Team Member
Wet Lab
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Yuyan Su
Wet Lab

Su is the leader of the team. She introduced EutM-SpyCather system and thus B. subtilis could be attached covalently via isopeptide bond formation to become the living component of the formed material.

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Hongying Lin
Wet Lab

I’m a student of ecology and a vice captain in ZJU-China. This year, our team focus on the restoration work of stone relics, which is a brand-new track for us. We've met series of problems. However, it's a thrilling process to conquer these difficulties. And I can't wait to share our project with other teams!

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Junyi Liu
Wet Lab

Hi, I’m Junyi Liu, a third grade student majoring at Plant Protection. I’ve always been enthusiastic in life science. In ZJU-China 2022, I’m responsible for wet lab and human practice. During the iGEM time, I find myself gradually getting skilled at laboratory works and accumulating knowledge of molecular biology. Overall, iGEM gives me an opportunity to take a glance at the scientific palace. Hopefully our story with the fascinating world of synbio will continue.

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ZiHang Ye
Wet Lab

My name is ZiHang Ye. I major in horticulture.I've been carrying with the interests of biology. As a member of this year, I am responsible for the design and experimental verification of mineralization and reinforcement module. I have tried a lot and always come to nothing, but I still gain a lot, and that is why I still keep exploring!

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Zhijian Yan
Wet Lab

Hi, I am Yan Zhijian!This is my first year in iGEM. Since high school, I have longed to participate in iGEM. Creating, modificating and combining BioBricks to build new DNA sequence with new function is a very fascinating job. In addition, I also have creations in the designing of hardware, such as the principle design of high-throughout fluorescent detection.

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Zhuoyun Ren
Wet Lab

Hi, I’m Zhuoyun Ren from Zhejiang University. I really appreciate the time preparing for iGEM Competition, and I’m glad to meet lots of friends with different background. During this time, I’ve accumulated knowledge in synthetic biology and also gained experimental experience. Meanwhile, as an HPer, I’ve learned how to apply our design in reality. It is meaningful to exactly practice what we’ve learned to support our ideas.

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Zicai Pan
Wet Lab

Hi, I’m Pan zicai, a medical student in ZJU! iGEM let me have deeper insight into life and engineering, updating my mindset towards our enchanting world.The time I spent in the laboratory will become my unforgettable memory and I’m truly appreciate to become an iGEMer!

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Jiachen Li
Wet Lab

Hi,I'm Li Jiachen, a senior student majoring in agronomy. In the daily life, I am interested in playing badminton and keeping plants. I want to thank iGEM for giving us the open and inclusive platform to create, it will lay a great foundation for my career in scientific research in the future! I would like to give my sincere thanks to my partners for their help and support!

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Yibing Han
Wet Lab

Hi, I'm Yibing Han! I am in charge of the biosecurity part of the team. iGEM increased my understanding of wet experiments and allowed me to meet some new people. I spent my summer vacation at school for the first time, watching sunsets, rainbows, and badminton in the lab with my friends, which was a very interesting experience for me!

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Liaoliao Gao
Wet Lab

I’m Gao Liaoliao, majored in clinical medicine. Besides completing the lab job, I love playing the bass, eating delicious food, and photographing. However, due to the experiment, I haven’t taken an entire break for the whole summer vacation and I really missed my dog LaLa. Anyway, hope we can achieve our goal and enjoy ourselves!

Dry Lab
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Dingkun Wei
Dry Lab

Hi!  I am Dingkun Wei, a junior in software engineering at Zhejiang University, and I serve as the captain of the Dry Lab in the igem team,mainly responsible for the organization and construction of the team wiki. This is my first year at igem and I hope to harvest rich experiences and unforgettable memories.

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Donglai Guo
Dry Lab

Hi!I'm Guo. I'm responsible for the design of all the pages and graphics for the wiki and the production of the videos.I am looking forward to fusing traditional art with advanced biotechnology to give new life to the world's heritage.

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Yushu Xie
Dry Lab

Hi, I’m Xie Yushu, a junior student major in automation at Zhejiang University. And I am in charge of the hardware design and experiment for the past few months. Sometimes I participated in the work in wet labs and I was thinking about applying for MD.Finally, thanks to all the friends who helped me during the activity.

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Yukun Wang
Dry Lab

Hi! I am Wang Yukun, from Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and I am currently a prospective junior in Strong Foundation Engineering Mechanics at Zhejiang University, where I am responsible for the modelling part of the team. I've had a great time with my teammates, hope to go farther on the path of cross-discipline and achieve the desired results with you all! I also hope that synthetic biology will continue to grow and change our lives!

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Yongyin Wang

Hi! My name is Yongyin Wang and I'm a grade four student from Zhejiang University majoring in Applied Bioscience (Agricultural Experimental Class). Last year, I was a member of ZJU_China and luckily picked up my little pipettor to pursue my dream. Well, this year I hope to pass on our spirit and experience to help other students chase their dream in Synthetic Biology.

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Boyan Zhang

Hello! This is Boyan, Serving as a team member last year and advisor this year. I take my responsibility for providing guidance on experimental design and biosafety, also overseeing the lab-safety. Soon I will be a graduate student in neuroscience. Hope to do some interesting research.

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Fan Yang
Secondary PI

College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University

Giving sufficient guidance to the wet lab, equipping iGEMers with experimental skills

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Ming Chen

College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University Leader in bioinformatics. Chairman of Zhejiang bioinformatics society

Over the years, Chen has guided the representative team of zhejiang university in lGEM and achieved excellent results.