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Social Response

     In the fast-paced society nowadays, sufferers of depression are not a small percentage of the population, and currently, depression is showing an increasingly younger trend, so we have made Reach for Light as one of our alternative project. We introduced our three alternative projects [Phage Based Therapy for Diarrhea (Phageraser), Influenza A Virus Detection by Mask (Influjudger) and Engineered Intestinal Bacteria Therapy for Depression (Reach for Light)]to the public through our WeChat official account and then made a poll so that our audiences could choose the project they were most interested in. The audiences of our WeChat official account are mostly teenagers, and the results showed that Reach for Light was the most popular one, far beyond the other two projects. As a result, we decided to make Reach for Light our final project.

Professor Yi Yu

     Doctor Yu, a professor of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Wuhan University, is engaged in research about natural drug product and is experienced in modifying metabolic pathways to produce drugs using genetic engineering. Professor Yu told us that SAMe is an unstable molecule and it may be absorbed by other gut microbes. Therefore, it is merited further study that whether SAMe secreted in the gut could relieve depression. And he suggested that animal experiments in mouse models can be considered for follow-up if available.


Professor Fei Gan

     Professor Gan is a professor of the School of Life Sciences of Wuhan University. Her research focuses on the energy metabolism, biosynthesis of microorganism and genetic codon extension technique.
    Professor Gan pointed out that our chassis, Bifidobacterium longum, is anaerobic so that it is difficult to cultivate. Considering the unclear genetic background of Bifidobacterium longum, we finally decided to conduct our experiments in Bacillus subtilis, which is also Gram-positive but more convenient for gene editing.
    We asked Professor Gan about whether the genetically engineered bacteria would lack the raw material to synthesize SAMe, and she held the point that other gut microbes and food in the gut might supplement methionine for our genetically engineered bacteria. However, it merits consideration that the SAMe secreted by the engineered bacteria may be absorbed by other gut microbes.
    Professor Gan also believes that it is a good idea to construct our engineered bacteria as a drug pump in vivo that can produce other drugs in the future.



     The target group of our project is sufferers of depression, and in order to listen attentively to the genuine needs of depression patients, we had a conversation with the members of DO&GO, a community mainly composed of young depression patients. We learned that some patients need to take plenty of pills every day, and the form of drugs and the awful taste of the pills result in a formidable psychological burden and cause suffering. Accordingly, we planned to make the final product in the form of a snack to reduce the emotional and psychological stress of the depression patients. We also learned that different patients have different sensitivities to medicines, and we hope to further develop the quantitative secretion of SAMe in the future.