Portable Dual Port Filter
In Wet Lab and Mathematical Model, we need to characterize
the period of oscillator whose property is represented by oscillation of fluorescent
signal from reporter GFP. For characterizing population oscillation and
standardizing the measurement, we need to make the bacteria synchronized at the
beginning, which makes the measurement more meaningful and repeatable. Since the
oscillator contains cooperation among three pairs of repressors and promoters and
LacI is one of them, we plan to use high concentration of lactose or IPTG
to constantly bind LacI and activate pLac, which will express TetR to repress pTetR,
which will be repressed to express another repressor cI. Thus, after high
concentration of lactose or IPTG treatment, oscillator will cease at LacI+TetR-cI-.
To realize this target, we need to use some particular solution to treat bacteria in
a long enough period before usage but not overlong, so that they can be activated at
the same time and then separated for the next experiment. In order to achieve such
an experimental goal, we designed our own instruments Portable Dual Port Filter to
make such activation procedure easier to operate, and we have verified its
effectiveness. This will facilitate later experiments.

Design drawings
Portable Dual Port Filter

1,2: Double pass valve
4: catheter
5: Three-way valve
6,8: Pressure-Controlled needle (including
pressure-controlled needle piston)
7: container
3: lid (The
structure is as follows)

Fill the No. 6 syringe with a Bacterial solution, and then
fill the No. 2 syringe with water. Press the Bacterial solution into the container.
After filtering through the bacteria filiter, the liquid flows out of No. 1 double
pass valve, while the bacteria will be trapped by the filter screen. Then use
distilled water to flush the filter screen to flush the bacteria out of No. 2 double
pass valve. The bacteria-medium (solid-liquid) separation can be realized.
3D Print
The following is our 3D printing model display.
Experimental Process

1. Prepare and autoclave normal saline solution and 1M
disaccharide solution.
2. Incubate the bacteria in 5mL LB medium with 100
μg/mL Amp at 37℃ for 14h.
3. Sterilize the model overnight with ultraviolet
light in the clean bench.
Consideration: For hardware instrument functional verification, we planned to use Escherichia coli DH5a to represent our engineered bacteria and sucrose to represent lactose due to lack of purchasing time and cost.
1. Fix a piece of bacteria filter membrane with a pore
size of 0.22um into the model in the clean bench.
2. Split the above bacterial solution cultured overnight, 2mL in an EP tube and 2ml in a 5mL syringe. Keep the EP tube at 4℃ to inhibit bacteria’s growth, which is set as the control group.
3. Inject 2mL culture into our model with the
syringe. Then open the No.1 valve
and let it flow out of the lower pipe through the filter membrane.
4. Inject enough 1M disaccharide solution with
another syringe to cover the
surface of the filter membrane. After 30min, open the valve and let it flow out
of the lower pipe through the filter membrane. Close the valve.
5. Inject normal saline solution with another
syringe to wash the bacteria off
the filter membrane. Open another valve and collect the washing liquor into some
EP tubes through the pipe on the side of our model. These are the treatment
6. Centrifuge these tubes along with the EP tube
at 4℃ for 10min at 3000 rpm.
7. Remove supernatant. Resuspend the bacteria
pellets in 5mL LB medium with 100
μg/mL Amp and incubate at 37℃ for at least 2h. The resuspended bacteria of the
treatment group are collected into one test tube, and that of the control group
into another.
8. Measure OD600 with a spectrophotometer and LB
medium with 100 μg/mL is used
as control. Record the data.
9. Clean the model with ddH2O and sterilize it
with UV for the next experiment.
10. Repeat the above procedures.
The results are as follows.

After two independent test experiments, we found the elution
efficiency after adherence was very low, for OD600 in treatment group was much lower
than that in control group which means that most bacteria were trapped in filter
membrane. Thus, we made an attempt to improve it. In the next two experiments, we
tried to rinse the used filter membrane into the LB medium before incubation. The
results are as follows.

To our surprise, this simple step improved the results by
an order of magnitude. After rinsing, eluted bacteria are much more compared with
direct elution . Inspired by the results, we plan to improve our model by
designing a mobile elution part on it in the future, in an attempt to increase the
elution efficiency and benefit our users.
During the experiment, we found the filtered liquid was still turbid, so we explored
the reason by comparing the filter membrane we used with the commercial filter
membrane. The latter turned out to be clear as expected. Given that we only used one
piece of filter membrane while the commercial one consists of multiple layers, we
may make some improvements and find a better way to fix multiple filter membranes in
our model in the future.

Figure Comparison of elution efficiency between Direct Elution and Rinse + Direct Elution Group.
In summary, we successfully achieved a portable dual port
filter for synchronization of bacteria in wet lab and an enteral drug simulation
equipment to explore the best combination of capsule construction. In the future, we
will consider more details to make the model closer to the real application. 3D
printing plays an integral role in manufacturing equipment, and we hope to adopt
bio-3D printing technology to obtain a more realistic intestinal environment in the
Enteral Drug Simulation Equipment
In our project, our engineered bacteria are supposed to
habitat in human intestine, so we need some drug delivery system to release them in
target intestine rather than stomach with extreme low pH which will absolutely kill
engineered bacteria. So we came up with an idea to use a kind of capsule.
In hardware, to characterize the breakdown dynamics of drug capsules as they pass
through the human digestive track, we designed a device to simulate the track and
the environment within it. This will help to explore the appropriate size and
material of drug particles, so that they can pass through the mouth, esophagus and
stomach, and then gradually dissolve after reaching the intestinal tract, and
finally bacteria are allowed to colonize the intestinal tract. Our device takes into
account more details, including the peristalsis of the intestine and the flow of
fluid, which will make our results more credible.
Capsule Design
Finally, we designed such multi-layer capsules, within which
engineered bacteria ceased by lactose are enclosed. In the outermost layer we used
gelatin, which slowly dissolves in any pH solution. This prevents the particles
inside from being melted directly in the mouth, thus helping the particles enter the
stomach. The outer layer of the capsule stays in the stomach for two hours and then
ablates, exposing the particles inside and entering the intestine. The outer layer
of the pellet is wrapped in carboxymethyl cellulose and is not dissolved in an
acidic environment, but is dissolved in a neutral environment. This will ensure that
the outermost layer of the granules is not digested in the stomach and can be
smoothly absorbed into the intestines. After entering the intestine, the
carboxymethyl cellulose of the outer layer of the granules falls off, exposing the
engineered bacteria and lactose to the outside The lactose is dissolved with the
intestinal fluid, forming a local high-concentration lactose solution and
synchronize the engineered bacteria. Then engineered bacteria are expected to
colonize the intestines and exert their curative effects.

Figure Capsule Concept Graph
In order to more realistically simulate the situation of
human intestine, we need to repeatedly squeeze the coarse catheter and let the
solution in the coarse catheter flow.

Finally, After a series of production, our equipment is
as follows:

1: Microflow pump
2: Synchronous engine and rotor
3: Coarse catheter
4: Frame
5: A thick conduit pipe
3D Print
The following is our 3D printing model display.
Experimental Process
Pilot Experiment
1. Use molds to make particles of various
substances(Carboxymethyl cellulose, Carbomer, Sodium alginate) of the same
radii(Diameter is 0.5cm).
2. Place in aqueous solution of ph=5.6 and
hydrochloric acid solution of
ph=1.85, soak for 2h, and observe the particle.

Figure Mold for particles and particle products with different radii
In order to make particles with the same radius,
bought a mold. Mix the powder
particles with the same amount of water, knead them into a ball, and put them
the mold. Bake in the mold for shaping, and finally form equal sized particles.

annotation: Invert the
tube. On the left is the result of
carboxymethyl cellulose soaking in water for two hours, and on the right is the
result of carboxymethyl cellulose soaking in hydrochloric acid for two hours. It
can be found that carboxymethyl cellulose in hydrochloric acid will not
dissolve, but will settle in a gel-like status at the bottom.
Formal Experimentation
1. Prepare hydrochloric acid solution with pH=1.73
to simulate the ph value of stomach.

annotation: Configure
hydrochloric acid using a pH meter measurement
2. Use the mold to make particles with different
radius(Diameter is 0.3cm, 0.5cm, 0.7cm).
3. Put particles in the Coarse catheter. Set up
the instrument.
4. Fill the middle coarse catheter with solution
until it passes through the outlet and inlet.
5. Turn on the Synchronous engine. Turn on the
microflow pump.
6. Stand it for two hours and observe whether the
particles dissolve.
7. Change hydrochloric acid into water and repeat
the experiment.

This is the change of particles
under hydrochloric acid immersion. It can be found that particles of any size
will not dissolve in acid solution.

We found that the particles of carboxymethyl cellulose
with radius of 0.3cm had been dissolved in water, but not dissolved in acid
solution. This shows that this substance can be used as a wrap outside the
particles. The granular material was made of carboxymethyl cellulose and the
radius should be less than 0.3cm to ensure that it completely dissolves in the
intestine and can stay in the stomach for at least 2 hours.
In summary, we achieved an enteral drug simulation
equipment. In the future, we will consider more details to make the model closer
to the real gut environment. 3D printing plays an integral role in manufacturing
equipment, and we hope to adopt bio-3D printing technology to obtain a more
realistic intestinal environment in the future.
A Bill of Purchasable Materials
Portable Dual Port Filter
Enteral Drug Simulation Equipment

Enteral Drug Simulation Equipment
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