCutSmart 5 µl |
EcoRI-HF 1.0 µl | AvrII 1.0 µl | EcoRI-HF 10 µl |
H2O 40.4 µl | H2O 36.5 µl | H2O 44 µl |
* Accidentally might have added 7.14 µl instead of 7.4 µl.
Reactions were incubated at 37°C for 4 hours, then 20 minutes at 80°C and kept at 4°C for ∞.
Gel Electrophoresis of ZikaV-S and ZikaV-T plasmid digestions
The gel was made following the Gel Electrophoresis Protocol in our Drive: 0.6 g Agarose, 60 ml 1XTAE, and 6 µl SYBR Safe. The digestion samples were split in two so in total four samples were made: 2X ZikaV-S digested by EcoRI-HF and 2X ZikaV-T digested by AvrII. The samples were prepared as follows: 25 µl DNA from the digestion and 5 µl Loading Dye Purple 6X (NEB). The ladder used was Purple 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB).
The gel was run for 40 min on 100 V.
Now the bands are about the right size (both about 6 kb and the ZikaV-S is bigger than ZikaV-T) and also neg control doesn't show any band --> everything should be alright.
Plasmid extraction
Extracted plasmids from yesterday's cultures with Monarch Plasmid miniprep (NEB). This time the last resuspension was made with 50 µl of the elution buffer instead of 30 µl.
Determined the DNA concentration with BioDrop. ZikaV-T: 87.24 ng/µl; ZikaV-S: 85.28 ng/µl.
Starter culture
4 ml of 2xYT was supplemented with 4 µl of tetracycline and a single BL21-Gold-dLac colony from plate was inoculated o/n.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Cell lysis by sonication
Sonicated the samples from yesterday. 4 cycles of 30 s sonication and 40 s rest. Peak value 12 and samples were on ice for the whole time. Centrifuged at 20 000 g, 4°C for 60 minutes to pellet the cell debris.
Determined the amount of protein with Bradford assay.
Made the standard curve with a stock solution of 1 mg/ml of BSA. Made the following dilutions: 100 µg/ml, 10-1 µg/ml. Only used 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 µg/ml dilutions for the standard curve. Measured the absorption at 595 nm.
Autolysis production culture
Starter culture was inoculated into 400 ml of 2xYTPG with 100 µg/ml concentration of Ampicillin (Amp). Incubation at 37℃, 220 rpm was started at 8.40
1L flask containing 400 ml of 2xYTPG was supplemented with 100 µg/ml Amp and 4 ml of starter culture. Incubation was started at 8.40.
OD600 was measured at 1 hr intervals, using 2xYTPG as a blank. OD-value of 6.08 was reached at 14.40. Culture was supplemented with 2.2 ml of 0.2 M IPTG and incubated at RT until 17.41.
The culture was transferred to 10 50 ml falcons, each having 40 ml of culture. They were centrifuged at 1800 g, RT for 15 min. Supernatant was discarded and each pellet was resuspended in 4.5 ml of cold S30A buffer. Then they were combined into one falcon tube and centrifuged as above. Then, supernatant was discarded and pellet was weighed. Pellet mass: 1.66 g. Pellet was resuspended in 3320 µl of cold S30A and was divided into 3 eppendorf tubes before freezing at -80℃.
Present: Kristiina, Kevät, Otto, Jesper
Suspension was thawed at RT water bath. Then it was vortexed, transferred to a culture tube, vortexed for 3 min and incubated at 37℃, 300 rpm, starting at 9.45. At 10.34 the suspension was vortexed for 3 min, before starting incubation again at 10.39. At 11.27 the tubes were put on ice, transferred to eppendorfs and centrifuged at 20 000 g, 4℃ for 90 min.
During centrifuging, 0-10 µg/ml BSA standard was prepared and stardard curve was created. The concentration of the lysate was determined from 1/10000 dilution, it was 13.42 mg/ml. Concentration was < 27 mg/ml, so Amicon Ultra-4 10K concentrator was used to concentrate the solution. New concentration was determined from 1/10000 and 1/20000 dilutions and it was 83.2 mg/ml. The solution was diluted to 30.7 mg/ml by diluting 182 µl of the solution with 311.8 µl of water. Then, solution was aliquoted into 30 µl aliquots and stored at -80℃.
Prepared 1 L of S30A, pH 7.69 to be autoclaved tomorrow.
Present: Jesper, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Nelli
We familiarized ourselves more with the gold medal criterion Education & Communication and planned how to achieve it. We also updated our team values and decided to collaborate with Aalto-Helsinki by giving workshops for children in Heureka, the Finnish science center.
Present: Kristiina, Kevät, Otto, Jesper
S30B pH 8.20
Prepared 2 L of S30B, pH 8.20.
Prepared 660 ml of 2xYTPG with 11.88g of glucose and filtered it.
Prepared 6 ml of 1M DTT and filtered it, but due to filtering there're only 5 mls of it anymore....
BL21 Gold deLac starter cultures
Made 2x 4.5ml BL21-Gold-dLac starter cultures with 4.5 µl 10 mg/ml tetracycline. 37°C in a shaker from 16:05 onwards.
Present: Kevät, Otto, Jesper
Energy mix - components
4.766 g of HEPES was diluted in approximately 7 ml of MQ-water. After that solution was titrated to reach pH 8.02 with KOH and filled until volume V= 10 ml. Stored at -20°C.
GTP 75mM
ATP 75mM
tRNA 50 mg/ml
5 mg of tRNA was weighed to an Eppendorf tube. 100 µl of MQ-water was added. Mixed gently with a pipette. Stored at -80°C.
NAD 175mM
0.0117 g NAD was weighted to a PCR tube and diluted in 91 µl of MQ-water. After dilution 9 µl of 2M Tris was added to adjust pH around 8 (from Arce et al.). Mixed gently and stored at -20°C.
CoA 65mM
0.0049 g CoA was weighted to a PCR tube and diluted in 100 µl of MQ-water. MIxed gently and stored at -20°C.
cAMP 650mM
0.0118 g cAMP was weighted to a PCR tube and diluted in 31.7 µl of MQ-water. After dilution 18.3 μl of 2M Tris was added to adjust pH around 7.5-8 (from Arce et al.). Mixed gently and stored at -20°C.
Folinic acid 33.9mM
Spermidine 1M
Maltodextrin 650 mg/ml
2.6 g of maltodextrin was diluted in 2.5 ml of MQ-water in a 15 ml Falcon tube. After dilution 0.65 g of maltodextrin was added and filled until V = 5 ml. Stored at 4°C.
HMP 0.03 g/ml
0.12 g of HMP was diluted in 2 ml of MQ-water in a 15 ml Falcon tube and filled until V = 4 ml. Incubated at +95°C for 5 minutes. Stored at -80°C.
Production culture
2 L flasks with 330 ml 2xYTPG each were inoculated with 3.3 ml of the overnight culture and 330 µl of Tet was added to each flask. Incubation at 37°C, 220 rpm was started at 9.00. Cultures reached 0.606 and 0.634 OD600 at 12.20. 1.65 ml 0.2 M IPTG was added to each flask. Incubation was continued at RT, 220 rpm until 15.25.
After the IPTG incubation, culture was divided equally to 2 500 ml centrifuge bottles and centrifuged at 5000 g, 4℃ for 12 min. Supernatant was discarded and pellet was suspended in 100 ml of S30A and centrifuged as above. This step was repeated. Pellets were resuspended with 20 ml of S30A per bottle and then transferred to a falcon tube, which was centrifuged at 2000 g, 4℃ for 8 min. Supernatant was discarded and wash repeated with 40 ml of S30A. Then the pellet was centrifuged for 2 min and resuspended in 4 ml of S30A. The suspension was stored at -20℃.
Approximately 36.342 g of Tris base was diluted in 150 ml of MQ-water. The concentration of the solution is 2 M. The solution was filtrated with a syringe and a filter.
Glycerol prep of E. coli lyseR
0.875 µl of E. coli lyseR was added into a microcentrifuge tube and 0.125 µl of 80 % glycerol was added. Mixed with a pipette. Stored at -80°C.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Minttu, Nelli
We discussed the work that different subteams have done during the past week.
Present: Iida, Kevät, Jonna, Evelina, Anni, Jesper, Juuli, Nelli
The work done during the past weeks was discussed and problems with sonication and cell cultures were troubleshot. The writing of the laboratory notebook was also recapped so that everyone is aware of the requirements related to it.
Present: Kevät, Otto, Jesper
5 X LBA+KAN50 Plates
Approximately 120 ml of melted LBA was into a flask. 120 µl of kanamycin (stock concentration 50 mg/ml) was added. Mixed. Poured onto six plates. One plate failed.
LacZ culture
BL21 (DE3) strain containing the pET-15b-LacZ-plasmid was streaked to an LBA + Amp 100 plate. Incubation at 37℃ started at 10.03. Single colonies from the plate were inoculated into a 5 ml 2xYT + Amp 100 culture tube and incubation was started at 20.20.
2 x Liquid cultures of E. coli BL21 pET-15 lacZ
5 ml of 2 x YT was transferred into a tube in a laminar flow cabinet. 5 µl of ampicillin (stock concentration = 100 mg/ml) was added. Mixed. A streak of a plate containing E. coli BL21 pET-15 lacZ was added. Two liquid cultures were prepared. Grown overnight at 37°C at 250 rpm.
mScarlet transformation
2 preps of competent DH5a cells were thawed on ice for 15 min. 1 µl of Purified pEAS001 (mScarlet) and 1 µl of pEAS002 (mScarlet-I) were added to the tubes. They were incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked on 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 5 min. Then, 500 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 100 µl was plated on a LBA + Kan 50 plate and the remaining 400 µl on a second plate. They were incubated at 37℃, starting at 16.05.
Primer dilutions for mScarlet and lacZ
100 µM dilutions:
mScarlet F
n = 30.8 nmol
V = n/c => 30.8 ⋅ 10 -9 / 100 ⋅ 10 -6 M = 0.000 308 l = 308 µl
308 µl of MQ-water was added into the tube containing 31.6 nmol mScarlet F. Mixed. Stored at -20°C.
mScarlet R
n = 31.6 nmol
V = 31.6 ⋅ 10 -9 / 100 ⋅ 10 -6 M = 0.000 316 l = 316 µl
Prepared the same way as mScarlet F except for the volume of MQ-water.
lacZ F
n = 25.2 nmol
V = 25.2 ⋅ 10 -9 mol/ 100 ⋅ 10 -6 M = 0.000 252 l = 252 µl
Prepared the same way as mScarlet F except for the volume of MQ-water.
lacZ R
n = 35.2 nmol
V = 35.2 ⋅ 10 -9 mol/ 100 ⋅ 10 -6 M = 0.000 352 l = 352 µl
Prepared the same way as mScarlet F except for the volume of MQ-water.
10 µM dilutions:
180 µl of MQ-water was added into four microcentrifuge tubes. 20 µl of each primer (c = 100 µM) was added into separate tubes. Stored at -20°C. Total amount: four different tubes for mScarlet F and R, lacZ F and R
Present: Evelina, Kevät, Otto, Jesper
Pellet suspension was thawed on ice and then sonicated for 4x30 s. Suspension was centrifuged at 48 000 g, 4℃ for 30 min. Supernatant was transferred to 2 15 ml falcons and incubated at 37℃, 220 rpm for 60 min.
Solution was transferred to eppendorfs and centrifuged at 12 000 g, 4℃ for 10 min. 10 µl of the supernatant was saved for Bradford assay. The rest was loaded into a 10 ml 10 MWCO dialysis cassette. Dialysis was completed in a 1 L beaker at 4℃ for 3 hours.
Bradford assay
BSA standards were created at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 µg/ml concentrations, 800 µl of each were created and 200 µl of Coomassie solution was added to each. Their absorbance at 595 nm was measured and a standard plot was created. Sample was diluted to 1/10000 and 1/20000 for the assay. The concentration of the sample undiluted sample was 41,01 mg/ml.
lacZ PCR amplification from plasmid
Following reaction was prepared:
Volume (Vtot = 25 µl) | Reagent | Concentration |
1.25 µl | lacZ F primer | 0.5 µM |
1.25 µl | lacZ R primer | 0.5 µM |
1 µl | pET-15 lacZ Plasmid DNA | 30.77 ng |
12.5 µl | Q5 High-Fidelity 2 X MasterMix | 1 X |
12.5 µl | Q5 High-Fidelity 2 X MasterMix | 1 X |
9 µl | MQ-Water | - |
Following PCR cycle was run:
Initial Denaturation | 98°C | 30 s |
1) Denaturation | 98°C | 10 s |
2) Annealing | 59.13°C | 30 s |
3) Extension | 72°C | 30 s |
Final Extension | 72°C | 30 s |
Hold | 4°C | ∞ |
Steps 1)-3) repeated 40 X. Stored at -20°C.
Present: Anni, Kevät, Jesper
One-day competent DH5a cells
Competent cells were made using the modified protocol for competent cells (fast) from Hari's (SBC group) protocol. DH5α cells from LBA plate inoculated into 2 x 8 ml SOC in 25 ml Erlenmeyers. Incubation at 37 ℃ and 220 rpm until cells reached OD600 value of 0.4-0.5. The cells were then centrifuged at 10000 x g, 4 ℃, 2min.
lacZ cleanup and concentration
lacZ was cleaned up with Monarch PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit (5 µg) Protocol Card according to the DNA Cleanup and Concentration (because lacZ gene size is 3075 bp > 50 bp). Sample type of lacZ is dsDNA < 2 kb (some amplicons, fragments) so 5:1 was chosen as the ratio of binding buffer:sample (125 µl:25 µl). The concentration of the purified lacZ sample was 62.97 ng/µl.
Transformation to DH5α cells with lacZ-plasmid
Transformation was made using the heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells. 10 µl DNA (lacZ plasmids) on the cells. Cells were incubated on ice little over than half an hour (maybe 35 min) → heat shock 45 s 42 ℃ → kept 6 min on ice. 1 hour 10 min incubation at 37 ℃. We used kanamycin as antibiotics. We plated 100µl on LBA plate and the remaining cell culture on another LBA plate.
Agarose gel electrophoresis for lacZ
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0,60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto gel tray. Approximately 3.75 µl of Gel Loading Dye 6X was added to the sample (sample volume 18 µl). 10 µl of 1 kb Quick-Load DNA Plus Ladder Purple was loaded onto the gel. Approximately 22 µl (all of the sample) was loaded onto the gel. Gel was run at 100 V for 35 mins.
Gel extraction lacZ
m(lacZ gel slice) = 0.09 g = 90 mg (~ 90 µl)
lacZ gel slice was extracted with Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit. The concentration of the purified lacZ was 8.039 ng/µl (quite low!!). Stored at -20°C.
Minipreps for mScarlets
Minipreps for mScarlets were made using single colonies of DH5α pEAS001 and DH5α pEAS002 plates. Colonies were inoculated in 5 ml 2xYT + 50 µg/ml Kan.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Energy mix
The reagents were added in order to microcentrifuge tube and Vortex after each addition. The tube was kept on ice. The mix was then dived in tubes, 4 x 150 µl and 1 x 100 µl and put to -80 ℃.
Reagents for energy mix:
Reagent | c | V (µl) |
HEPES | 2 M | 177 |
ATP+GTP | 75 nm / 56 nm | 141 |
GTP | 100 nm | 26 |
CTP | 100 nm | 63 |
UTP | 100 nm | 63 |
tRNA | 50 mg/ml | 28 |
CoA | 65 mM | 28 |
NAD | 175 mM | 8.08 |
folinic acid | 33.9 mM | 14 |
spermidine | 1 mM | 7 |
maltodextrin | 650 mg/ml | 131 |
total 700 µl |
RNA synthesis of Zika V trigger
To the reaction tube, the reagents were added in the following order: 1.5 µl 10 X RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl each of the NTPs: ATP (100 mM), GTP (100 mM), CTP (100 mM), UTP (100 mM); 1 µg, 11 µl, Zika V trigger DNA (87.24 ng/µl), 1.5 µl T7 RNAP. 20 µl reaction. The reaction was incubated at 37℃ for 3 hours. Note: After 3 hours of incubation, it was heated to 42℃ for 1 min and incubated at 37℃ for 1 hour.
RNA pufication
RNA was purified with Monarch total RNA miniprep kit. 2 volumes (20 µl) of RNA lysis buffer was added to the 20 µl reaction and mixed with pipette. 60 µl of 95 % ethanol was added and mixed with pipette. The mixture was transferred to an RNA purification column and spinned for 30 seconds, the flow-through was discarded. 500 µl of RNA Priming Buffer was added and spinned for 30 seconds, the flow-trough was discarded. 500 µl of RNA Wash Buffer was added and spinned for 30 seconds, the flow-through was discarded. Another 500 µl of RNA was added and spinned for 2 minutes. The column was transferred to a new microcentrifuge tube. The RNA was eluted with 50 µl of water and spinned for 30 seconds. The tube was put to -80℃.
After purification, the RNA concentration was 148.5 ng/µl or about 5.25 mM (calculated without terminator).
Minipreps for mScarlets and lacZ
Minipreps for mScarlets were made using single colonies of DH5α pEAS001 and DH5α pEAS002 plates. Colonies were inoculated in 5 ml 2xYT + 50 µg/ml Kan. These mScarlet minipreps are for preparing glycerol preps. Miniprep for lacZ was made using a single colony of DH5α pET-15b lacZ plate. Colony was inoculated in 5 ml 2 x YT + 100 µg/ml Amp. Grown overnight at 220 rpm at 37 ℃.
Purify mScarlet plasmids
mScarlet and mScarlet-I plasmids, pEA5001 and pEA5002 respectively, were purified using the NEB plasmid miniprep kit. The first centrifuge step was done as follows: 5 mins, 3000 rcf. This worked well. The plasmids were eluted to 50 µl of the elution buffer.
The concentrations of the DNA in the samples were determined by using BioDrop. pEA5001 61,28 ng/µl; pEA5002 74,68 ng/µl. 2 µl of both samples were used for this, and the rest (48 µl) are in the freezer.
PCR for both mScarlets
First PCR for mScarlet and mScarlet-I.
Second PCR (different temperature) for both mScarlets
Same amounts as previous one, different temperatures in PCR.
--> failed, PCR machine error (W27), we will try again tomorrow.
Agarose gel
Agarose gel was made for mScarlets PCR products. 60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Later stored in plastic wrap in the fridge.
Present: Anni, Juuli, Minttu
We divided responsibilities regarding educational social media content and planned our special challenge for the other iGEM teams in honor of World Emoji Day.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Otto, Jesper
Third PCR (different temperature) for mScarlets
PCR for pEA5001 and pEA5002. Same amounts as yesterday, same temperature (annealing at 72℃) as yesterday's second PCR. The PCR cycle was adjusted!! 2 x 72℃ 30 s was changed to 1 x 72℃ 1 min. The PCR worked just fine but we need to monitor the PCR in the future if there are some problems again.
Electrophoresis for the mScarlets PCR products
Agarose gel from yesterday was taken out of the fridge and used in gel electrophoresis.
Samples: 25 µl of each PCR product was mixed with 5 µl of Purple Dye and injected to the wells. Also 7 µl of ladder was injected to two wells. 100 V was used to run the gel for 42 minutes first and then 15 minutes to be sure.
Below is the picture of the gel electrophoresis after 42 min of running.
Gel analysis did show that there is no visible difference between the PCR products (annealing temperature on the left 62℃ and on the right 72℃) so all of the samples were taken to the next step.
Gel extraction
Gel extraction was made using Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit protocol from NEB. Wanted DNA fragments were excised out from the gel with sterile knife (remember to use flame and paper to clean the knife) and transferred to 1.5 ml microfuge tubes and weighted (empty microfuge tube to tare):
pEA5001 62°C --> 200 mg --> 800 µl gel dissolving buffer
pEA5002 62°C --> 160 mg --> 640 µl gel dissolving buffer
pEA5001 72°C --> 150 mg --> 600 µl gel dissolving buffer
pEA5002 72°C --> 170 mg --> 680 µl gel dissolving buffer
concentrations of the samples, biodrop ng/µl:
pEA5001 62°C : 58.54 ng/µl
pEA5002 62°C : 35.75 ng/µl
pEA5001 72°C : 56.16 ng/µl
pEA5002 72°C : 44.77 ng/µl
--> put in the freezer.
Three glycerolpreps were made: HD5α pET 15b-lacZ, HD5α pEA 5001 and HD5α pEA 5002
--> 875 µl of each sample was mixed with 125 µl glycerol and stored in the freezer -80°C.
pJUMP sfGFP transformation (acceptor plasmid backbone)
Transformation was made using the heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
5 µl DNA (pJUMP sfGFP plasmids) on the cells. Cells were incubated on ice for half an hour, then heat shock 45 s 42℃ and kept 4 min on ice. 500 µl of LB was added and incubated for 1 hour at 37℃. With 200 rpm shaking. We used kanamycin as antibiotics. We plated 100 µl on LBA plate and 400 µl cell culture on another LBA plate.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
In this week’s team meeting, we discussed, among other things, organizing a crowdfunding campaign and Aalto-Helsinki’s upcoming visit to Turku. We also wrapped up our current collaborations with different teams and pondered their effects on our project.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Agarose gel and electrophoresis for RNA
Gel electrophoresis for ZikaV Trigger RNA pure. Before gel electrophoresis the RNA concentration was measured with biodrop (148.5 ng/µl).
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.72 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Sample: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA sample = 30 µl. Also 7 µl of ladder was loaded.
100 V was used to run the gel for 10 minutes. Then the voltage was raised by ten after every ten minutes. 110 V after 10 min, 120 V after 20 min, 130 V after 30 min, 140 V after 40 min, 150 V after 50 min. The gel was run for 70 minutes.
--> The gel run failed, next time incubation after formamide needs to be performed before loading the sample to the well.
13 x LBA+KAN50 plates
Approximately 250 ml of melted LBA was into a flask. 250 µl of kanamycin (stock concentration 50 mg/ml) was added. Mixed. Poured onto 13 plates. LBA might have been too hot when the antibiotic was applied.
Plasmid extraction for the remaining cultures of mScarlet, mScarlet-I and LacZ.
Plasmid extraction was done following the instructions of the kit (NEB Monarch Plasmid miniprep). In the first step the culture tubes were centrifuged in 3000 x g for 5 min. In the last step plasmids were eluted to 50 µl of the elution buffer.
The concentrations of the plasmids were: pET-15b 209.8 ng/µl; pEA5001 81.47 ng/µl; pEA5002 80.62 ng/µl.
PCR reactions for LacZ, mScarlet and mScarlet-I
3 reactions were made of each sequence (3x LacZ, 3x mScarlet, 3x mScarlet-I); in total 9 reactions + 2 controls with MQ H2O. One of the H2O controls was made using lacZ primers and the other one with mScarlet primers. Assembled as follows:
1.25 µl | forward primer | LacZ f or mScarlet f (same for both mScarlets) |
1.25 µl | reverse primer | LacZ r or mScarlet r (same for both mScarlets) |
1.25 µl | DNA | pET-15b-lacZ for lacZ, pEA5001 for mScarlet, pEA5002 for mScarlet-I, MQ H2O for controls |
12.5 µl | Q5 HighFidelity 2x MasterMix | |
9.0 µl | MQ H2O |
The amount of DNA was 25 µl more than the initial amount, because of a mistake in pipetting. This shouldn’t affect the reaction too much, it might slightly increase the amount of the product.
The PCR was run with the following protocol:
98°C | 30 s | |
98°C | 10 s | This step was cycled 40x |
72°C | 1 min | This step was cycled 40x |
72°C | 2 min | |
4°C | ∞ |
Gel electrophoresis for lacZ, mScarlet and mScarlet-i PCR products
25 µl of each PCR product was mixed with 5 µl of 6 X Purple Dye and injected to the wells. Notion: the volume of PCR products seemed to differ from each other, which might affect the results. 7 µl of both ladders were injected into two separate wells. The gel was run at 100 V for 35 min.
Gel extraction for lacZ, mScarlet and mScarlet-I
Despite the apparent problems with the PCR, the products were extracted with NEB Monarch DNA Gel extraction kit. The products from the three parallel PCR reactions of each sequence were combined to reduce the amount of the reagents used. LacZ tube 1 and lacZ tube 2 were combined into one lacZ tube (the third was ignored because it didn't produce the correct product); mScarlet 1, 2 and 3 were combined to one mScarlet tube and mScarlet-I 1, 2 and 3 were combined to one mScarlet-I tube.
The weights of the gel pieces in the final tubes: lacZ 80 mg → 320 µl buffer; mScarlet 200 mg → 800 µl buffer; mScarlet-I 220 mg → 880 µl buffer. The samples were eluted to 20 µl in the final step.
The concentrations were:
lacZ 20.60 ng/µl
mScarlet 104.0 ng/µl
mScarlet-I 83.51 ng/µl
Cell-free reaction 1 for ZikaV
A Mastermix was prepared using the excel sheet to calculate the amounts to pipette for 90 µl mastermix. Sonication 2/41 was used as the extract. The pipetted amounts are here:
Water | 11.36 µl |
Amino Acid mix | 18 µl |
HMP | 1.8 µl |
K-G | 1.44 µl |
Mg-G | 1.33 µl |
ONPG | 7.5 µl |
PEG | 4.5 µl |
Cell extract | 32.9 µl |
Mastermix was created in tube 1. From the mastermix, 19.5 µl was transferred to tube 3 (water control) and 0.5 µl of water was added to complete the sample.
0.33 µl of Zika-S plasmid was added to tube 1. 34.1 µl of this mixture was transferred to tube 2 (negative sample). The sample was completed with 0.57 µl of water.
0,57 µl of Zika-T plasmid was added to tube 1 (positive sample)
From tube 3, one 5 µl and one 10 µl sample was loaded to a clear V-bottom 96 well-plate. From tubes 1 and 2, two 20 µl and two 10 µl samples were loaded into the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
The reaction was incubated at 29℃ for 2 hrs. And additional 1 hour at RT in the beginning, we did not program the reader correctly. Absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Jesper
Agarose gel and electrophoresis
Second gel electrophoresis for ZikaV Trigger RNA pure.
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.72 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Sample 1: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye with SDS, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA
Sample 2: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye without SDS, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA
sample = 30 µl. Also 7 µl of ladder was loaded.
Before loading the samples to the wells samples were incubated for 5 min at 65°C and left on ice for 5 min.
100 V was used to run the gel for 10 minutes. Then the voltage was raised by ten after every ten minutes. 110 V after 10 min, 120 V after 20 min, 130 V after 30 min, 140 V after 40 min, 150 V after 50 min and 160 V after 60 min. The gel was run for 70 min.
--> Gel run still did not work.
Level one acceptor plasmid pOdd-1 transformation
Transformation was made using the heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
5 µl DNA (pOdd-1 plasmids) on the cells. Cells were incubated on ice for almost 50 min, then heat shock 45 s 42℃ and kept 3 min on ice. 500 µl of LB was added and incubated for 1 hour at 37℃ with 200 rpm shaking. We plated 100 µl on LBA plate and 500 µl cell culture on another LBA plate. We used kanamycin as antibiotics.
Present: Kristiina, Jonna
Tried to prepare 10X PBS, but it didn't work.
The pOdd-1 plates were collected from the incubator at 12:30. They didn't seem too bad even though they were incubated too long and were likely overgrown.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Kevät
Recipe: 100 ml of 10X PBS, 8 g NaCl, 0.2 g KCl, 1.44 g Na 2 HPO 4 , 0.24 g KH 2 PO 4 -> to 100 ml MQ H 2 O
The salts were added to 80 ml of MQ water one at a time while stirring with a magnetic stirrer. Then the pH was adjusted to 7.2 with NaOH and the rest of the water was added using a volumetric flask. Then the buffer was filtered it with .2 µm filter to two 50 ml falcons and stored in +4℃.
Prepared 100 µl of 1X PBS by diluting the 10X buffer and then used the 1X PBS for the ONPG solution.
Competent DH5α cells
Cold DH5α cells were inoculated in 5 ml of LB medium in two separate tubes. Grown overnight at 220 rpm at 37℃.
Cell free reaction for ZikaV with sonication cell extract
A mastermix was prepared in tube 1. Everything was pipetted according to the table below in that order. Sonication 2/41 was used as the extract.
Reagents for mastermix:
Water | 11.36 µl |
Amino acid mix | 18 µl |
HMP | 1.8 µl |
K-G | 1.44 µl |
Mg-G | 1.33 µl |
ONPG | 7.5 µl |
Cell extract | 32.9 µl |
PEG | 4.5 µl |
Mix was created in tube 1. From the mix, 19.5 µl was transferred to tube 3 (water control) and 0.5 µl of water was added to complete the sample.
0.33 µl of Zika-Sensor plasmid was added to tube 1. 34.1 µl of this mixture was transferred to tube 2 (negative sample). The sample was completed with 0.57 µl of water.
0.57 µl of Zika-Trigger RNA was added to tube 1 (positive sample).
From tube 3, one 5 µl and one 10 µl sample was loaded to a clear V-bottom 96 well-plate. From tubes 1 and 2, two 5 µl and two 10 µl samples were loaded into the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
3 5 µl | 2 5 µl | 2 5 µl | 1 5 µl | 1 5 µl | |||||||
3 10 µl | 2 10 µl | 2 10 µl | 1 10 µl | 1 10 µl | |||||||
The reaction was incubated at 29℃ for 3 hrs. Absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Iida, Juuli, Minttu
We planned our wiki layout and design.
Present: Iida, Juuli, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
The promotion video planning was continued and some responsibilities regarding it were shared. We also designed a few options for the CropFold project logo.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Some of our growing cells were transferred to new plates.
Competent DH5α cells
About 800 µl from the O/N culture was inoculated into 160 ml of LB. Unfortunately, the competent cells failed because we contaminated the new culture accidentally twice when measuring the OD. Two new cultures were made of the O/N culture by inoculating 20 µl of the old O/N culture into 5 ml of LB. Grown overnight.
Our old DH5a plate had gone bad, so we moved the transformation to tomorrow. We should do a new one tomorrow (12.7.) and always keep two plates of them in the fridge so that if something happens to one of them, we'd have a backup.
lacZ PCR amplification from plasmid
Following 4 X MasterMix was prepared:
Volume (Vtot = 100 µl) | Reagent | Concentration |
5 µl |
lacZ F primer |
0,5 µM |
5 µl |
lacZ R primer |
0,5 µM |
4 µl |
pET-15 lacZ Plasmid DNA |
8,392 ng |
50 µl |
Q5 High-Fidelity 2 X MasterMix |
1 X |
36 µl |
MQ-Water |
- |
Following PCR cycle was run 40 cycles:
Initial Denaturation | 98 ℃ | 30 s |
1) Denaturation |
98 ℃ |
10 s |
2) Annealing |
68 ℃ |
30 s |
3) Extension |
72 ℃ |
30 s |
Final Extension |
72 ℃ |
30 s |
Hold |
4 ℃ |
∞ |
Steps 1)-3) repeated 40 X. Stored at -20 ℃.
OBS! There were problems again with the PCR programme stopping. This time it said something about the lids being wrong.
The needed amounts of reagents were calculated in our sheet, using 50 µl as the final volume. Sonication 2/41 and autolysis 1 batches were used as the extract in the samples. To tubes numbered 1 (samples), we pipetted the following amounts:
Reagent | Sonication 2/41 (µl) | Autolysis 1 (µl) |
Water |
10.18 |
3.8 |
Amino acid mix |
10 |
10 |
1 |
1 |
K-G |
0.8 |
0.8 |
Mg-G |
0.74 |
0.74 |
Energy mix |
5 |
5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
0.25 |
0.25 |
Extract |
18.3 |
24.7 |
After pipetting, 24.4 µl of this mastermix was transferred to tubes labeled 2 (water control), followed by 0.6 µl of water. 0.6 µl of pEAS002 (78.4 ng/µl) was added to the samples.
After that, two 10 µl samples from each tube were pipetted to a flat-bottom. black 96-well plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Sonic. water |
Sonic. water |
Sonic. sample |
Sonic. sample |
Autol. water |
Autol. water |
Autol. sample |
Autol. sample |
The reaction was incubated for 3 hrs in 29℃ and the fluorescence (569/593 nm) was measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sofia
We decided our competition track and discussed Grand Jamboree fees and how we are going to be able to pay them. Other than that, we had long discussions on our collaborations with other teams as well as each person’s responsibilities regarding medal criteria and wiki texts. In addition, we voted for our project logo.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper, Sofia
Cell-free reaction testing different Potassium Glutamate concentrations
Using the mastermix calculator, the following mastermix was created into tube labeled 56, using sonication 2/41 batch as the extract. Pipetted as follows:
Water | 38.7 µl |
AA |
38 µl |
3.8 µl |
Mg-G |
2.8 µl |
Energy mix |
19 µl |
9.5 µl |
0.95 µl |
Extract |
69.5 µl |
11.5 µl of the mastermix was transferred to tube labelled 0 (water control). 0.5 µl of water was added to complete the control.
4.4 µl of pEAS002 plasmid was added to tube 56.
The mastermix was aliquotted by 21.89 µl to tubes 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 56.
The following amounts of K-G and water were added to each tube:
Tube | K-G | Water |
6 |
0.35 M 0.386 µl |
0.22 µl |
8 |
0.35 M 0.514 µl |
0.1 µl |
10 |
0.35 M 0.643 µl |
0 µl |
15 |
1 M 0.338 µl |
0.268 µl |
20 |
1 M 0.5 µl |
0.106 µl |
30 |
1.75 M 0.386 µl |
0.22 µl |
56 |
3.5 M 0.246 µl |
0.246 µl |
10 µl of water sample and 2 x 10 µl of the samples were loaded onto a black flat-bottom 96 well-plate. The reaction was run at 29 ℃ for 3 hrs. The fluorescence at 569/593 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
No signal was detected from the reaction, likely due to not vortexing the samples.
Glycerol prep of E. coli pOdd-1
0.875 µl of E. coli pOdd-1 was added into a microcentrifuge tube and 0.125 µl of 80 % glycerol was added. Mixed with a pipette. Stored at -80℃.
Plasmid pOdd-1 extraction
Plasmids were extracted from two cultures, the one was pink as it should but the other one wasn't. Plasmid extraction was done using NEB Monarch Plasmid miniprep following the manufacturer’s protocol. In the first step the culture tubes were centrifuged in 3000 x g for 5 min. In the last step plasmids were eluted to 50 µl of the elution buffer.
The DNA concentrations were measured with BioDrop. The pink culture concentration was 73.92 ng/µl and the other one was 64.88 ng/µl.
Competent DH5α cells
From the O/N culture, 0.1 - 0.5% was inoculated into 160ml of LB and grew the cells to OD600= ~0.4-0.5. During the procedure the cells were kept on ice as much as possible. Incubated the culture at 4℃ for 30 minutes. Centrifuged at 5000rpm – 5 mins at 4℃ in 4 x 50 ml Falcon tubes. The centrifuge was maintained at 4℃. The supernatant was discarded. The cells were resuspended in each tube in 20 ml of ice-cold sterile 0.1 M MgCl2 and incubated in ice for 15 mins. The cells were centrifuged at 5000 rpm 4℃ for 5 mins. The supernatant was discarded and resuspended the cells in 25 ml of ice-cold sterile 0.1 M CaCl2 and incubated in ice for 15 mins. The cells were centrifuged (5000 rpm - 5mins - 4℃) and the supernatant was discarded. The cells were resuspended in each tube in 1ml of ice-cold sterile 0.1 M CaCl2 supplemented with 15-20% glycerol and aliquoted 100 µl into each 1.5 ml tube. Stored immediately at -80℃.
Zika-T RNA production
To a 200 µl PCR tube, the following reagents were added in the following order. 1.5 µl 10 X RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl each of the NTPs: ATP (100 mM), GTP (100 mM), CTP (100 mM), UTP (100 mM); 1 µg, 11 µl, Zika V trigger DNA (87.24 ng/µl), 1,5 µl T7 RNAP. The final volume was 20 µl. Reaction was incubated in a 37℃ water bath for 5 hrs and the reaction tube was stored at +4℃.
Present: Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Jonna, Anni, Jesper, Sofia
The main theme of this meeting was troubleshooting, but we also discussed the progress done in different sectors of the wet lab as well as planned our troubleshooting collaboration with Aalto-Helsinki.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper, Sofia
Testing the cell-free system with 2/41 sonication batch and variable Potassium Glutamate concentrations
Using the master mix calculator (excluding the water from the calculator), the following master mix was created taking care to vortex each stock and the master mix after each addition. The extract was not vortexed, and neither was the master mix after adding extract. Sonication 2/41 batch was used as the extract. Pipetted as follows:
AA | 38 µl |
3.8 µl |
Mg-G |
2.8 µl |
Energy mix |
19 µl |
9.5 µl |
0.95 µl |
Extract |
69.5 µl |
10.68 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tube labelled 0 (water control). 1.32 μl of water was added.
17.36 μl if the mastermix was aliquotted to tubes 4, 6, 8 10, 15, 20, 30 and 56. Then they were filled to 22.25 μl with the following amounts of water and Potassium Glutamate:
Tube | K-G | Water (μl) |
4 |
0.175 M 0.514 μl |
3.45 |
6 |
0.175 M 0.771 μl |
3.2 |
8 |
0.175 M 1.03 μl |
2.94 |
10 |
0.175 M 1.286 μl |
2.681 |
15 |
0.35 M 0.964 μl |
3.0 |
20 |
0.35 M 1.43 μl |
2.54 |
30 |
0.35 M 1.93 μl |
2.04 |
56 |
0.35 M 3.6 μl |
0.367 |
10 μl samples from each tube were loaded onto a black flat-bottom 96-well plate as follows (the numbers represent the tube labels / K-G concentration in mM):
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
0 |
4 |
6 |
8 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
30 |
56 |
4 |
6 |
8 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
30 |
56 |
The reaction was incubated at 37℃ for 3 hrs. The fluorescence intensity at 569/593 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
No signal was detected.
14.07.2022 Transformations for DH5α competent cells
Transformations were made using Heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells. Competent DH5α cells were made 13.7.
5 µl DNA was added on the cells (B 46 -> 3 µl). 4 transformation rounds (3 at a time altogether 12 transformations)
round 1 DNA: T 7 term, T7 max, T7prom
round 2 DNA: Tr 3, A 95, B 69
round 3 DNA: B 46, A 92, Tr 2
round 4 DNA: B 39, Tr 1, A 70
picture 220714 plates
Gel electrophoresis for lacZ fragments
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto a gel tray. 6 µl of Gel Loading Dye 6X was added to the sample (sample volume 25 µl). 7 µl of 1 kb Quick-Load DNA Plus Ladder Purple was loaded onto the gel. All of the sample was loaded onto the gel. Gel was run at 100 V for 35 mins.
14.07.2022 ZikaV trigger RNA purification attempt
RNA was attempted to purify with Monarch total RNA miniprep kit. 2 volumes (20 µl) of RNA lysis buffer was added to the 20 µl reaction and mixed with pipette. 60 µl RNA wash buffer (mistake) was added and mixed with pipette. The mixture was transferred to an RNA purification column and spinned for 30 seconds, the flow-through was discarded. 500 µl of RNA Priming Buffer was added and spinned for 30 seconds. Then the mistake was noticed, so the purification was not continued.
Zika V trigger RNA synthesis
Two reactions were made. To the reaction tubes, the reagents were added in the following order: 1.5 µl 10 X RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl each of the NTPs: ATP (100 mM), GTP (100 mM), CTP (100 mM), UTP (100 mM); 1 ug, 11 µl, Zika V trigger DNA (87.24 ng/µl), 1.5 µl T7 RNAP. 20 µl reaction. After final addition, mixed with pipette. The reactions were incubated at 37℃.
Zika-T RNA purification
Both ZikaV-T RNA tubes were purified using Monarch total RNA miniprep kit (according to our protocol). Concentrations for tubes (measured with nanodrop) were 160 ng/µl and 423.5 ng/µl. Stored in -20℃.
Present: Jonna, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper, Sofia
Golden gate minipreps
12 Golden gate minipreps (DH5a + T7 term, T7 max, T7prom, Tr 3, A 95, B 69, B 46, A 92, Tr 2, B 39, Tr 1, A 70) were made 5ml + kanamycin, overnight 37℃ in shaker.
15.07.2022 RNA gel electrophoresis
Agarose gel was made. 60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Loaded and run.
Present: Anni, Kevät
Glycerol preps
Glycerol preps were made using 875 µl of each sample and 125 µl glycerol.
samples: DH5a + T7 term, T7 max, T7prom, Tr 3, A 95, B 69, B 46, A 92, Tr 2, B 39, Tr 1, A 70
stored in -80℃.
Present: Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Malin, Nelli, Otto
We planned our educational material further and shared responsibilities regarding it.
Present: Jonna, Anni, Kevät
Plasmid minipreps
Plasmid minipreps were prepared from the cultures stored in the fridge on Saturday, with Monarch Miniprep Kit (according to manufacturer's protocol). In the last step, the elution was done in 21 µl water. Stored in -20℃, in the GoldenGate box.
Concentrations: shown in the image below.
Golden Gate Assembly of the triggers and the toeholds
A total of 9 reactions were made. Tubes 1-3 contained pODD1 plasmid, T7 promoter and a trigger, and tubes 4-9 contained pODD1, T7 promoter, a toehold switch, LacZ and terminator, according to the tables below. The concentrations needed are calculated below.
A | B | C | D |
pODD1 (µl) |
T7 promoter |
Buffer |
Enzyme |
H2O |
1 |
0.31 |
TR1 |
0.17 |
2 |
1 |
15.52 |
1 |
0.31 |
TR2 |
0.22 |
2 |
1 |
15.47 |
1 |
0.31 |
TR3 |
0.27 |
2 |
1 |
15.42 |
pODD1 (µl) | T7 promoter | Toehold | LacZ | Terminator | Buffer | Enzyme | H2O | |
1 |
0.31 |
A92 |
0.29 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.72 |
1 |
0.31 |
B69 |
0.27 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.74 |
1 |
0.31 |
B46 |
0.31 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.70 |
1 |
0.31 |
A95 |
0.24 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.77 |
1 |
0.31 |
B39 |
0.30 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.71 |
1 |
0.31 |
A70 |
0.29 |
0.36 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.72 |
Golden gate reaction protocol (according to instructions on NEB site): (1 min 37℃, 1 min 16℃) X 30, 5 min 60℃, keep on 4℃ for infinity.
Stored at -20℃.
Growth cultures BL21 Gold deLac and BL21 pET15 lacZ
A streak of BL21 Gold deLac freeze stock was inoculated in 5 ml of YT + 5 µl tetracycline (stock concentration 10 mg/ml). A streak of BL21 pET15 lacZ containing plate was inoculated in 5 ml of YT + 5 µl ampicillin (stock concentration 100 mg/ml). Kept overnight in a shaker at 37℃.
Present: Juuli, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
We filmed the majority of the material for our promotion video.
Present: Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Sofia
Preparing 0,1 M MgCl2
4.062 g of MgCl2 x H2O was diluted into ~ 100 ml of MQ water. Filled up to 200 ml of MQ water. Autoclaved.
Growth/starter culture BL21 Gold deLac
A streak of BL21 Gold deLac freeze stock was inoculated in 5 ml of YT + 5 µl tetracycline (stock concentration 10 mg/ml) same as yesterday. Kept overnight in a shaker at 37℃.
Transformation for Golden Gate assembled plasmids (3+6)
Transformations were made using the Heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli
Besides other updates, we discussed recent fundraising activities and possible ways to improve our financial situation. In addition, we planned upcoming events such as Aalto-Helsinki’s visit to Turku and our visit to Linköping for the Nordic iGEM Conference.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Sofia
BL21 Gold deLac Competent cells
Competent cells were made using protocol for competent cells. 60 ml production culture was made instead of 100 ml (we made half of what the protocol said). When OD600 were 0.4-0.5 the cultures were divided into falcon tubes. 2 falcons, each 25 ml of the culture. Stored at -80℃.
RNA gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis for ZikaV Trigger RNA.
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 50 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 5 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Sample 1: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (160 ng/µl)
Sample 2: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (423.5 ng/µl)
sample = 30 µl.
Also 7 µl of 1 kb ladder and 7 µl 100 bp ladder was loaded.
Before loading the samples to the wells, samples were incubated for 50 min at 60°C and left on ice for about 5 min.
100 V was used to run the gel for 10 minutes. Then the voltage was raised by ten after every ten minutes. 110 V after 10 min, 120 V after 20 min, 130 V after 30 min, 140 V after 40 min, 150 V after 50 min and 160 V after 60 min. The gel was run for 70 min.
Gel run failed again :)
Zika V trigger overnight miniprep
5 ml LB, 5 µl amp 100 and Zika V trigger from plate. Grown overnight in shaker 37℃.
BL21 pET15 lacZ growth culture for the measurement test
A streak of a plate containing BL21 pET15 lacZ was inoculated in 5 ml of 2 x YT and 5 µl of ampicillin. Grown overnight at ~ 200 rpm at 37°C. Stored in the refrigerator for ~ 5 hours before induction.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
RNA gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis for ZikaV Trigger RNA.
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 50 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 5 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Sample 1: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (160 ng/µl)
Sample 2: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (423.5 ng/µl)
sample = 30 µl.
Also 7 µl of 1 kb ladder and 7 µl 100 bp ladder was loaded.
Before loading the samples to the wells samples were incubated for 50 min at 60°C and left on ice for about 5 min.
100 V was used to run the gel for 10 minutes. Then the voltage was raised by ten volts after every ten minutes. 110 V after 10 min, 120 V after 20 min, 130 V after 30 min, 140 V after 40 min, 150 V after 50 min. The gel was run for 60 min.
Gel run failed.
Plasmid extraction Zika V trigger
Plasmids were purified using the NEB plasmid miniprep kit. The first centrifuge step was done as follows: 5 mins, 3000 rcf. The plasmids were elued to 50 µl elution buffer.
The concentrations of the DNA in the samples were determined by using BioDrop. Concentration 117.0 ng/µl, A260/A230=1.158, A260/A280=1.857. Stored in the freezer.
IPTG induction for BL21 pET15 lacZ
100 µl of BL21 pET15 lacZ cell culture was inoculated in 10 ml of 2 x YT + 10 µl ampicillin in Erlenmeyer. Grown until OD600 was about 0.52. The total volume of the culture was 7 ml after taking 3 ml for measuring OD. 0.35 µl of IPTG (stock concentration 0.2 M) was added into the culture. IPTG concentration was 1 mM in the culture. Grown at room temperature overnight.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper, Sofia
Measurement test with IPTG induced cells
7 ml of E. coli BL21 DE3 pET15b-LacZ cells from overnight induction were supplemented with 63.25 μl of 10 mg/ml ONPG in DMSO.
10, 20, 40 and 60 μl samples were loaded onto a clear, V-bottom 96-well plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
10 |
10 |
20 |
20 |
40 |
40 |
60 |
60 |
10 |
10 |
20 |
20 |
40 |
40 |
60 |
60 |
Reactions were incubated without agitation at 29℃ for 3 hrs and absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
22.07.2022 Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp.
Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp. and mScarlet-I (pEAS002) were made using the Heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
The transformation was made using 50 µl of competent BL21-Gold-dLac cells. 10 µl DNA was added to the cells.
Zika V trigger plasmid linearisation
4 50 µl reactions were made. To the tubes were pipetted the following reagents: 35.4 µl autoclaved MQ-water, 8.6 µl Zika V trigger plasmid DNA (1 µg, 117.0 ng/µl), 5 µl NEBuffer 3, 1 µl Pst1 restriction enzyme. The reactions were incubated at 37℃ for 15 min.
Zika V trigger DNA purification
Linearised plasmid were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 12 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
1 |
27.18 |
1.582 |
1.790 |
2 |
31.85 |
1.784 |
1.890 |
3 |
36.10 |
1.890 |
1.890 |
4 |
32.87 |
1.742 |
1.839 |
Zika V trigger RNA synthesis
2 RNA synthesis reactions were made. Samples 1 and 2 were combined (20 µl, total 590, 3 ng DNA) and samples 3 and 4 were combined (20 µl, total 689.7 ng DNA). The reagents were pipetted in the tubes in following order: 2 µl of RNAP reaction buffer; 2 µl of each of the NTPs; 20 µl of linearised DNA; 2 µl of T7 RNAP. (32 µl total) The reactions were incubated at 37℃ for 8 hours. The tubes were stored at -20℃.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
O/N cultures of Toeholds A92, A95, A70, B39, B46, B69 and Triggers 1, 2, 3 and pOdd1
5 ml LB overnight cultures of Toeholds A92, A95, A70, B39, B46, B69 and Triggers 1, 2, 3 were made with KAN50. Two 5 ml LB O/N cultures of pOdd1 were made with KAN50.
Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp.
Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp. and mScarlet-I (pEAS002) were made again using the Heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
The transformation was made using 50 µl of competent BL21-Gold-dLac cells. 10 µl DNA was added to the cells. Cells were plated on a double antibiotic (kanamycin and tetracycline) plate.
Linear plasmid was used by accident and the tubes were discarded.
Starter culture for LacZ purification
Single colony from the LBA plate containing BL21 Gold-dLac pET15b-LacZ was inoculated into 5 ml LB + 100 μg/ml ampicillin in a culture tube. Culture was incubated in 37℃, 220 rpm for 16 hours.
25.07.2022 Zika-T RNA purification
Both ZikaV-T RNA tubes were purified using Monarch total RNA miniprep kit (according to our protocol). Concentrations for tubes (measured with nanodrop) were 209.7 ng/µl and 257.9 ng/µl. Stored in -20℃.
RNA gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis for ZikaV Trigger RNA.
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 50 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0,60 g agarose. 5 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Sample 1: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (160 ng/µl)
Sample 2: 18 µl formamide, 5 µl loading dye, 7 µl Zika V trigger RNA (423.5 ng/µl)
sample = 30 µl.
Also 7 µl of 1 kb ladder and 7 µl 100 bp ladder was loaded.
Before loading the samples to the wells, samples were incubated for 50 min at 60°C and left on ice for about 5 min.
100 V was used to run the gel for 20 minutes. Then the voltage was raised to 120 V for 30 min.
Present: Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper, Sofia
Cell-free reaction with pET15b-LacZ
Using the master mix calculator with 230 μl as the final volume, the following mastermix was created into tube 1 (positive sample):
Reagent | Volume (μl) |
Water |
40.57 |
Amino acid mix |
46 |
4.6 |
K-Glut |
3.68 |
Mg-Glut |
3.4 |
Energy mix |
23 |
11.5 |
1.15 |
2.07 |
Extract |
84.14 |
28.71 μl of the master mix was transferred to tube 2 along with 1.28 μl of water.
8.58 μl of pET15b-LacZ DNA (62.66 ng/μl) was added to tube 1.
A 30 μl sample from tube 2 (water control) and 2 x 20 μl, 2 x 30 μl and 2 x 40 μl samples from tube 1 were transferred to a clear v-bottom 96 well-plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Water |
20 |
30 |
40 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
The reactions were incubated at 29℃ for 3 hrs and absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Glycerol preps
Glycerol preps were made using 875 µl of each sample and 125 µl glycerol.
samples: DH5α + pOdd1 + Tr 1 or Tr 2 or Tr 3, or A 95 or B 69 or B 46 or A 92 or B 39 or A 70
--> stored in -80℃
Plasmid extractions Toeholds A92, A95, A70, B39, B46, B69 and Triggers 1, 2, 3
Extraction was made using the NEB Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit, according to the manufacturer's protocol. First spin was done in 3000 x g 5 min. Concentrations measured with BioDrop:
Sample | Concentration ng/µl | A260/280 | A260/A230 |
A92 |
166.7 |
1.880 |
1.992 |
A95 |
141.7 |
1.872 |
1.976 |
A70 |
132.9 |
1.874 |
1.874 |
B39 |
133.4 |
1.895 |
1.895 |
B46 |
135.9 |
1.864 |
1.864 |
B69 |
141.5 |
1.899 |
1.952 |
T1 |
27.71 |
1.884 |
0.847 |
T2 |
31.79 |
2.014 |
1.032 |
T3 |
26.70 |
Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp
THIRD TIME :) Transformation for BL21-Gold-dLac comp. and mScarlet-I (pEAS002) were made again using the Heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells.
The transformations were made using 50 µl of competent BL21-Gold-dLac cells. 10 µl DNA was added to the cells.
--> Plated on a double antibiotic (kanamycin and tetracycline) plate.
Tris A buffer, 200ml, pH 7.5
20 mM Tris-HCl = 4 ml 1M Tris-HCl stock
150 mM NaCl = 1.753 g
20 mM imidazole = 0.272 g
to 200 ml MQ H2O
pH was adjusted to 7.5 with HCl. Stored in 4℃.
Phosphate buffer 0.08 M 100 ml, pH 7,7
KH2PO4 0.369 g
K2HPO4 0.921 g
pH was adjusted to 7.7 with KOH. Stored in 4℃.
10 mg/ml ONPG in DMSO
10.6 mg ONPG
1060 ml DMSO
Stored in -20℃.
10.58 µl 10 mg/ml ONPG in DMSO
89.42 µl 1X PBS
O/N cultures of Trigger 1, 2, 3
5 ml overnight cultures of DH5ɑ pOdd1 Trigger 1, 2, 3 in LB with KAN50.
Production culture for LacZ purification
4 ml of overnight culture was added to 200 ml of 2xYT with about 70 μg/ml ampicillin. When OD600 reached 0.613, 1 ml of 0.2 M IPTG was added and incubation was continued at 220 rpm, 23℃ for 3 hrs.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Juuli, Malin, Nelli, Otto, Sofia
We updated each other about recent things as well as discussed our collaborations, Grand Jamboree, and Integrated Human Practices activities.
Pellet suspension was thawed on ice and then sonicated for 4x30 s. Suspension was centrifuged at 48 000 g, 4℃ for 30 min.
Protein was purified according to the following protocol:
1 ml of Ni2+ sepharose fast flow was pipetted into a filter tube
Ethanol was washed away with 4 ml of water
The column was balanced with 4 ml of Tris A buffer
The supernatant was filtered through column
Column was washed with 4 ml of Tris A buffer
5 fractions were collected, each with 1 ml of Tris B buffer pipetted into the column
FInally the Ni2+ was collected with 10 ml of water
Purification was unsuccessful, as we got very little protein.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Sofia
Restriction analysis of toehold plasmids & linearisation of trigger plasmids
51 µl reactions digestion reactions for each of the toehold (EcoRI-HF) and trigger (PstI-HF) plasmids were composed of the following reagents:
Plasmid | Volume to get 1 μg of plasmid (µl) | rCutSmart Buffer (µl) | Restriction enzyme (µl) | Water (µl) |
A70 |
7.5 |
5 |
1 |
37.5 |
A92 |
6 |
5 |
1 |
39 |
A95 |
7.1 |
5 |
1 |
37.1 |
B39 |
7.5 |
5 |
1 |
37.5 |
B46 |
7.4 |
5 |
1 |
37.6 |
B69 |
7.1 |
5 |
1 |
37.9 |
Trigger 1 |
7.7 |
5 |
1 |
37.3 |
Trigger 2 |
4.5 |
5 |
1 |
40.5 |
Trigger 3 |
4.8 |
5 |
1 |
40.2 |
Normally the reaction volume is not 51 µl, but the volume of the enzyme was forgotten about the calculations.
The reaction was incubated was 37℃ for 4 hours, followed by 20 minutes at 80℃.
Purification of linearised toehold and trigger plasmids.
Purifications were made using Monarch PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit.
After purification the triggers DNA concentrations were measured with BioDrop:
Trigger 1: 0.125 μg/ul
Trigger 2: 0.105 μg/ul
Trigger 3: 0.103 μg/ul
After measure there were left 5 µl each trigger sample.
RNA synthesis of triggers
RNA synthesis of triggers 1, 2 and 3 were made using the RNA production protocol.
Because the concentration of the each DNA were too low, all of the DNA were used in the synthesis reaction and the reaction volumes were reduced to 15 µl.
Was left to incubate at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Sofia
Gel electrophoresis for toehold plasmids
10 µl of 6X Purple loading dye was added to digested 51 µl samples. 20 µl of these samples were loaded to the gel, and electrophoresis was run at 100 V for 40 minutes.
Samples were pipetted to the gel in the following order:
Ladder | Ladder | A70 | A92 | A95 | Ladder | B39 | B46 | B69 |
There should be two bands, 2.4 kb and 3.2 kb. Those bands cannot be seen on the gel, the plasmid is most likely undigested.
Restriction analysis of toehold plasmids again
Since last time the plasmids didn't digest properly, this time more enzyme is added
20 µl reactions as follows:
Plasmid | Volume to get 1 μg of plasmid (µl) | rCutSmart Buffer (µl) | Restriction enzyme (µl) | Water (µl) |
A70 |
7.5 |
2 |
1 |
9.5 |
A92 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
11 |
A95 |
7.1 |
2 |
1 |
9.9 |
B39 |
7.5 |
2 |
1 |
9.5 |
B46 |
7.4 |
2 |
1 |
9.6 |
B69 |
7.1 |
2 |
1 |
9.9 |
pos. control |
15 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
neg. control |
6 |
2 |
0 |
12 |
pos control: pET-15b lacZ
Negative control: A92 toehold, no enzyme.
Incubation in 37℃
RNA purification of the triggers 1, 2 and 3
RNA purification to the triggers were made using RNA production protocol.
After purification the concentrations of the triggers RNA were measured with biodrop:
Trigger 1: 416.1 ng/μl
Trigger 2: 673.5 ng/μl
Trigger 3: 385.6 ng/μl
Stored in the freezer (-20℃).
Present: Jesper
A single colony of BL21 pET15b-LacZ was inoculated into a culture tube containing 5 ml of 2xYT + ampicillin at 100 μg/ml.
A single colony of BL21 Gold-dLac pEAS002 was inoculated into a culture tube containing 5 ml of 2xYT + tetracycline at 10 μg/ml and kanamycin at 50 μg/ml.
Cultures were incubated at 37°C, 220 rpm for 12 hrs.
Present: Kevät, Jesper
Cell-free reaction test with mScarlet-I
This time, we have a couple of modifications. We changed the amount of cell extract so the final concentration is 10 mg/ml (before was 15 mg/ml) of protein. We also changed the plate (black PCR plate with clear wells) and we are testing bigger concentrations, as we did last week.
Mastermix amounts were calculated using 230 μl as the total volume. The following amounts were to tube labeled 1 (positive sample master mix). Each stock tube was and the mastermix were vortexed before each addition until cell extract, which we did not vortex. Pipetted as follows:
Reagent | Volume (μl) |
Water |
74.87 |
Amino acid mix |
46 |
4.6 |
K-Glut |
3.68 |
Mg-Glut |
3.4 |
Energy mix |
23 |
11.5 |
2.07 |
Extract |
56.7 |
29.26 μl of the mix was transferred to a tube labelled 2 (water control). 0.74 μl of water was added to it.
4.95 μl of DNA was added to tube 1.
A single 30 μl water control sample was pipetted onto the plate. 2 x 20 μl, 2 x 30 μl and 2 x 40 μl samples were pipetted onto the plate and reactions were incubated at 29℃ for 3 hrs. Fluorescence at 569/593 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Production cultures for protein purification
Overnight cultures were each added to 400 ml of 2xYT with their appropriate antibiotics. Incubation at 37°C, 220 until cells reached OD600 0.6. 2 ml of 0.2 M IPTG was added and incubation started at 220 rpm, 23°C.
pEAS002 reached 0.059 OD600 at 12.55. IPTG was added as above.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
10 x LBA+KAN50 plates
Approximately 200 ml of melted LBA was put into a flask. 200 µl of kanamycin (stock concentration 50 mg/ml) was added. Mixed. Poured onto 10 plates.
Trigger plasmid linearization
50 µl reactions were made to all 3 triggers. To the tubes were pipetted the following reagents: 35.4 µl autoclaved MQ-water, 1 µg trigger plasmid DNA, 5 µl buffer, 1 µl Pst1 restriction enzyme. The reactions were incubated at 37°C for 2 h and 80°C for 20 min.
Linearized trigger plasmid purification
Linearized plasmids were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 11.5 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
1 |
57.69 |
1.943 |
1.880 |
2 |
51.41 |
1.875 |
1.875 |
3 |
49.35 |
1.947 |
1.873 |
Trigger RNA synthesis
RNA synthesis reactions were made to all 3 samples. The reagents were pipetted in the tubes in following order: 1.5 µl of RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl of each of the NTPs; 5 µl of linearised DNA; 1.5 µl of T7 RNAP. (14 µl total) The reactions were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Gel electrophoresis for linearized trigger plasmids
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto gel tray. Approximately 1 µl of Gel Loading Dye 6X was added to the sample (sample volume 5 µl). 7 µl of 1 kb Quick-Load DNA Plus Ladder Purple was loaded onto the gel. Approximately 6 µl (all of the sample) was loaded onto the gel. Unfortunately, Trigger Plasmid 2 vanished from the well. Gel was run at 100 V for 35 mins.
Protein purification for mScarlet-I (pEAS002) and β-galactosidase
Both cell suspensions were thawed on ice and sonicated at peak value of 12 for 4 x 30 s, with 30 s intervals. The sonicated liquids were then centrifuged at 48 434 G, 4°C for 3 minutes. The supernatant was collected and the pellet discarded.
Both proteins were purified using the following protocol:
1 ml of Ni2+ sepharose fast flow was pipetted into a filter tube
Ethanol was washed away with 4 ml of water
The column was balanced with 4 ml of Tris A buffer
The supernatant was filtered through column
Column was washed with 4 ml of Tris A buffer
5 fractions were collected, each with 1 ml of Tris B buffer pipetted into the column
FInally the Ni2+ was collected with 10 ml of water
From each of the samples, the first two fractions were combined (to a volume of 2 ml). They were mixed with 3.2 ml of 80 % glycerol and stored at -20°C for later use.
The fractions did not seem to contain any protein based on a modified Bradford assay, but the first two mScarlet-I fractions clearly contained protein, so we combined the first two from each sample.
ZikaV Trigger Growth Cultures
A streak of a plate containing E. coli ZikaV Trigger was inoculated in 5 ml of 2 x YT and 5 µl of ampicillin. Two growth cultures were prepared. Grown overnight at 37°C at 200 rpm in Falcon tubes.
2 M Imidazole 5 ml
0.6808 g imidazole (M= 68.08 g/mol)
to 5 ml MQ H2O
Tris B buffer, 15 ml
12.75 ml Tris A
2.25 ml 2 M imidazole (total conc. 300 mM)
Present: Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Nelli
In this week’s team meeting, we discussed the starting of crowdfunding, fundraising otherwise, and wiki-related issues, such as referencing style, responsibilities, and internal deadlines.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Kevät, Jesper
Golden gate assembly for T7 + mScarlet-I
6 reactions were made, one for each toehold. All the concentrations were as before (18.7.), but the concentration of the reporter PCR product is 44.77 ng/µl. The components for each of the reactions are:
pODD1 (µl) | T7 promoter | Toehold | mScarlet-I | Terminator | Buffer | Enzyme | H2O | |
1 |
0.31 |
A92 |
0.29 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.38 |
1 |
0.31 |
B69 |
0.27 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.4 |
1 |
0.31 |
B46 |
0.31 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.36 |
1 |
0.31 |
A95 |
0.24 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.43 |
1 |
0.31 |
B39 |
0.30 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.37 |
1 |
0.31 |
A70 |
0.29 |
0.7 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
14.38 |
Golden gate reaction protocol (according to instructions on NEB site): (1 min 37℃, 1 min 16℃) X 30, 5 min 60℃, keep on 4℃ for ∞. Stored at -20℃.
ZikaV Trigger Growth Cultures
A streak of a plate containing E. coli ZikaV Trigger was inoculated in 5 ml of 2 x YT and 5 µl of ampicillin. Two growth cultures were prepared. Grown overnight at 37°C at 200 rpm in Falcon tubes.
Trigger RNA purification
Trigger RNA tubes were purified using Monarch total RNA miniprep kit (according to our protocol). Concentrations for tubes (measured with nanodrop):
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
1 |
311.4 |
1.736 |
1.953 |
2 |
913.8 |
2.655 |
1.809 |
3 |
806.2 |
2.794 |
2.037 |
Agarose gel electrophoresis for trigger RNAs
0.72 g of agarose was dissolved in 60 ml of 1 x TAE + 25 µl of ethidium bromide. Left to solidify. 15 µl of glyoxylate mix was added to 7.5 µl sample and denatured at 60℃ for 50 min. 2.5 µl of DNA Loading Dye and was added just before loading the gel. Run at 100 V for 1h 15 min.
1 kb DNA Ladder
Trigger 1 29.7.
Trigger 2 29.7.
Trigger 3. 29.7.
Trigger 1 3.8.
Trigger 2 3.8.
Trigger 3 3.8.
ZikaV Trigger
=> RNAs were once again invisible on the gel. Juha proposed that we could have a meeting in which we go through the whole protocol and talk generally about how to handle RNAs. We also discussed the possibility of using RNA specific stains/dyes instead of SYBR Safe and ethidium bromide.
ZikaV Trigger Plasmid Linearization
17.6 µl of ZikaV Trigger Plasmid (c = 56 smth ng/µl), 24.6 µl of MQ Water, 5 µl of rCutSmart and 1 µl of AvrII was added into a PCR tube. Incubated for two hours at 37°C and then for 20 minutes at 80°C.
Present: Evelina, Kevät, Jesper
Cell-free reaction with mScarlet-I
This reaction was meant to be done with LacZ, but we made a mistake and used mScarlet-I instead so we changed the measurement to fluorescence.
The reactions were performed on a black 384-well PCR plate with transparent wells.
We used sonication 2/41 and autolysis batches. The following mastermixes were made into tube labeled 1 (sample):
Reagent | Volume -sonication batch (μl) | Volume - autolysis batch (μl) |
Water |
20.23 |
13.08 |
Amino acid mix |
16 |
16 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
K-Glut |
1.28 |
1.28 |
Mg-Glut |
1.18 |
1.18 |
Energy mix |
8 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.72 |
0.72 |
Extract |
19.51 |
26.07 |
From both mastermixes, 10.94 μl were transferred into tubes labeled 2 (water control) along with 1.06 μl of water.
6 μl of pEAS002 solution was added to both samples.
From each of the water controls, 10 μl was loaded into the plate. From both of the sample tubes, 2 x 10 μl and 2 x 20 μl reactions were loaded onto the plate. The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with fluorescence at 569/593 nm measured at 1 min intervals.
Heat-shock transformation for A70+MS, A92+MS, A95+MS and pEAS002
Four preps of competent DH5a cells were thawed on ice for 15 min. 5 µl of A70MS, A92+MS, A95+MS and pEAS002 were added to separate tubes. They were incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked in a 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 7 min. Then, 500 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 50 µl was plated on a LBA + Kan 50 plate and 300 µl on a second plate. They were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
3 x LBA+TET plates
51 ml of melted LBA was added into a flask. 51 µl of tetracycline (stock concentration 10 mg/ml) was added. Mixed. Poured onto three plates.
Transfer into a new plate - lacZ deficient plasmid containing E. coli
Bacteria was streaked from the old plate containing lacZ deficient plasmid containing E. coli into a new one (LBA+TET10). Grown overnight at 37°C.
Linearized trigger plasmid purification
Linearized plasmid were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 11 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
1 |
29.84 |
1.884 |
1.884 |
2 |
26.72 |
1.700 |
1.815 |
Gel electrophoresis for linearized trigger plasmids
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto gel tray. Approximately 1 µl of Gel Loading Dye 6X was added to the sample (sample volume 5 µl). 7 µl of 1 kb Quick-Load DNA Plus Ladder Purple was loaded onto the gel. Approximately 6 µl (all of the sample) was loaded onto the gel. Gel was run at 100 V for 35 mins.
Zika V trigger RNA synthesis
Two RNA synthesis reactions were made. The reagents were pipetted in the tubes in following order: 6 µl H2O; 1.5 µl of RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl of each of the NTPs; 5 µl of linearised DNA; 1.5 µl of T7 RNAP. (20 µl total) The reactions were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Evelina, Kevät
Cell-free reactions for A92 and B39 toeholds
The following reagents were pipetted to tube 2 (A92 pos):
AA mix | 28.8 µl |
2.88 µl |
K-G |
2.304 µl |
Mg-G |
2.1312 µl |
Energy mix |
14.4 µl |
7.2 µl |
1.301 µl |
Extract |
35.12 µl |
7.8 µl was transferred to tube 1 (water control) with 4.2 µl water.
28.76 µl was trasferred to tubes 4 (B39 pos) and 6 (ZikaV pos).
0.57 µl A92 was added to tube 2 and 14.67 µl transferred to tube 3 (A92 neg) with 7.33 µl water. 0.3 µl trigger 1 RNA and 7.04 µl water was added to tube 2.
0.61 µl B39 was added to tube 4 and 14.69 µl transferred to tube 5 (B39 neg) with 7.32 µl water. 0.3 µl trigger 1 RNA and 7.02 µl water was added to tube 4.
0.31 µl Zika sensor was added to tube 6 and 14.54 µl transferred to tube 7 (ZikaV neg) with 7.46 µl water. 0.32 µl trigger RNA and 7.14 µl water was added to tube 6.
10 µl samples were pipetted to 384 plate:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
7 |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with fluorescence at 569/593 nm measured at 1 min intervals.
Zika V trigger RNA purification
Trigger RNA tubes were purified using Monarch total RNA miniprep kit (according to our protocol). Concentrations for tubes (measured with nanodrop):
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
1 |
312.5 |
4.448 |
1.829 |
2 |
280.8 |
2.507 |
1.857 |
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
15 LBA+KAN50 plates were made and stored in the fridge (+4°C).
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Linearized trigger plasmid purification
Linearised plasmid were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 10 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
Zika trigger |
33.05 |
1.319 |
1.831 |
Zika trigger |
29.80 |
1.252 |
1.886 |
trigger 1 |
0 |
trigger 1 |
0 |
trigger 2 |
0 |
trigger 2 |
0 |
trigger 3 |
0 |
trigger 3 |
0 |
0.020 M IPTG 1 ml
100 µl 2 M IPTG stock solution
900 µl of MQ H2O
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli
The agenda of this week’s team meeting included discussions about paying the Jamboree team fee, possible sponsors, team photo sessions, and problems in the wet lab.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Trigger Plasmid Linearization
50 µl reactions and 2 for each trigger were made to all triggers, according to our protocol. Incubated for two hours at 37°C.
Linearized trigger plasmid purification
Linearised plasmid were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 11 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
trigger 1 |
49.71 |
1.164 |
1.732 |
trigger 1 |
44.91 |
1.553 |
1.878 |
trigger 2 |
39.18 |
1.390 |
1.850 |
trigger 2 |
38.68 |
1.349 |
1.870 |
trigger 3 |
37.15 |
1.477 |
1.844 |
trigger 3 |
45.54 |
1.542 |
1.850 |
zika trigger |
41.10 |
1.463 |
1.779 |
zika trigger older |
36.49 |
1.432 |
1.872 |
RNA gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis for all the triggers.
Agarose gel was made for the purified Zika V trigger RNA. 50 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 10 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool.
Samples: 24 µl of glyoxal mix was added to 12 µl of RNA and denatured 50 min in 60℃. 4 µl of loading buffer was added just before loading the gel. The gel was run for 25 min and 15 min after that (Fig. 34). Gel run was successful.
The wells:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
ZT 7 |
ZT 8 |
T1 7 |
T1 8 |
T2 7 |
T2 8 |
T3 7 |
T2 8 |
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Kristiina, Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
13.2 |
1.32 |
K-G |
1.056 |
Mg-G |
0.977 |
Energy mix |
6.6 |
3.3 |
0.596 |
Extract |
16.1 |
7.8 μl of the mastermix was transferred to water control and positive control tubes. 4.2 μl of water was added to the water control. 0.521 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 3.08 μl of water were added to the positive control tube.
To the mastermix tube, 1.26 µl Zika sensor plasmid was added and 14.4 µl transferred to negative control tube and added 7.6 µl water. To the mastermix tube 6.94 µl water was added and 0.66 µl of trigger RNA.
From water and positive control, 10 μl was loaded into the plate. From both of the sample tubes, 2 x 10 μl reactions were loaded onto the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
Zika neg |
Zika neg |
pos control |
Zika pos |
Zika pos |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance measured at 1 min intervals.
O/N cultures of B69, B46, B39 Toeholds, pEAS002, pET15b-LacZ and ZikaV-Sensor
5 ml overnight cultures were made with 5 ml LB and the following antibiotics: KAN50 for B39, B46, B69, pEAS002, ZikaV-S and AMP100 for pET15b-LacZ.
Trigger RNA purification
Trigger RNA tubes were purified using Monarch total RNA miniprep kit (according to our protocol). Concentrations for tubes (measured with Nanodrop):
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
trigger 1 |
296 |
2.444 |
1.972 |
trigger 1 |
336.2 |
2.523 |
1.941 |
trigger 2 |
662.3 |
2.535 |
2.005 |
trigger 2 |
440.6 |
2.629 |
1.962 |
trigger 3 |
336.5 |
2.640 |
1.997 |
trigger 3 |
288.2 |
2.591 |
2.026 |
zika trigger |
412.4 |
2.587 |
1.951 |
zika trigger |
335.3 |
2.535 |
1.981 |
RNA gel electrophoresis
RNAs were denatured for 50 minutes in 60℃ with glyoxal mix according to Juha's protocol.
1,2 % agarose gel was run in 1X TAE buffer for 30 min at 100 V.
Present: Jonna, Kristiina, Jesper
Colony PCR to analyze GG assembled LacZ-toehold plasmids (T7+toehold+LacZ+T7) and MS-toehold A-series plasmids
2 colonies from each plate were picked for colony PCR (inoculated in 20 µl of MQ-water). Reactions for colony PCR were performed as below (a master mix of primers and Q5 was also made).
Forward primer: toehold linker
Reverse primer: T7 terminator
PCR reaction:
(40 cycles)
Colony PCR was then performed to analyze the results (two colonies from each plasmid).
As can be seen on the gel, none of the LacZ colony PCR reactions show positive results (band size should be 3200 bp), whereas the MS plasmids all have the correct sized band (760 bp).
O/N cultures for MS_A70 (#1), MS_A92 (#1) and MS_A95 (#2) were started.
Plasmid extractions for B46, B39, B69, pEAS002, pET15b-LacZ, ZikaV-S
Extraction was made using the NEB Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit, according to manufactures’ protocol. First spin was done in 5000 x g 5 min. Samples were eluted in 50 µl of MQ H2O.
Concentrations were as follows:
Sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A280 | A260/A230 |
B46 |
176.8 |
1.845 |
1.527 |
B39 |
161.6 |
1.845 |
1.708 |
B69 |
133.8 |
1.838 |
1.765 |
pEAS002 |
108.6 |
1.792 |
0.901 |
pET15b-LacZ |
214.7 |
1.940 |
1.162 |
ZikaV-S |
29.97 |
1.877 |
1.111 |
Present: Anni, Evelina, Jonna, Juuli, Malin, Minttu
We discussed which press and media to contact about our project.
Present: Jesper
5 ml of LB was supplemented with 5 µl on kanamycin stock, yielding a final concentration of 50 μg/ml. Single colony of DH5α with Zika-S plasmid was inoculated and incubated overnight at 220 rpm, 37℃.
Present: Evelina, Anni, Jesper
Plasmid extraction for ZikaV sensor, MS A70, MS A92, MS A95
Extraction was made using the NEB Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit. First spin was done in 5000 x g 5 min.
sample | Concentration (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
ZikaV sensor |
268.4 |
- |
- |
A70 |
556.4 |
0.867 |
1.890 |
A9 2 |
- |
- |
- |
A95 |
294.8 |
1.490 |
2.036 |
PCR reaction for pet15b-LacZ
Four reactions and one water control, where DNA was replaced with MQ H2O, was made according to following:
reagent | volume (µl) |
Master mix |
12.5 |
forvard primer |
1.25 |
reverse primer |
1.25 |
1 |
MQ H2O |
9 |
Following PCR cycle was run:
1. | 98 ℃ | 30s |
2. |
98 ℃ |
10s |
3. |
72 ℃ |
1 min |
Highlighted steps were repeated x 40 |
4. |
72 ℃ |
2 min |
5. |
4 ℃ |
∞ |
Gel electrophoresis for PCR products
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto a gel tray.
Samples: 25 µl of each PCR product (4+ neg. control) was mixed with 5 µl of loading Dye and injected to the wells. Also 7 µl of ladder was injected to two wells.
Gel extraction for PCR products
Gel extraction was made with the NEB gel extraction kit according to the protocol. The concentrations were measured with Biodrop.
sample | Concentration (ng/µl) |
1 |
2.496 |
2 |
5.336 |
3 |
0.512 |
4 |
1.488 |
Heat-shock transformation for A70+MS, A92+MS, A95+MS and pEAS002
Two preps of competent DH5a cells were thawed on ice for 15 min. One prep was split in half into two tubes 5 µl of B39_MS, B46_MS, and B69_MS separate tubes. They were incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked in a 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 7 min. Then, 600 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 100 µl was plated on a LBA + Kan 50 plate. They were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Anni, Kristiina, Kevät, Jesper
Golden gate assembly for T7 + mScarlet-I
3 reactions were made, one for each toehold. All the concentrations were as before (18.7.), but the concentration of the reporter PCR product is 20.6 ng/µl. The components for each of the reactions are:
pODD1 (µl) | T7 promoter | Toehold | LacZ | Terminator | Buffer | Enzyme | H2O | |
1 |
0.31 |
A92 |
0.29 |
3.6 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
11.48 |
1 |
0.31 |
A95 |
0.24 |
3.6 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
11.53 |
1 |
0.31 |
B39 |
0.30 |
3.6 |
0.32 |
2 |
1 |
11.47 |
Golden gate reaction protocol (according to instructions on NEB site): (1 min 37℃, 1 min 16℃) X 30, 5 min 60℃, keep on 4℃. Stored at -20℃.
Heat-shock transformation for A92, B39 and A95
Three preps of competent DH5a cells were thawed on ice for 15 min. 7 µl of A92, B39 and A95 were added into separate tubes. They were incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked in a 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 7 min. Then, 700 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 100 µl and 300 µl was plated on a LBA + Kan 50 plate. They were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Colony PCR for MS_B-toeholds
Reaction components | 175 µl |
Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix |
87.5 µl |
10 µM F Toehold Linker |
8.75 µl |
10 µM R T7 Terminator |
8.75 µl |
MQ Water |
70 µl |
7 x MasterMix was done according to the table above. Distributed into seven PCR tubes, 25 µl to each. Two colonies were selected from each plate (2 x B69, 2 x B46, 2 x B39). A streak of each plate was inoculated into the reaction mixtures. Run according to the table below:
1. Initidial Denaturation | 98℃ 30 s |
2. Cycle 40 X |
a) 98℃ 10 s |
b) 72℃ 30 s |
c) 72℃ 30 s |
3. Final Extension |
72℃ 2 min |
4. Hold |
Infinity |
1 % agarose gel was run at 100 V for 35 minutes.
Plasmid extraction for ZikaV trigger, trigger 1, trigger 2, trigger 3, pET15b-LacZ
Extraction was made using NEB Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit. First spin was done in 3000 x g 5 min.
Concentrations (measured with BioDrop):
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/280 |
trigger 1 |
56.48 |
0.598 |
1.687 |
trigger 2 |
247.8 |
2.069 |
1.852 |
trigger 3 |
13.47 |
1.080 |
1.804 |
zika trigger |
114.7 |
1.623 |
1.989 |
pET15b-LacZ |
114.7 |
1.623 |
1.989 |
Zika trigger Plasmid Linearization
2 50 µl reactions were made, reagents: 1 µl AvrII, 5 µl rCutSmart, 35.28 µl MQ H2O, 8.72 µl DNA. Incubated for two hours at 37°C.
Linearized trigger plasmid purification
Linearized plasmid were purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 15 µl elution buffer. Concentrations and purity were measured with BioDrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/280 |
1 |
15.54 |
0.689 |
1.474 |
2 |
14.43 |
1.00 |
1.712 |
Zika V trigger RNA synthesis
3 RNA synthesis reactions were made. The reagents were pipetted in the tubes in following order: 1.5 µl of RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl of each of the NTPs; 8 µl of linearised DNA; 1.5 µl of T7 RNAP. (17 µl total) The reactions were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kristiina, Minttu, Nelli, Sofia
We updated each other about all the things that happened during the week as well as discussed wiki text responsibilities. We also took a look at the judging forms from the Nordic iGEM Conference and tried to learn things we could improve in our upcoming presentations!
Present: Evelina, Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
13.2 |
1.32 |
K-G |
1.056 |
Mg-G |
0.977 |
Energy mix |
6.6 |
3.3 |
0.596 |
Extract |
16.1 |
7.8 μl of the mastermix was transferred to water contol and positive control tubes. 4.2 μl of water was added to the water control. 0.521 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 3.08 μl of water were added to the positive control tube.
To the mastermix tube, 1.26 µl Zika sensor plasmid was added and 14.4 µl transferred to negative control tube and added 7.6 µl water. To the mastermix tube 6.94 µl water was added and 0.66 µl of trigger RNA.
From water and positive control, 10 μl was loaded into the plate. From both of the sample tubes, 2 x 10 μl reactions were loaded onto the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
Zika neg |
Zika pos |
pos control |
Zika neg |
Zika pos |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance measured at 1 min intervals.
Here, even our positive control did not produce anything, we think this is because of the amino acid mix.
Golden gate reactions
6 reactions were made, one for each toehold. All the concentrations were as before (18.7.), but the concentration of the reporter PCR product is 20.6 ng/µl. The components for each of the reactions are:
pODD1 (µl) | T7 promoter | Toehold | LacZ | Terminator | Buffer | T4 | BsaI-HF v2 | H2O | |
1 |
0.31 |
B69 |
0.27 |
8.2 |
0.32 |
2 |
0.25 |
0.75 |
6.9 |
1 |
0.31 |
B46 |
0.31 |
8.2 |
0.32 |
2 |
0.25 |
0.75 |
6.86 |
1 |
0.31 |
A70 |
0.29 |
8.2 |
0.32 |
2 |
0.25 |
0.75 |
6.88 |
38.49 |
12.83 |
Golden gate reaction protocol (according to instructions on NEB site): (1 min 37℃, 1 min 16℃) X 30, 5 min 60℃, keep on 4℃. Stored at -20℃.
Heat-shock transformation for golden gate assembled plasmids
Two preps of competent DH5a cells were thawed on ice for 15 min. Approximately 33.3 µl from both tubes was transferred to a new one. 5 µl DNA was added and incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked in a 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 5 min. Then, 500 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 100 µl was plated on an LBA + Kan 50 plate. They were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Zika trigger Plasmid Linearization
One 50 µl reaction was made, reagents: 1 µl AvrII, 5 µl rCutSmart, 35.28 µl MQ H2O, 8.72 µl DNA. Incubated for one hour at 37°C.
Linearised trigger plasmid purification
Linearised plasmid was purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 12 µl elution buffer. Concentration and purity was measured with BioDrop: c=20.08 ng/µl, A260/A230=0.953; A260/A280=1.426.
Zika V trigger RNA synthesis
The reagents were pipetted in the tubes in following order: 1.5 µl of RNAP reaction buffer; 1.5 µl of each of the NTPs; 11 µl of linearised DNA; 1.5 µl of T7 RNAP. (20 µl total) The reactions were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Anni, Jesper, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Nelli
The main discussion themes included educational material, interviews, and the upcoming Study in Turku fair.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The reaction protocol from yesterday was repeated, but new AA mix was used.
The samples were added to the plate in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Water |
Neg. sample |
Pos. sample |
Pos. control + Neg. sample |
Pos. sample |
The other neg. sample was added to the positive control well by accident.
ColonyPCR for Golden Gate assembled toehold plasmids from 17th and 16th of August
Reaction components | Volume |
PCR program | Temperature | Time |
Reaction volume |
350 µl |
Initial denaturation |
98℃ |
30 s |
Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix |
175 µl |
Cycle 40X |
a) 98℃ |
10 s |
10 µM F Toehold Linker |
17.5 µl |
b) 72℃ |
1 min |
10 µM R T7 Terminator |
17.5 µl |
Final extension |
72℃ |
2 min |
MQ Water |
140 µl |
Hold |
4℃ |
∞ |
14X MasteMix was made according to the table above. It was then divided into 13 PCR tubes, 25 µl each. Each tube was inoculated with a colony from a plate: 2 tubes for each plate (B39, B46, B69, A70, A92, A95), except for the water control. The PCR reaction was run according to the table above.
Gel electrophoresis for colonyPCR products
25 µl samples were made adding 5 µl Purple Loading Dye (NEB) to the PCR products.
After 35 min 100V. Upper row: 2: Ladder 3: A70 I 4: A70 II 5: A92 I 6: A92 II 7: A95 I 8: A95 II 9: H2O. Lower row: 2: Ladder 3:B39 I 4: B39 II 5: B46 I 6: B46 II 7: B69 I 8: B69 II
After 50 min 100V. Upper row: 2: Ladder 3: A70 I 4: A70 II 5: A92 I 6: A92 II 7: A95 I 8: A95 II 9: H2O.
After 50 min 100 V. Lower row: 2: Ladder 3:B39 I 4: B39 II 5: B46 I 6: B46 II 7: B69 I 8: B69 II
There is a potential contamination. A92 II, A95 II and B39 I might be alright.
Trigger Plasmid Linearization
4 50 µl reaction was made, reagents: 1 µl AvrII(for Zika trigger)/Pst1(for others), 5 µl rCutSmart, 1 µg DNA (ZikaV-T: 8.75 µl; T1: 17.71 µl; T2: 4.04 µl; T3: 44 µl), MQ H20 to 50 µl (ZikaV-T: 35.28 µl; T1: 26.29 µl; T2: 39,.96 µl; T3: 0 µl). Incubated for one hour at 37°C and 20 min at 80℃.
Linearised trigger plasmid purification
Linearised plasmid was purified with NEB Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, according to the kit instructions. The elution was made to 12 µl elution buffer. Concentration and purity was measured with BioDrop:
Sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
ZikaV-T |
15.95 |
1.335 |
1.782 |
T1 |
18.40 |
0.948 |
1.769 |
T2 |
61.85 |
1.634 |
1.827 |
T3 |
38.77 |
1.348 |
1.781 |
Trigger ssDNA resuspension
100 µM resuspensions were made of each trigger ssDNA (Trigger B46; Trigger A70,B69; Trigger A92,A95) as follows:
Trigger | n (nmol) | V(H20) µl |
B46 |
25.4 |
254 |
A70, B69 |
19.7 |
197 |
A92, A95 |
19.9 |
199 |
After this 200 µl 10 µM dilutions of each of the ssDNAs were made by adding 180 µl MQ H20 to 20 µl ssDNA. Both solutions were stored in -20℃.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
22.4 |
2.24 |
K-G |
1.792 |
Mg-G |
1.658 |
Energy mix |
11.2 |
5.6 |
Extract |
27.32 |
7.8 μl of the master mix was transferred to water control and positive control tubes. 4.2 μl of water was added to the water control. 1.636 μl pEAs002; 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 1.964 μl of water were added to the positive control tube.
28.3 µl was transferred from the mastermix tube to another tube. 1.726 µl A92 sensor was added and 15.013 µl transferred to negative control tube and added 6.987 µl H2O. To the another tube, 5.887 µl water and 1,1 µl ssDNA trigger 1.
To the mastermix tube, 1.17 μl A70 sensor plasmid was added and 14.735 μl transferred to negative control tube and added 7.265 μl water. To the mastermix tube 6.165 μl water was added and 1.1 μl of ssDNA trigger 2.
From water and positive control, 10 μl was loaded into the plate. From all of the sample tubes, 2 x 10 μl reactions were loaded onto the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
A70 neg |
A70 pos |
A92 neg |
A92 pos |
pos control |
A70 neg |
A70 pos |
A92 neg |
A92 pos |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with fluorescence measured at 1 min intervals.
Protein concentration measurements for purified mScarlet-I and β-galactosidase
1 ml samples of BSA with concentrations between 0 and 10 μg/ml were prepared. 1/300 dilution of mScarlet-I and 1/30 dilution of β-galactosidase were prepared to 1 ml volume. 250 µl of Bradford dye working solution was added to each sample and they were incubated for 5 min. Each sample's absorbance was measured at 595 nm and a standard curve was
Present: Evelina, Kristiina
Cell-free reaction
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
13.6 |
1.36 |
K-G |
1.09 |
Mg-G |
1.00 |
Energy mix |
6.8 |
3.4 |
0.61 |
Extract |
16.58 |
7.8 μl of the master mix was transferred to water control and positive control tubes. 4.2 μl of water was added to the water control. 0.521 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 3.08 μl of water were added to the positive control tube.
To the mastermix tube, 1.31 μl Zika sensor plasmid was added and 15.1 μl transferred to negative control tube and added 6.9 μl water. To the mastermix tube 5.9 μl water was added and 1.1 μl of ssDNA trigger.
From water and positive control, 10 μl was loaded into the plate. From both of the sample tubes, 2 x 10 μl reactions were loaded onto the plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
Zika neg |
Zika pos |
pos control |
Zika neg |
Zika pos |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance (420 nm) measured at 1 min intervals.
O/N cultures of A95-LacZ, A92-LacZ, B39-LacZ and B39-mS, B46-mS, B69-mS
5 ml LB KAN50 overnight cultures of A95-LacZ, A92-LacZ, B39-LacZ and B39-mS, B46-mS, B69-mS were made.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Kristiina
Cell-free reaction with Zika V
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
25.8 |
2.58 |
K-G |
2.064 |
Mg-G |
1.909 |
Energy mix |
12.9 |
6.45 |
1.157 |
Extract |
31.463 |
7.8 µl was transferred to water control and 4.2 µl water added. 11.7 µl was transferred to pos control tube, 0.782 µl pET15b-LacZ; 0.9 µl 0.02 M IPTG and 4.62 µl water added.
21.6 µl was transferred to other tubes (6 and 9). To the mastermix tube 2.943 µl Zika Sensor was added, then divided into three tubes. One was added 2.412 µl water and 0.675 µl trigger RNA, on 2.479 µl water and 0.338 µl trigger RNA and last 2.816 µl water.
To the tube 6 4.414 µl Zika Sensor was added, then divided into three tubes. One was added 1.651 µl water and 0.675 µl trigger RNA, on 1.988 µl water and 0.338 µl trigger RNA and last 2.326 µl water.
To the tube 9 5.885 µl Zika Sensor was added, then divided into three tubes. One was added 1.179 µl water and 0.675 µl trigger RNA, on 1.498 µl water and 0.338 µl trigger RNA and last 1.836 µl water.
From pos control tube one 5 µl and one 10 µl reaction was loaded into plate and from all others 10 µl was loaded into plate as follows:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
6 nM + 500 nM trigger |
9 nM + 500 nM trigger |
12 nM + 500 nM trigger |
pos control 5 µl |
6 nM + 1000 nM trigger |
9 nM + 1000 nM trigger |
12 nM + 1000 nM trigger |
pos control 10 µl |
6 nM neg |
9 nM neg |
12 nM neg |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance (420 nm) measured at 1 min intervals.
Plasmid extraction for the minipreps A95-LacZ, A92-LacZ, B39-LacZ and B39-mS, B46-mS, B69-mS
Plasmid extraction with Thermo Scientific GeneJET plasmid miniprep was made for A95-LacZ, A92-LacZ, B39-LacZ and B39-mS, B46-mS, B69-mS.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli
We started our crowdfunding campaign and wrote texts for it. We also discussed the upcoming fair in which we were going to be exhibitors, and shared some wiki text responsibilities.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina
Cell-free reaction sonication ZikaV toeh 2 nM, 6 nM + RNA 1500 nM + vortex test
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube 4:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
24.8 |
2.48 |
K-G |
1.984 |
Mg-G |
1.835 |
Energy mix |
12.4 |
6.2 |
1.112 |
Extract |
30.244 |
7.8 µl of the master mix was transferred to the water control tube (1) and 4.2 µl of water was added. 15.6 µl of the master mix was transferred to the positive control tube (2), 1.042 µl pET15b-LacZ; 1.2 µl 0.02 M IPTG and 6,16 µl water were added. 12 µl was transferred to tube 3 and vortexed for 30 s.
28.8275 µl of the master mix was transferred to tube 8, and 3.924 µl of ZikaV-Sensor plasmid was added there. 16.3758 µl of this was transferred to tube 10 and 5.624 µl of water was added there. 11 µl of this was transferred into a new tube (11) and vortexed for 30 s. Into tube 8 was added 2.026 µl of ZikaV-Trigger RNA and 3.598 µl of water. 11 µl of this was transferred to tube 9 and vortexed for 30 s.
Into tube 4 was added 1.308 µl of ZikaV-Sensor plasmid and 15.068 µl was transferred to tube 6. Into tube 6 was added 6.932 µl of water and 11 µl of this was vortexed for 30 s (tube 7). After this into tube 4 was added 2.026 µl ZikaV-Trigger RNA and 4.906 µl of water. 11 µl of this was transferred into tube 5 and vortexed for 30 s.
From every tube, one 10 µl sample was loaded to a clear 384 well plate in the following order:
Well | Sample | Tube no. |
E15 |
Water control |
1 |
E16 |
Positive control, no vortex |
2 |
E17 |
Positive control, with vortex |
3 |
F15 |
2 nM ZikaV-Sensor, RNA |
4 |
F16 |
2 nM ZikaV-Sensor, RNA, with vortex |
5 |
F17 |
6 nM ZikaV-Sensor, RNA |
8 |
F18 |
6 nM ZikaV-Sensor, RNA, with vortex |
9 |
G15 |
2 nM ZikaV-Sensor |
6 |
G16 |
2 nM ZikaV-Sensor, with vortex |
7 |
G17 |
6 nM ZikaV-Sensor |
10 |
G18 |
6 nM ZikaV-Sensor, with vortex |
11 |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance (420 nm) being measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina
Cell free with mScarlet 3h
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube 5:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
31.2 |
3.12 |
K-G |
2.496 |
Mg-G |
2.3088 |
Energy mix |
15.6 |
7.8 |
Extract |
38.05 |
7.8 µl of the master mix was transferred to the water control tube 1 and 4.2 µl of water was added. 7.8 µl of the master mix was transferred to positive control tube 2, 1.636 µl pEAS002; 0.6 µl 0.02 M IPTG and 1.964 µl water were added.
21.24 µl of the master mix was transferred to tube 12, and 3.349 µl of A92 toehold plasmid and 1.65 µl IPTG were added there. 8.747 µl of this was transferred to tube 13 and 1.152 µl of water and 1.1 µl trigger 1 ssDNA added there. 8.747 µl from tube 12 was transferred to tube 14 and 2.252 µl water was added. 2.252 µl of trigger 1 RNA was added to tube 12.
21.24 µl of the master mix was transferred to tube 9, and 1.675 µl of A92 toehold plasmid and 1.65 µl IPTG were added there. 8.19 µl of this was transferred to tube 10 and 1.71 µl of water and 1.1 µl trigger 1 ssDNA added there. 8.19 µl from tube 11 was transferred to tube 14 and 2.81 µl water was added. 2.81 µl of trigger 1 RNA was added to tube 12.
21.24 µl of the master mix was transferred to tube 6, and 2.272 µl of A70 toehold plasmid and 1.65 µl IPTG were added there. 8.389 µl of this was transferred to tube 7 and 1.511 µl of water and 1.1 µl trigger 1 ssDNA added there. 8.389 µl from tube 8 was transferred to tube 14 and 2.611 µl water was added. 1.602 µl of trigger 2 RNA and 1.009 µl of water were added to tube 6.
To tube 5 1.136 µl of A70 toehold plasmid and 1.65 µl IPTG were added. 8.00 µl of this was transferred to tube 4 and 1.9 µl of water and 1.1 µl trigger 1 ssDNA added there. 8.0 µl from tube 5 was transferred to tube 3 and 3.00 µl water was added. 1.602 µl of trigger 2 RNA and 1.398 µl of water were added to tube 5.
From every tube, one 10 µl sample was loaded to a black 384 well plate in the following order:
Well | Sample | Tube no. |
B7 |
Water control |
1 |
B8 |
Positive control pEAS002 |
2 |
B9 |
10 nM Toehold A70 |
3 |
B10 |
10 nM Toehold A70, 1500 nM Trigger2 ssDNA |
4 |
B11 |
10 nM Toehold A70, 1500 nM Trigger2 RNA |
5 |
C7 |
20 nM Toehold A70, 1500 nM Trigger2 RNA |
6 |
C8 |
20 nM Toehold A70, 1500 nM Trigger2 ssDNA |
7 |
C9 |
20 nM Toehold A70 |
8 |
C10 |
10 nM Toehold A92, 1540 nM Trigger1 RNA |
9 |
C11 |
10 nM Toehold A92, 1540 nM Trigger1 ssDNA |
10 |
C12 |
10 nM Toehold A92 |
11 |
D7 |
20 nM Toehold A92, 1230 nM Trigger1 RNA |
12 |
D8 |
20 nM Toehold A92, 1230 nM Trigger1 ssDNA |
13 |
D9 |
20 nM Toehold A92 |
14 |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with fluorescence at 569/593 nm being measured at 1 min intervals. Gmin value was changed manually to 110.
Cell free with Zika O/N 12h
The following reagents were pipetted to a master mix tube 4:
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
AA mix |
17.2 |
1.72 |
K-G |
1.376 |
Mg-G |
1.273 |
Energy mix |
8.6 |
4.3 |
0.771 |
Extract |
20.98 |
3.9 µl of the master mix was transferred to the water control tube 1 and 2.1 µl of water was added. 7.8 µl of the master mix was transferred to positive control tube 2, 0.521 µl pET15b-LacZ; 0.6 µl 0.02 M IPTG and 3.08 µl water were added.
22.26 µl of the master mix was transferred to tube 7, and 3.032 µl of ZikaV Sensor plasmid and 1.7 µl IPTG were added there. 8.99 µl of this was transferred to tube 5 and 0.99 µl of water and 1.013 µl ZikaV trigger RNA added there. 8.99 µl from tube 7 was transferred to tube 6 and 0.653 µl water and 1.35 µl ZikaV Trigger RNA added. 2.00 µl of water was added to tube 7.
3.032 µl of ZikaV Sensor plasmid was added to tube 4. 8.43 µl of this was transferred to tube 8 and 1.56 µl of water and 1.013 µl ZikaV trigger RNA added there. 8.43 µl from tube 4 was transferred to tube 3 and 1.22 µl water and 1.35 µl ZikaV Trigger RNA added. 2.57 µl of water was added to tube 4.
From every tube, one 10 µl sample was loaded to a black 384 well plate in the following order:
Well | Sample | Tube no. |
E19 |
Water control |
1 |
E20 |
Positive control pET15b-LacZ |
2 |
F19 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor, 1500 nM ZikaV Trigger |
8 |
F20 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor, 2000 nM ZikaV Trigger |
3 |
F21 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor |
4 |
G19 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor, 1500 nM ZikaV Trigger, IPTG |
5 |
G20 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor, 2000 nM ZikaV Trigger, IPTG |
6 |
G21 |
6 nM ZikaV Sensor, IPTG |
7 |
The reactions were incubated at 29°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance (420 nm) being measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Kevät, Jonna, Evelina, Anni, Jesper, Sofia
The meeting consisted of troubleshooting and discussions about resources that are still left to use.
Present: Jonna, Juuli, Kevät, Minttu, Nelli
We agreed on a new time for our weekly meetings as well as discussed our collaborations and partnerships. Wiki texts responsibilities were also negotiated and the importance of schedules and internal deadlines was emphasized.
Present: Jonna, Anni, Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The amounts of reagents were calculated using the master mix calculator, with 80 μl as the final volume. The following master mix was created to tube 4:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
16 |
1.6 |
K-G |
1.28 |
Mg-G |
1.184 |
Energy mix |
8 |
4 |
0.722 |
Extract |
19.5 |
7.8 μl of this master mix was transferred to tube 1 (water control) and tube 2 (positive control). 4.2 μl of water was added to tube 1, while 1.1 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 2.5 μl of water was added to tube 2.
22.25 μl of the master mix was transferred to tube 5 and it was supplemented with 1.7 μl of T7 RNAP and 1.5 μl of each of the NTP solutions.
1.96 μl and 3 μl of Zika-S plasmid was added to tubes 4 and 5 respectively.
7.2 μl of the mix from tube 4 and 3.8 μl of water was added to tube 3 (negative sample). 1.1 μl of purified RNA trigger and 2.7 μl of water was added to tube 4 (positive sample + RNA)
9.7 μl of the mix from tube 5 and 1.3 μl of water was added to tube 6 (negative sample + RNA synthesis components). 2.8 μl of the linearised DNA was added to tube 5 (positive sample + RNA synthesis).
The samples were loaded onto a clear-welled 384-well plate in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Water control |
Neg. sample |
pos. sample + RNA |
pos. sample + RNA synthesis |
pos. control |
neg. sample + synthesis components |
pos. sample + RNA synthesis |
The reactions were incubated at 37°C for 6 hrs, with absorbance at 420 nm measured at 1 min intervals.
Here, we can clearly see that the positive sample produced β-galactosidase and it produced more than the negative sample. After this, we continued the measurement for another 6 hrs, measuring all the sample wells.
Here, the RNA-synthesis sample as well as the negative sample with synthesis components continue to produce
Zika-T Linearisation
8.7 µl of Zika-T plasmid, 5 µl of rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl of AvrII enzyme and 35.3 µl of water were added to a tube. The digestion reaction was incubated for 1 hr. 7.5 µl of this reaction mixture was mixed with 1.5 µl of 6x purple loading dye and gel electrophoresis was performed at 100 V for 45 min.
Product purification
The rest of the product was purified using the Monarch PCR & DNA cleanup kit, with the final suspension done with 6 µl.
Present: Jesper
Cell-free reaction
The amounts of reagents were calculated using the master mix calculator, with 112 μl as the final volume. The following master mix was created to tube 4:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
16 |
1.6 |
K-G |
1.28 |
Mg-G |
1.184 |
Energy mix |
8 |
4 |
Extract |
19.5 |
7.8 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tubes 1 and 2. 4.2 μl of water was added to tube 1 (water control). 2.46 μl of pEAS002, 0.6 μl of IPTG and 1.46 μl of water was added to tube 2 (positive control).
28.3 μl of the master mix was transferred to tube 5 (A70 + RNA synthesis), along with 2 μl of each of the NTPs and 2 μl of T7 RNAP.
12 μl of A70_MS was added to tubes 4 and 5.
20.1 μl of the mix from tube 4 was transferred to tube 3 (A70 + water), along with 2.9 μl of water. 2.9 μl of ssDNA was added to tube 4 (A70 + ssDNA)
25.1 μl of the mix from tube 5 was transferred to tube 6 (A70 + synthesis components), along with 2.9 μl of water. 2.9 μl of linearised trigger 2 DNA was added to tube 5.
The concentrations in the RNA synthesis samples were about 70 % of what they should be because our DNA concentrations were too low.
10 μl samples from each of the tubes was added to the black 384-well plate in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Water |
A70 + water |
A70 + ssDNA |
A70 + synthesis components |
A70 + RNA synthesis |
pos. control |
A70 + water |
A70 + ssDNA |
A70 + synthesis components |
A70 + RNA synthesis |
The reactions were incubated for 12 hrs, with the fluorescence at 569/593 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
We failed to induce translation again.
Present: Jesper
O/N cultures of A95 LacZ, A92 LacZ, B39 LacZ, Trigger 3, Zika trigger
5 ml LB KAN50 overnight cultures of A95 LacZ, A92 LacZ, B39 LacZ, Trigger 3, Zika trigger were made.
Present: Evelina
Plasmid extraction for overnight cultures
Plasmid extraction with Thermo Scientific GeneJET plasmid miniprep was made according to the kit instructions and eluted to 20 µl H2O. Concentrations were measured with biodrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
Trigger 3 |
108.4 |
2.151 |
1.889 |
Zika trigger |
73.09 |
2.025 |
1.971 |
A92 LacZ |
32.50 |
1.182 |
1.857 |
A95 LacZ |
64.48 |
1.593 |
1.870 |
B39 LacZ |
38.74 |
1.632 |
1.962 |
Trigger 1 and trigger 2 plasmid linearization
2 reactions for trigger 1 plasmid were made. 1 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl PstI, 1 µl H2O.
6 reactions for trigger 2 were made. 1 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl PstI, 1 µl H2O. Incubated in 37℃ for one hour.
Gel electrophoresis for linearised triggers.
1% agarose gel was made. 7.5 µl of unpurified linearised trigger were mixed with 1.5 µl loading dye.
The gel was run 100 V for 35 min.
Purification of linearized products
Linearized plasmids were purified with the Monarch PCR and DNA cleanup kit, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The final elution was done with 6 µl to get the maximum concentration
Present: Anni, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Juuli, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto, Sofia
The main theme of our meeting was to go through our collaborations and human practices work, but we also discussed other updates.
Present: Evelina, Jonna, Jesper
Cell-free reaction with Zika-S, A92-LacZ and A95-LacZ
The amounts of reagents were calculated using the master mix calculator, with 156 μl as the final volume. RNA synthesis was a part of each reaction, so they were added to the master mix. The following master mix was created to tube 4:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
31.2 |
3.12 |
K-G |
2.5 |
Mg-G |
2.3 |
Energy mix |
15.6 |
7.8 |
1.4 |
Each NTP solution |
2 |
4 |
Extract |
38 |
The concentrations of each of the NTPs and the T7 RNAP were lower than desired, because they would've raised the volume too much. The T7 is added more than the NTPs, because there is already NTPs present in the energy mix (also there is T7 in the extract) but we reasoned this still should accelerate the synthesis.
10.1 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tube 1, along with 1.9 μl of water.
10.1 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tube 2, along with 1.1 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 0.2 μl of water.
32.1 μl of the master mix was transferred to tubes 5 and 7.
3.9 μl of Zika-S (final concentration 5.28 nM) and 9.1 μl of water was added to tube 4.
22.6 μl from tube 4 was transferred to tube 3 with 2.4 μl of water.
0.8 μl of linearised Zika-T was added to tube 4.
13 μl of A95_LacZ (final concentration 5.28 nM) was added to tube 5.
22.6 μl from tube 5 was transferred to tube 6 with 2.4 μl of water.
2.4 μl of linearised pODD1-Trigger1 was added to tube 4.
13 μl of A92_LacZ (final concentration 2.6 nM) was added to tube 5. The stock concentration is so low that we couldn't get this to level with the other sensor plasmids.
22.6 μl from tube 7 was transferred to tube 8 with 2.4 μl of water.
2.4 μl of linearised pODD1-Trigger1 was added to tube 7.
The amounts of linearised triggers are lower than desired.
10 μl samples from each tube was loaded to a clear-welled 384-well plate, in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Water |
Neg ZS |
Pos ZS |
Neg A95 |
Pos A95 |
Neg A92 |
Pos A92 |
Pos control |
Neg A95 |
Pos A95 |
Neg A92 |
Pos A92 |
The reactions were incubated for 12 hrs at 37°C. Absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
ZikaV trigger plasmid linearisation
3 reactions were made.
1: 13.7 µl of plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl of AvrII, 30.3 µl H2O
2: 5.3 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl AvrII, 38.7 µl H2O
3: approximately 5 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart buffer, 1 µl AvrII, 39 µl H2O
ZikaV trigger linear plasmid purification
The purification was done with NEB pcr and DNA cleanup kit according to the kit instructions. All three reactions were combined. The elution was done to 6 µl and concentration measured with biodrop.
ZikaV linear trigger gel electrophoresis
1 % agarose gel was made. 7.5 µl from reaction 1 was mixed with 1.5 µl loading dye and loaded to the gel. 5 µl of 1 kb ladder was added. The gel was run 100 V for 35 min.
Present: Jesper
Cell-free reaction for A70_MS & B69_MS
The amounts of reagents were calculated using the master mix calculator, with 156 μl as the final volume. RNA synthesis was a part of each reaction, so they were added to the master mix. The following master mix was created to tube 4:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
31.2 |
3.12 |
K-G |
2.5 |
Mg-G |
2.3 |
Energy mix |
15.6 |
7.8 |
Each NTP solution |
2 |
4 |
Extract |
38 |
As before, the RNA synthesis components are not supplied in ideal concentrations, but they seemed to work last time so we decided to replicate it.
8.65 μl of this master mix and 3.35 μl of water was transferred to tube 1 (water control).
8.65 μl of this master mix, 2 μl of pEAS002, 0.6 μl of IPTG and 0.75 μl of water was transferred to tube 1 (water control).
47.6 μl of the master mix was transferred to tube 5.
1.4 μl of A70_MS was added to tube 4. (final concentration 6 nM)
24.5 μl of this mix and 8.5 μl of water was added to tube 3 (Neg. A70)
2.2 μl of linear Trigger 2 (final amount 244 ng) and 6.3 μl of water was added to tube 4. (Pos. A70)
14 μl of B69_MS was added to tube 5 (final concentration 4.24 nM).
30.8 μl of this mixture and 2.2 μl of water was added to tube 6 (Neg. B69)
2.2 μl of Trigger 2 (final amount 244 ng) was added to tube 5. (Pos B69)
10 μl samples of each tube were loaded to a black 384-well plate in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Water |
Neg A70 |
Neg A70 |
Pos A70 |
Neg B69 |
Neg B69 |
Pos B69 |
Pos. Control |
Neg A70 |
Pos A70 |
Pos. A70 |
Neg B69 |
Pos B69 |
Pos B69 |
The reactions were incubated for 12 hrs at 37°C, with the fluorescence at 569/593 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Present: Evelina, Anni
Cell-free reaction with A95 and B39 LacZ toeholds
The amounts of reagents were calculated using the master mix calculator, with 156 μl as the final volume. RNA synthesis was a part of each reaction, so they were added to the master mix. The following master mix was created to tube 3:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
31.2 |
3.12 |
K-G |
2.5 |
Mg-G |
2.3 |
Energy mix |
15.6 |
7.8 |
1.4 |
Each NTP solution |
2 |
4 |
Extract |
38 |
10.1 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tube 1, along with 1.9 μl of water.
10.1 μl of the mastermix was transferred to tube 2, along with 1.1 μl pET15b-LacZ, 0.6 μl 0.02 M IPTG and 0.2 μl of water.
32.1 μl of the master mix was transferred to tubes 5 and 7.
3.9 μl of Zika-S (final concentration 5.28 nM) to tube 3.
16.7 μl from tube 3 was transferred to tube 4 with 2.88 μl of water.
2.4 μl of linearised Zika-T was added to tube 4.
5.28 µl of water was added to tube 3.
13 μl of B39_LacZ (final concentration 3.4 nM) was added to tube 7.
22.6 μl from tube 7 was transferred to tube 8 with 2.4 μl of water.
2.4 μl of linearised pODD1-Trigger1 was added to tube 7.
8.8 μl of A95_LacZ (final concentration 4 nM) was added to tube 5.
20.45 μl from tube 5 was transferred to tube 6 with 2.4 μl of water.
4.55 μl of linearised pODD1-Trigger1 was added to tube 4.
10 μl samples from each tube was loaded to a clear-welled 384-well plate, in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
water |
Z pos |
Z neg |
A95 pos |
A95 neg |
B39 pos |
B39 neg |
pos |
Z pos |
Z neg |
A95 pos |
A95 neg |
B39 pos |
B39 neg |
The reactions were incubated for 14 hrs at 37°C. Absorbance at 420 nm was measured at 1 min intervals.
Plasmid extractions for pOdd-trigger 1, A95_LZ, A92_LZ
Plasmid extraction with Thermo Scientific GeneJET plasmid miniprep and NEB monarch plasmid miniprep kit was made according to the kit instructions and eluted to 20/30 µl H2O. Concentrations were measured with biodrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
trigger 1 |
73.11 |
1.970 |
1.823 |
A95 |
67.64 |
1.846 |
1.898 |
A92 |
63.54 |
1.649 |
1.894 |
Trigger 1 and 3 plasmid linearisation and purification
2 reactions for each were made.
T1: 13.7 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart, 1 µl PstI, 30.3 µl H2O
T1(2): 5 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart, 1 µl PstI, 39 µl H2O
T3: 9.2 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart, 1 µl PstI, 34.8 µl H2O
T3(2): approx. 4 µl plasmid, 5 µl rCutSmart, 1 µl PstI, 40 µl H2O
Incubated at 37℃ for approximately 2.5 h.
Purification was done according to the protocol, each 2 reactions combined, elution to 6.5 µl, and concentrations were measured with biodrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
T1 |
89.83 |
1.407 |
1.840 |
T3 |
56.70 |
1.189 |
1.909 |
Present: Kristiina
Present: Evelina, Iida, Jesper, Jonna, Kristiina, Malin, Minttu, Nelli, Otto
In this week’s team meeting, we discussed our partnerships and what’s the situation with those. In addition, we updated each other on the situation of the wiki pages and subteam activities.
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
PCR reaction for pet15b-LacZ
Four reactions and one water control, where DNA was replaced with MQ H2O, was made according to following:
reagent | volume (µl) |
Master mix |
12.5 |
forvard primer |
1.25 |
reverse primer |
1.25 |
1 |
MQ H2O |
9 |
The following cycle was run:
1. | 98℃ | 1 min |
2. |
98℃ |
10 s |
3. |
68℃ |
30 s |
4. |
72℃ |
30 s |
Steps 2-4 x 40 |
5. |
72℃ |
2 min |
6. |
4℃ |
∞ |
Present: Evelina, Kristiina, Jesper
Gel electrophoresis for PCR products
60 ml of 1 x TAE buffer was heated with 0.60 g agarose. 6 µl of SYBR safe color was added and mixed. Left to cool. Poured onto a gel tray.
Samples: 25 µl of each PCR product (4+ neg. control) was mixed with 5 µl of loading Dye and injected to the wells. Also 7 µl of ladder was injected to two wells.
Gel extraction
Gel extraction was made with the NEB gel extraction kit according to the protocol. The concentrations were measured with biodrop.
O/N miniprep cultures for TG A70 and TG B46
Overnight cultures of TG A70 and TG B46 were made with 5 ml LB, KAN50.
Present: Evelina, Anni
Plasmid extraction for TG A70 and TG B46
The extractions were made with Qiagen plasmid extraction kit according to the protocol, except the first centrifugation was 3 000 x g 5 min, and the rest centrifugations 15 500 x g. The concentrations were measured with biodrop:
sample | c (ng/µl) | A260/A230 | A260/A280 |
TG B46 |
424.3 |
2.150 |
1.875 |
TG A70 |
423.3 |
2.248 |
1.870 |
Golden gate assembly for TrigGateA70, TrigGateB46, A70, B46, B69
2 reactions for each toehold (=10 reactions) were made as follows:
Reagent | Amount | Notes | Toeholds |
pOdd1 |
1 µl |
TG A70 |
0.24 µl |
LacZ |
1.47 µl |
TG B46 |
0.24 µl |
Toehold |
B69 |
0.27 µl |
T7 terminator |
0.25 µl |
B46 |
0.31 µl |
T4 ligase Buffer |
2 µl |
A70 |
0.29 µl |
T4 ligase |
2 µl |
OBS! This was supposed to be 0.25 µl |
BsaI-HF |
0.75 µl |
H2O |
to 20 µl |
Run the following protocol with the PCR machine:
1. | 37℃ | 1 min |
2. |
16℃ |
1 min |
Steps 1-2 x 30 |
3. |
60℃ |
5 min |
4. |
4℃ |
∞ |
Transformations for golden gate products (TrigGateA70, TrigGateB46, A70, B46, B69)
Transformations were made using heat-shock transformation protocol for E. coli cells. Five preps of competent DH5a cells (50 µl) were thawed on ice for 15 min. 10 µl of TrigGate A70, TrigGate B46, A70, B46 and B69 were added into separate tubes. They were incubated on ice for 30 min. Cells were heat-shocked in a 42℃ water bath for 45 s and kept on ice for 3 min. 500 µl of LB was added to each of the tubes and they were placed on 37℃, 200 rpm for 1 hr. From each of the tubes, 50 µl was plated on a LBA + Kan 50 plate. They were incubated at 37℃ overnight.
Present: Kristiina, Jesper
Comparison of autolysis vs. sonication batches
A master mix was created using 96 μl as the final volume. The following amounts were pipetted to tube 1:
Reagent | Volume(μl) |
AA mix |
19.2 |
1.92 |
K-G |
1.54 |
Mg-G |
1.41 |
Energy mix |
9.6 |
4.8 |
0.87 |
19.7 μl of this mix was transferred to tube 3.
16 μl of cell extract from sonication batch 2/30 (30 mg/ml) was added to tube 1.
7.8 μl of this mix was transferred to tube 2 (sonication negative) along with 4.2 μl of water.
3.3 μl of pET15b-LacZ, 1.8 μl of IPTG and 7.5 μl of water was added to tube 1 (sonication positive).
16 μl of cell extract from the autolysis batch (30 mg/ml) was added to tube 3.
7.8 μl of this mix was transferred to tube 4 (autolysis negative) along with 4.2 μl of water.
3.3 μl of pET15b-LacZ, 1.8 μl of IPTG and 7.5 μl of water was added to tube 3 (autolysis positive).
10 μl samples of each tube were loaded onto a clear-welled 384-well plate in the following order:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Son. neg. |
Son. pos. |
AL neg. |
AL pos. |
Son. pos. |
Son. pos. |
AL pos. |
AL pos. |
The reactions were incubated at 37°C for 3 hrs, with absorbance at 420 nm measured at 1 min intervals.
We did not get any signal.