Engineering Success
We have accomplished Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycles in Production Module, Oscillator Module, Directed Evolution Module, Safety Switch Module and Hardware.
In Production Module, we used DBTL cycle to improve the enzymatic activity of SAMe synthetase opSam2 (BBa_K4144011) and to improve membrane localization of SAMe transporter opPet8p (BBa_K4144004) by designing a new part (BBa_4144010) considering the structural disruption caused by sfGFP.
In the Oscillator Module, we used the parts of Repressilator (BBa_K3482025) to test their function. And we failed many times but finally made it to observe green fluorescence and explored the suitable way of testing the oscillation.
In the Directed Evolution Module, to develop a lactose-tolerant LacI protein is our goal. After several rounds of selection, we have gained a colony with expected LacI in a certain way.
In the Safety Switch Module, we struggled to construct double switches using Holin and EGFP. We met great difficulties during the process, but we successfully got positive results in a part of test experiments in the end.
In hardware, we improved efficiency of Portable Dual Port Filter based on results of previous experiments.
We have characterized several new basic parts in engineering this year: BBa_4144004, BBa_K4144011, and BBa_K4144012.
DBTL cycle of SAMe Production Module
Design of the First Cycle
Sam2 is a S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) synthetase from
Saccharomyces cerevisiae which won’t be inhibited by its enzymatic reaction
product SAMe [1]. We chose it as the enzyme to our produce SAMe in our
engineered bacteria. In past iGEM competitions, there are few teams constructing
such protein to generate SAMe. They all worked on gram-negative bacteria
Escherichia coli (E. coli), while we tend to express such protein in
gram-positive bacteria model bacteria Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) firstly
and then in Bifidobacterium longum (B. longum). Thus, we used a codon
optimization tool ExpOptimizer to optimize the coding sequencing, and the
optimized sequence is called opSam2 (BBa_K4144011). Then to activate its
expression, we utilized a lactose-inducible promoter Pgrac which is endogenous
for B. subtilis. We expect that with induction of IPTG, opSam2 can be expressed
successfully and catalyze SAMe synthesis in B. subtilis.
Build of the First Cycle
We used a shuttle vector pHT01K to insert our fragment
opSam2 to construct recombined plasmid pHT-opSam2. Through molecular clone
procedure, like PCR, enzyme cut, ligation, and transformation, we have
successfully transferred our pHT-opSam2 into E. coli and B. subtilis. We have
demonstrated the results in Result Page.
Test of the First Cycle
In order to verify opSam2 expression in B. subtilis, we
utilized the 6xHis tag fused to N-terminal of opSam2 to perform Western Blot.
Since the opSam2 is downstream of Pgrac, a
lactose induced promoter, we used IPTG to induce its expression in E. coli
first. To enlarge the expression of opSam2, we choose the induction condition as
1mM IPTG and 37˚c according to the literature. Then, we prepared loading sample
at different time after induction. We firstly ran SDS-PAGE and used Coomassie
staining to verify the lysis of bacteria and protein input (Fig. 1.1A). Then to
compare the induction efficiency and detect opSam2 expression, we used BCA
quantification method to measure the concentration of total protein (Fig. 1.1B).
Then after the concentration measurement, we diluted samples into almost the
same concentration, and used such diluted solution to perform western blot using
antibody against His tag (Fig. 1.1C and D). In this case, we can correspond the
band brightness of protein of interest to the concentration directly.

Figure. 1.1 Expression verification of opSam2 in E. coli
and B. subtilis through WB.
A. Coomassie staining to verify the lysis
efficiency and protein input.
B. BCA quantification standard curve before WB.
C. Western Blot in E. coli DH5a. Lane 1-2: Protein
pre-stained marker, Lane 3-8:
lysate pellet induced for 0h (negative control), 1h, 2h, 4,h, 8h, 24h,
D. Western Blot in B. subtilis. Lane 1: Protein
marker, lane 2, 3, 4: lysate
pellet induced for 0h (negative control), 1h, and 4h, respectively.
As the result shows, we can figure out that the band
between 40 and 55 displays the existence of 6xHis::opSam2 whose molecular weight
can reach 45.80 kDa. As the induction during increases, the band brightness
becomes darker, which means that the expression of 6xHis::opSam2 is increased.
Meanwhile, we may find some shifting phenomenon in rear lanes like lane 6, 7 and
8. This could be caused by the degradation of opSam2 due to the much longer
induction. The similar result can be found in B. subtilis (Fig. 1.1D). The target
band obviously becomes darker when induction time increases. So we can conclude
that the expression of opSam2 in B. subtilis succeeded.

Figure 1.2 Enzymatic activity verification of opSam2 in
B. subtilis
A. ELISA principle depiction
B. Standard cruve of SAMe quantification ELISA
C. Absolute concentration change of SAMe versus
induction time.
D. Relative concentration change of SAMe versus
induction time.
Since we have verified the expression of opSam2, we next
measured its catalytic capacity of synthesizing SAMe from ATP and methionine. We
induced opSam2 expression in B. subtilis, then aspirated the supernatant, and
took the pellet to measure the SAMe concentration through SAMe quantification
ELISA kit (Fig. 1.2A). The standard curve demonstrated our result was credible.
In this experiment, we set a control group with empty vector (EV), which did not
contain the recombined protein gene but contain the primary plasmid pHT01K, so
we can use this group to standardize the concentration change of experiment
group (Fig. 1.2C and D).
We can figure out that the after induction, the
concentration of SAMe definitely
increased compared to EV group, so we can conclude that opSam2 can function
normally in gram-positive bacteria B. subtilis, which means that it would be
greatly possible to work in our final target probiotic B. longum.
Learn of the First Cycle
In the first cycle, we can conclude that we have
achieved the engineering success since we have verified the expression and
function of opSam2.
As we can see, IPTG induction may cause the
toxicity to bacteria and high
strength of induction expression also brings metabolic stress. So we can observe
the shark declines of SAMe concentration in both EV group and pHT-opSam2 group.
So in the final version of design, we tend to put opSam2 downstream of pTet
promoter of Oscillator Device, we will not need toxic IPTG to induce, so the
decline existing in above experiments might not disrupt our primary design.
However, we still have several to improve. To have
a better understanding of
opSam2 and to improve its activity, we used Alphafold2 and SWISS-Model to
analyze this homodimer’s structure (Fig 1.3). We can easily find that the
C-terminus remains unordered and free, while the N-terminus is hid inside. So in
the first version, in the case where we added the 6xHis tag, the high order
structure may be disrupted or the enzymatic activity may be reduced.
According to the prediction result, we can figure
out the essential domain
adjacent to SAMe. In the next cycle, we can use directed evolution to improve
its enzymatic ability.

Figure 1.3 Structural analysis of opSam2 through
AlphaFold2 and SWISS-Model.
A. Sequence coverage of opSam2 when searching in
B. Structure prediction of opSam2 by AlphaFold2,
colored by N -> C.
C. Structure prediction of opSam2 by SWISS-Model,
colored by confidence.
D. Structure prediction of opSam2 by SWISS-Model,
using Trace model to display
the substrate SAMe binding site.
Design of the Second Cycle
According to what we learned in last DBTL cycle, we
decided to improve enzymatic ability of opSam2 and to optimize the catalytic
1. Directed Evolution of opSam2.
We can figure out that opSam2 has several ligands, such
as magnesium ion, potassium ion, PPK, adenosine and SAM. The binding of such
ion’s residues can be found according to the structural prediction model. For
example, the SAMe is adjacent to 20 residues within 4å. We decided to collect
the relative residue sites and perform point mutation to construct a mutation
library (Fig 1.4A). Through SAMe production ability selection, we can gain a
m-opSam2 with a better enzymatic ability.
2. Tag Addition Optimization
We found that the C-terminus remains unordered and
free, while the N-terminus is hid inside. So in the first version, in the case
where we added the 6xHis tag, the high order structure may be disrupted or the
enzymatic activity may be reduced. In this cycle, we will add the tag into the
free C-terminus which might affect the folding and structure of opSam2 (Fig
3. Condition optimization of SAMe production
Since the reagents of SAMe synthesis reaction are Met
and ATP, and the binding to magnesium and potassium ions are demonstrated, we
will performed orthogonal experiment to explore the best SAMe production
condition for such molecules when induction (Fig 1.4C).

Fig 1.4 Improved design of the Second DBTL cycle of SAMe
A. All residues adjacent to ligands (Down) and
several sites marked red to be
mutated (Up).
B. Fused terminus change of His tag
C. Orthogonal experiment table for exploration of
production condition of opSam2
Build of the Second Cycle
We have sent required fragments to synthesize in Tsingke
Biology. However, due to the lack of time, we don’t have enough time to do more
experiments to build in second DBTL cycle.
DBTL cycle of SAMe Secretion
Design of the First Cycle
To secrete the natural depressant SAMe, we need a SAMe
transporter to localize in the membrane of our engineered bacteria. However, we
didn’t find such transporter in prokaryotic cells since they almost don’t have
any organelles. In eukaryotic cells, we search SAMe transporter in yeast, and
found Pet8p.
Pet8p is one transporter of mitochondrial carrier
protein family of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is also called Sam5p, since it functions to
transport S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe). We planed to express it in gram-positive
model bacteria Bacillus subtilis firstly and then in Bifidobacterium longum, and
then to verify its transportation function.However, we need to consider lots of
problems since we plan to insert such eukaryotic multi-span transmembrane
protein into bacterial plasma membrane.
Firstly, some researches have reported that they
had successfully expressed
Pet8p in E. coli [2].
In our first-version design, to ensure the expression
efficiency in Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis), we use a codon optimization tool
to optimize its coding sequence, and the optimized coding sequence is named as
6xHis::opMistic::opPet8p::sfGFP (Fig 1.5A). Then to verify its expression, we
added a 6xHis tag to its N-terminus. Since it is a transmembrane protein, we
have to observe its membrane localization, so we fused a sfGFP into its
C-terminus. Meanwhile, to facilitate the membrane localization, we insert a
short peptide Mistic derived from B. subtilis to the N-terminus, which is
reported to help transmembrane protein target at bacterial plasma membrane. With
a high-magnification fluorescent microscope, we can figure out whether the
recombined proteins are enriched at the “peripheral” compared to cytosol.
Build of the First Cycle
Then we constructed such part in a shuttle vector pBE2 for cloning in Escherichia coli DH5α, and for expression in B. subtilis. We firstly inserted a P43-promoted XylR fragment into the plasmid with PstI/KpnI double cut, and then we inserted another fragment Pxyl-promoted opPet8p into the first recombined plasmid using KpnI/EcoRI double cut. XylR expressed onstitutively and promoter Pxyl constructed a xylose-inducible device to activate the expression of opPet8p. The XylR fragment was PCR from genome of B. subtilis, and the other fragments are synthesized. pBE-XylR-opPet8p (10046bp) has been constructed and transferred into E. coli and B. subtilis (Fig 1.5 B, C, D, E).

Figure 1.5 Successful cloning result of pBE-XylR-opPet8p in E. coli and B.
A. Graph description of plasmid construction from
pBE2 to pBE2-XylR, and then to
B. Enzyme cut of XylR fragment and pBE2. Lane1:
GL DNA 5000 marker, Lane2, 4:
pBE2, Lane3, 5: pBE cut by PstI/KpnI, Lane6: XylR PCR fragment, Lane7: XylR cut
by PstI/KpnI, Lane 8: GL DNA 2000 marker.
C. Enzyme cut of pBE-XylR and PCR Pxyl-opPet8p.
Lane1: pBE-XylR, Lane2, 3:
pBE-XylR cut by KpnI/EcoRII, Lane4, 5, 6: Pxyl-opPet8p PCR fragment, Lane7: GL
DNA 2000 marker.
D. Colony PCR of pBE-XylR-opPet8p in B. subtilis.
E. Partial opPet8p sequencing result in E. coli.
F. Partial opPet8p sequencing result in B.
Test of the First Cycle
And the expression of E. coli and B. subtilis are
verified by green fluorescence (Fig 1.6A, B), fluorescent image (Fig 1.6C),
Western Blot (Fig 1.6D, E, F). We can concluded that we have successfully
expressed recombined protein 6xHis::Mistic::opPet8p::sfGFP, since the N-terminus
tag and C-terminus tag are both verified (Fig 1.6G).

Figure. 1.6 Expression verification of opPet8p in E. coli and B. subtilis.
A. Plate spread with E. coli containing plasmid
pBE-Pxyl::6xHis::opMistic::opPet8p::sfGFP can emit green fluorescence when
excited by ultraviolet light (UV).
B. Visual green shows the expression of opPet8p
in E. coli after 1%xylose
induction for different periods of time.
C. Fluorescent image of E. coli and B. subtilis
with pBE-XylR-opPet8p::sfGFP
after induction.
D. BCA quantification standard curve before WB.
E. Western blot of opPet8p using anti-His-HRP.
The front 5 lanes show the
induction expression of assumed fusion protein in E. coli, and the rear 5 lanes
show those in B .subtilis, induced for 0h, 1h, 2h, 4h and 8h, respectively.
F. Western blot of opPet8p using anti-GFP. The
front 5 lanes show the induction
expression of assumed fusion protein in E. coli, and the rear 5 lanes show those
in B .subtilis, induced for 0h, 1h, 2h, 4h and 8h, respectively.
G. Graph demonstrates that we used anti-His
antibody to target the N-terminus of
opPet8p and uesd anti-GFP antibody to target the C-terminus of opPet8p as well
in WB, whose results are showed in E and F above.
Meanwhile, we also verified the membrane localization of
opPet8p (Fig 1.7). According to the distribution of fluorescent signal, we can
conclude that the recombined proteins can target to the bacterial membrane.
However, if the expression rate is too high to conduct the proper folding so
that they might form the particle-like inclusion body, they might gather
together to precipitate. To better understand the membrane integration of our
recombined protein opMistic::opPet8p::sfGFP, we used a prediction tool Phobius
to predict. The results are showed below (Fig. 1.7A).
Learn of the First Cycle
As we can see in Fig 1.7A, the addition of Mistic can
result in the addition of transmembrane segment which can facilitate the
membrane insertion of opPet8p, while the sfGFP does the opposite thing. So after
using sfGFP to verify its expression and membrane localization, if we want to
improve its membrane localization efficiency, we need to replace the sfGFP with
other tag, like some small particular fluorescent group. According to the
integration pattern prediction, we draw the model graph to display the
difference (Fig 1.8A).

Figure 1.7 Membrane localization verification of opPet8p in E. coli and B.
A. Membrane integration prediction of primary
opPet8p (Left) and recombined
fusion protein opMistic::opPet8p::sfGFP (Right)
B. Fluorescent image of Bacillus subtilis induced
by different concentration of
xylose and a constitutive expression strain.
Design of the Second Cycle
In above results, we found that there are some particles
enriched with fluorescent signals in bacteria, except for the average
distribution. We supposed that the formation of the particle could be due to
wrong protein folding. So we performed membrane insertion prediction of coding
sequence of opPet8p and the recombined protein, and we found that the addition
of sfGFP induce a large hydrophilic segment which is unfriendly to the membrane
insertion (Fig 1.7A). It could be possible that sfGFP disrupts the folding of
opPet8p, so to eliminate such particles, we designed a new part in which a
linker (Gly–Gly–Gly–Gly–Ser) was inserted between the opPet8p and sfGFP (Fig.
1.8A, B). With such a flexible linker, sfGFP is supposed to keep a distance
from the opPet8p so that the folding of opPet8p won’t be less disrupted and the
membrane insertion could be better.

Figure 1.8 Graph description of different recombined proteins
Build of the Second Cycle
We have sent required fragments to synthesize in Tsingke
Test of the Second Cycle
Then we performed the same operation as the last cycle to
observe the membrane localization of 6xHis::opMistic::opPet8p::linker::sfGFP, and
set the old strain who expressed opPet8p without fusing with linker. We can
obviously found that strains expressing opPet8p fused with linker have absolutely
fewer particle-like inclusion bodies in cytosol compared with strains expressing
opPet8p without linker (Fig 1.9). So we can conclude that the linker can work to
facilitate the folding of proteins and reduce the formation of inclusion body.
However, as the large copy number of vector and decrease of protein precipitation,
large amount of proteins are distributed in cells whose fluorescent signal is too
large to observe the membrane localization. Due to the lack of time, we haven’t
explored more proper condition to observe, but we are optimistic to observe its
membrane localization after decreasing the induction time.

Figure 1.9 Comparison of fluorescent signals in strains expressing opPet8p fused with linker and without linker.
DBTL cycle of Oscillator model
Design of the First Cycle
During the time when we assembled our project, we decided
that it would be a great idea to simulate the normal sicario of drug uptake, to
be more precise, we want our engineered bacteria to give off drug at due time
intervals rather than a constant secretion that would last the whole time, in
hope that this can achieve fluctuation of the serum drug concentration to aid in
the avoidance of adverse effects led to by elevated serum drug concentration
while still maintaining a minimum concentration that can have a curing effect.
To simulate this sicario of drug uptake, we
decided to introduce an oscillator
that can be exploited to control the production, and subsequent secretion of the
drug SAMe, by controlling the expression of the enzyme sam5p that is responsible
for the conversion of Met into SAMe and which is the only step in the pathway
leading to the synthesis of this compound.
There have already been many mature solutions in
E. coli for constructing an
oscillator, but when it comes to Gram positive bacteria, we found none that is
sure to work. So, after looking up previous publication and works done by
previous iGEM teams, we decided on changing an existing design that has already
shown to be working robustly in E. coli, namely, the Repressilator. Published in
2001 on Nature, the Repressilator consists of three transcription factors and
their corresponding promoters.

Figure 2.1 A graphic representation of the Repressilator
Build of the First Cycle
And in the experimental design of our group, we focused
on determining whether these three components can function as expected in B.
subtilis as has been characterized in E. coli, respectively.
In order to determine the function of these
transcription factors, we cloned
these transcription factors and their promoters onto shuttle vectors that can
self-replicate and express in B. subtilis as well as in E. coli.
Test of the First Cycle
And we intended on using microplate reader to obtain data
on the fluorescence intensity of GFP, whether is driven by the promoter, or is
combined with the expression of the corresponding transcription factor.

Figure 2.2 The plasmid we are planning on constructing
Learn of the First Cycle
However, due to failure in the process of
cloning, we didn’t obtain these plasmids, and as a result, no further
experiments were carried out.
But nevertheless, we do believe results strongly
in favor of our hypothesis will
result due to the fact that the three transcription factors and there
corresponding promoters are thoroughly studied, and the fact that there has been
publication confirming the success of protein expression in the chassis.
And taking the possibility of failure into
account, we designed another set of
experiments from the beginning, and we think that this can be taken as the
second cycle of the DBTL cycle
Design of the Second Cycle
Another thing we would like to try is to
reconstruct the intact Repressilator into our engineered bacteria, and see if it
works as expected. In this way, we can verify the three component that
constitute the Repressilator in one experiment.
Build of the Second Cycle
As mentioned, we are planning to reconstruct the
intact Repressilator in B. subtilis, and we first tried to reconstruct it in E.
So, we transformed the Repressilator plasmid into
E. coli, and found a reporter
plasmid from iGEM repository that constitute an GFP under the expression of tetR
Test of the Second Cycle
After co-transformation, we verified the result
via colony PCR, and after synchronizing the bacteria by adding and removing
IPTG, we measured the fluorescence intensity using microplate reader. But the
result showed no significant oscillation.

Figure 2.3 Results of colony PCR
Learn of the Second Cycle
We think that this is due to some bacteria not
fully synchronized, and due to the fact that the bacteria will gradually become
out of pace in respect of each other. So, we planned on measuring the
fluorescence intensity of single bacteria.
Design of the Third Cycle
As mentioned, we planned on measuring the
fluorescence of the single bacteria. So, we first simply planned on videoing the
same bacteria without removing it from the microscope.
Before we took the video, we took a photo of the bacteria, to see if we can observe fluorescence, and the result showed that there are indeed fluorescence in the bacteria co-transformed the reporter plasmid and the Repressilator plasmid.

Figure 2.4 Photo of bacteria that contains both the reporter plasmid and the Repressilator plasmid taken under a fluorescence micrpscope.
Build of the Third Cycle
The plasmid and the bacteria strain we used in
this cycle were the same as the last, but the modifications we made is in the
protocol that we used to photograph the bacteria.
We learnt that we can cover the slide we used to
image with a thin slice of
solid LB medium, in this way, the bacteria can survive for a relative period,
while for the whole duration we were able to image it.
Test of the Third Cycle
We set the system up as described, consisting of
the fluorescence microscope that we used for imaging, the special glass slide we
used for supporting the bacteria, and the bacteria itself.
Learn of the Third Cycle
But when doing imaging, we found some big issues.
The biggest one being photobleaching, and there are also minor ones such as
difficulty in image processing. So, we started searching for other ways around
this problem. And fortunately, we found one that worked, and the result we
obtained made its way into the result section of our project.
Design of the Fourth Cycle
The way around the problem is by photographing the
same region of the slide at given time intervals. So that in this way, we do not
have to place the bacteria under the excitation light for the whole duration,
and instead of processing a video that can last for hours, we only need to
process a few photos.
Build of the Fourth Cycle
We set the imaging system up the same way as in
the last cycle, but this time we didn’t take video, but instead, took photo once
every 10 minutes.
Test of the Fourth Cycle
Using the procedure described above, we took various photos, as shown down below.

Figure 2.5 Photo of the same region of the slide taken at an time interval of 10 minutes.
Then, we measured the light intensity of the whole photo, to serve as the background of the fluorescence intensity (making a hypothesis that the light intensity of the bacteria with fluorescence is so much less than the background that the light intensity of the bacteria can be neglected, and as can be seen below, this hypothesis is correct)

Figure 2.6 The measurement of the light intensity of the whole photo, to see the background.
The first box indicates the average light intensity per pixel
of the whole photo, and the second box indicates the number of pixels of the image.
The whole light intensity can be obtained by multiplying the two numbers together.
Then, we cycled out the same bacteria of each photo, making sure that they are all
at the same region in each photograph, numbered them 1-10, as shown in Fig 2.7a, and
measured the light intensity in each of the small regions, the result is represented
in Fig 2.7b, and the data obtained is shown below in the table.

Figure 2.7 The numbering of each bacterium, and the measurement of the light intensity in regions around each bacterium.

Total number of pixels around each bacterium and the whole picture.

Average light intensity around each bacterium and the whole picture.

Total light intensity around each bacterium and the whole
picture without background.
Figure 2.8 Analysis workflow of light intensity around each bacterium and the whole
To visualize these data, we imported them into Prism, and performed non-linear regression using sine waves as the model, to find out the expected oscillation cycle of the Repressilator plasmid. The result is shown below.

Figure 2.9 The analyzed result of the oscillation cycle of the co-transformed bacteria.
But as can be felt from the regression curve, the data point at 30 minutes violated the whole trend, and the goodness of fit is quite low. So, we decided to delete this data point, and do the regression once more.

Figure 2.10 The analyzed result of the oscillation cycle of the co-transformed bacteria after deleting the data obtained from the photo taken at 30 minutes.
And as can be seen, the result is much better, and the oscillation cycle settled around 60 minutes, which agrees with the result shown in the original article.
Learn of the Fourth Cycle
Through these experiments, we found the mostly
likely oscillation cycle of the Repressilator, and we think that this can wrap
up the experiments we need to do in E. coli. Then, we think that its time to
move on to the verification of the function of the Repressilator plasmid in B.
Design of the Fifth Cycle
In this cycle, we planned to reconstruct the
Repressilator plasmid in B. subtilis.
The protocol we decide to follow and the plasmid
we decided to transform into
the bacteria strain is the same as the last cycle.
Build of the Fifth Cycle
Due to the lack of time, we didn’t manage to get
into this part of the experiments, but we do think that positive result will
come into being if we get our hands on this.
DBTL cycle of selection plasmid construction
We set up the Directed Evolution module to develop our
LacI protein, making it only responsive to high lactose in a way gut environment
would hardly contain. By lifting the threshold value of lactose toleration, our
engineered bacteria can stably produce periodical SAMe, achieving better
therapeutic effect. According to the previous research, we chose three
residues as our mutagenesis positions - I79, F161 and L296 - since they have
been proved to function in substance binding.
Design of the First Cycle
At first, we planned to utilize fluorescence intensity as result instruction, using EGFP gene controlled by Lac promoter as reporter (Fig 3.1). However, as we are selecting LacI protein based on one single quantitative, screening fluorescence could be quite complicated and inaccurate. So, we developed our design and added two more genes – sacB and KanR – so that we can conduct the evolution procedure on rounds of selective culture of engineered bacteria. The positive selector sacB eliminate variants that couldn’t tolerate present level of lactose, while negative selector making sure the LacI protein still obtain its function to release from the promoter. More details are illustrated in Design of the Directed Evolution Module.

Figure 3.1 Diagram of plasmid construction. A: Initial design of selection element; B: Present design of selection element;
Build of the First Cycle
During the process, we first used overlap extension PCR
to construct the selection element including mRFP1, sacB and KanR into one giant
fragment. By using flanking primers, we successfully observed the ideal bands at
first. However, the products turned out to be quite unstable and would easily
break into two after a second amplification (Fig 3.2A). Also, the whole PCR
process is quite complicated and time-consuming.
Test of the First Cycle
We improved our protocol by dividing the construction into
two steps, connecting 2-3 fragments at a time, using only Gibson Assembly to
construct the entire plasmid. This alteration significantly increased the successful
rate. The final plasmid then underwent MEGAWHOP to build mutagenesis library and was
transformed into BL21 and carried on for further selection. DpnI digestion contrast
experiments proves the mutagenesis being effective (Fig 3.2B).

Figure 3.2 Plasmid and mutagenesis library construction. A: Overlap extension PCR product break in the second amplification; B-C, plasmid transformation results after DpnI digestion. B: MEGAWHOP without megaprimer; C: Normal MEGAWHOP;
Learn of the First Cycle
In the first cycle we successfully achieved overlap
extension PCR of adjacent fragment. However, perhaps it’s because the fragments
are rather too long (sacB-1437bp) or too short (terminator+Pc-164bp), the
product isn’t quite stable.
By concluding the fragments into occlusive plasmid and deriving target ones through antibiotic selection, the percentage of desired plasmid has risen, even though the fragment loss still occasionally occurred. Using transformation to derive the desired product is relatively time-consuming, while the results are also more promising.
DBTL cycle of variant selection
Design of the First Cycle
If the LacI responds to certain level of lactose and release
from the promoter, sacB will be expressed and cause bacterial death. By applying
gradually lifted lactose, we were able to establish rounds of selection based on
sucrose or kanamycin plates until the ideal LacI proteins were derived.
Build of the First Cycle
We first built up solid medium with IPTG gradient
addition. Containing chloramphenicol, sucrose, and IPTG, theoretically only
desired mutants can grow on such medium. The reason why we chose IPTG is because
natural metabolism of lactose would result in the inconsistency of concentration
during the experiment, and its product is immeasurable. Since IPTG is more
stable and has been widely used in lactose-related research, we used IPTG as an
alternative of lactose to maintain a reliable result.
Test of the First Cycle
The first round of selection was carried out on 2%
sucrose plate with IPTG at 0.1mM and 0.2mM respectively, by spreading bacteria
culture in different collections of plates. However, it turned out to have bare
difference between different concentrations of IPTG and fail to separate the
improved variants (Fig 3.3A). We wondered whether the sucrose content wasn’t
high enough, so we lifted the IPTG and sucrose concentration at the same time in
the next round, setting IPTG gradient of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1mM and sucrose
content of 8%. Unfortunately, we still failed to observe the expected difference
(Fig 3.3B).
We instead stepped forward to explore the role of IPTG
induction duration played
in results. Adding gradient of IPTG when OD600 equals to 0.6, we sampled each
group every hour, with the duration reaching to around 6 hours. However, the
results are still unappreciated, with bare difference observed (Fig 3.3C),
either among IPTG levels or among induction duration. Our selection based on
sacB ended in failure.

Figure 3.3 Series of exploration toward sacB.
A: Comparison between different IPTG concentration on 2%
sucrose plate.
B: Comparison between different IPTG concentration on 8%
sucrose plate.
C: Comparison between different IPTG concentration and
inducing time on 8%
sucrose plate.
Learn of the First Cycle
After investigation, we found that the inefficiency of
sacB is quite common, influenced by many factors such as sucrose content, media
component and even bacteria species. Our followed-up experiment also revealed
the timing to apply IPTG induction or solid media spreading being vitally
important as well. When spreading the culture at OD600=0.2 approximately, that
is when turbidity can just be observed, the killing effect from sacB expression
is remarkably significant (Fig 3.4). On regular antibiotic plate with 15ug/ml
chloramphenicol transformed bacteria grew into lawn, while on Cml plate with 8%
sucrose and 0.8mM IPTG no colony is witnessed. In previous selection, we rather
added the inducer IPTG at OD600=0.8 as in regular protein experiments or spread
the culture when it has grown overnight. This may be the reason why the first
round of our selection failed.
However, this discovery appeared in late stage of
our experiments when a new
round of selection is not available. Before it we had to change our mind and
establish the selection in a new path. This is how the next round of selection
based on KanR was put forward.

Figure 3.4 Contrast between 8% sucrose and non-sucrose plate.
Design of the Second Cycle
Even though KanR gene was first added to exclude the possibility that mutant LacI cannot release from the promoter, however, since sacB selection didn’t work out, we decided to utilize KanR to carry out the next round of selection. Due to its property, the expression of KanR survives the bacteria. Thus, we need to compare one mutant’s behavior in multiple inducer concentration to make the conclusion. If the mutant can only growth on high-IPTG plates rather than lower ones, then it’s still promising to say that the LacI can only respond to high-level lactose.
Build of the Second Cycle
We set up IPTG gradient in kanamycin plates of 0, 0.1, 0.5 and1 mM, and each mutant culture needs to spread plate in such combination group. In total 30 colonies were cultured and undergo selection.
Test of the Second Cycle
Even though the procedure is complicated, the results turn out to be quite satisfying. Different mutants showed different tolerance to IPTG, which once again illustrates the successful construction of our lacI mutagenesis library (Fig 3.5). Among them, we derived the desired variant that only responds to high-level of IPTG (0.5mM) with little growth at low concentration (Fig 3.5). More surprising, a few growths also appeared on 0.8mM IPTG plate, suggesting that the mutant still contains its ability to release from the promoter and thus can be utilized in oscillator (Fig 3.5).

Figure 3.5 Selection results.
A: Control group 1. Original strain and random
mutant are applied on empty
antibiotic plate with IPTG contrast.
B: Control group 2. Original strain is applied on
Kan+ plate with IPTG gradient.
C: Desired mutant, Strain #29. No colony growth is
observed at 0 and 0.1mM IPTG,
suggesting that the LacI can tolerate high-level IPTG.
D: Strain #27. The mutagenesis causes its binding
to lactose (IPTG) to be
easier, and lawn are witnessed at all concentration, even without IPTG
existence. Its behavior is quite familiar to performance on non-antibiotic
E: Strain #9. The mutagenesis slightly reduces the
leakage of the promoter,
however, barely difference occurred between different inductor (IPTG)
F: Strain #24. Little up-regulation of the
promoter takes place as IPTG
concentration lifting. Its response to low-level inductor (IPTG) is still
relatively high.
G: Strain #2. Few colonies occurs at 0mM IPTG and
no growth at higher level.
H: Strain #6. No growth at all. The sensation to
IPTG is totally lost.
I: Strain #13. Expression is activated only at
0.1mM IPTG.
J: Strain #14. Few colony are witness, expect one
at 0.5mM IPTG, suggesting its
affinity to IPTG has greatly dropped.
In order to evaluate the behaviors of different
mutants for better judgement, we
designed an algorithm to access the IPTG responsive ability of the strains. We
use 1-7 to measure the intensity of the colonies on each plate, and integrated
them into a heatmap for visualization (Fig 3.6). Our goal is to select a LacI
variant that cannot sense the low concentration IPTG and at the same time that
normally functions at high concentration of IPTG. Thus, reflecting on different
colors, the ideal strain is supposed to have lighter color between darker ones
at high range of IPTG. Comparing the data, Strain #29 is exactly the one that we
are looking for (Fig 3.5 C). Meanwhile, a few growths under 0.8mM IPTG
guarantees that the mutant LacI still keeps the ability to release from promoter
and it could function normally in our oscillatior - “Repressilator”. Selected
mutant also appeared to solve the leakage problem that original LacI contains,
showing a more outstanding performance.

Figure 3.6 Visualization of arithmetic LacI evaluation result. The triangle points out the desired variant strain #29.
Learn of the Second Cycle
In the second cycle we managed to achieve our goal of
deriving improved LacI mutant using KanR.
The drawback and advantage of this plan are all distinct. The biggest drawback
is the great amount of works because the experiment requires cultures of single
colony and each one requires groups of spreading. However, this also keeps its
consistency in specificity, with no need to re-culture the post-selective
Although we successfully separated the ideal
variant, the experiment still has
several faultiness and could be improved in the future. For example, the
concentration gradient can be divided into more interval, which can identify a
more detailed section that LacI functions in. Besides, such actions with high
labor and time cost can be solved depending on computer using high throughput
equipment, such as micro-fluidic chip or microplate reader. We are looking
forward to such attempt afterwards.
During the experiment, the leakage of the lac
promoter is still an unignorable
problem (Fig 3.5B). Though the selected variant seems to have improved this
situation, some improvements to solve this problem in the first place are still
highly appreciated and will undoubtedly benefit in selection efficiency. We
believe that methods such as adding a sponge could better improve the
performance of the plasmid and thus of the selection process.
DBTL cycle of Safety Switch
Design of the First Cycle
In our design, we use chemical switch for active
termination. CinR is an autoinducer binding protein found in Rhizobium
leguminosarumis. In complex with O3-C14 HSL, which is synthesized by the
inducer CinI, CinR protein activates transcription of genes downstream the
pCin promoter. Thus, when the bacteria accept this chemical signal and
activate the pCin promoter, the downstream gene of holin will express. Holin
is a protein that will make holes on cell membrane and cause death of
bacteria. Next, we use temperature switch for leakage protection. TlpA36 is
a temperature sensitive protein which is capable of repressing the pTlpA
promoter under temperature of below 36 degrees Celsius, thus repress the
expression of PenI repressor. As a result, holin will express below 36
degrees Celsius and cause the death of bacteria (Fig 4.1).

Figure 4.1: design of safety switch.
Build of the First Cycle
We used restriction enzyme and DNA ligase to
construct our recombined plasmids (Fig 4.2). And we transformed the plasmids
into E. coli and B. subtilis for examination.

Figure 4.2: The result of plasmid construction and
A, B: Construction and sequencing of chemical
C, D: Construction and sequencing of
temperature switch. )
Test of the First Cycle
We chose EGFP as its downstream reporter. Firstly, we
tested the function of the plasmids in E. coli DH5α. For chemical switch, we
used recombined E. coli BL21 to produce autoinducer and extract the
supernate. We tested the function of chemical switch by inducing the
expression of EGFP with the supernate. For temperature switch, we induced it
under 25℃. As a result, in E. coli the fluorescence of temperature switch is
observed under 25℃, but unfortunately, no fluorescence was observed among
different groups of chemical switch. Also, no significant changes in
fluorescence were observed in both groups in B. subtilis (Fig 4.3).
Lastly, we tested the function of PBSX holin
by measure the cleavage of the
E.coli. In this construction, the expression of holin is induced by IPTG. We
found that after inducing, the bacteria were killed or inhibited to some
extent though not fully (Fig 4.4).

Figure 4.3: The fluorescence in E.coli with chemical or temperature switch and the fluorescence in B. subtilis with chemical or temperature switch.

Figure 4.4: Inducing the expression of PBSX holin in E. coli.
Learn of the First Cycle
Thus, we still need to improve our design in the future to make it a complete safety switch. Though by many research and proof, we have confirmed that most basic parts in our design should be able to work in B. subtilis, further examination of ever single part is still needed. For we met difficulties when tested the function of the whole composite parts. For example, TlpA36 promoter should be tested in B. subtilis whether it have its normal function. We simplify the construct and can use these plasmids to test the function of TlpA36 and PenI with their promoter respectively. Due to the lack of time, we did not carry out the next round of construction. But we planned to make them more available based on the lessons of previous experiments.
Design of the Second Cycle
What is more, as soon as we find the problems of that single part and improve the switch part, we should bind the composite part and holin together to achieve the function of the safety switch. By now, they are designed as follows: (Fig 4.5).

Figure 4.5: Construction of composite part with holin.
Although to fully achieve these composite parts is challenging, we still believe that some methods can be used to direct our design and increase the success rate. We still hope to try to construct these safety switch.
DBTL cycle of Hardware
Design of the First Cycle
For the hardware, we have accomplished the systematical
work of turning it from design into reality. We wanted to explore the specific
parameters of the capsule so that the drug could be degraded in the intestine.
Now we have completed part of the gut simulation.
Build of the First Cycle
At the beginning of the experiment, we tried to observe
the dissolution of various substances in a stationary solution of different pH
values, but this was quite different from the real human environment, so we
modified and designed a simple device to achieve intestinal peristalsis and
liquid flow by manual pushing.

Figure 5.1
Test of the First Cycle
However, we found that various chemicals took a
relatively long time to dissolve, and anthropogenic vibration was not a good
idea. To make matters worse, human operation could easily lead to various
problems such as water leakage or instrument damage.
Learn of the First Cycle
Therefore, we needed to design an automatic instrument
that could operate stably for a long time.
Design of the Second Cycle
Considering that the dissolution time took about 2 hours, we modified the device to include a motor and a microfluid pump to make the operation of the equipment more convenient.
Build of the Second Cycle
We repurchased the microfluid pump and motor and
assembled it together.

Figure 5.2
The coarse catheter was so short that it caused the
liquid to flow differently from the real situation, so we lengthened the coarse
catheter. In addition, in order to enable the coarse catheter to be disassembled
repeatedly, we used thermoplastic hoses, which would gradually shrink after
heating, to prevent the deformation of the coarse catheter caused by repeated
disassembly, which would lead to water leakage.

Figure 5.3
Test of the Second Cycle
After that, we conducted experiments to explore the
solubility of carboxymethyl cellulose particles of different radii in different
solutions, and the experimental results are as follows.

Learn of the Second Cycle
In the end, we found that the granular material is made of carboxymethyl cellulose and the radius should be less than 0.3cm to ensure that it completely dissolves in the intestine and can stay in the stomach for at least 2 hours.
In this DBTL cycle, we used the last device to conduct
experiment and
obtained the dissolution rate of different substances. According to the
experimental results and the residence time of the capsule in various parts of
the human body, we designed the parameters of the capsule. Although such a set
of parameters may not be completely in line with the human environment, it
basically provides a reasonable search range, and further confirmation of
parameters requires human clinical trials.

Figure 5.4
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