

I Synthetic Biology Week

In order to expand and strengthen the local synthetic biology community, we organized the I Synthetic Biology Week. There were 7 days of an online event taught in Portuguese, in which lectures, mini-courses, round tables and conversation circles were held. See the schedule below:

There were 118 certified participants, of which 62.7% were women and 52.5% from Minas Gerais. We had the presence of participants from 17 Brazilian states, in addition to the Federal District. In the map below, we show in green, the states that participated:

The videos of the lectures and round tables are available on YouTube and had a total of 1,096 views.

The event was hugely successful. In addition to great feedback, people who participated online entered the world of synthetic biology, participating in other projects we developed, such as the Synthetic Biology Club, the Course of Engineering of Biological Machines and even other projects developed in the biohackerspace Idea Real/ICB UFMG.


STEAM Initiation for Children from Social Center

"Every child begins as a born scientist. We take that away from them. Only a few go through the system with their admiration and enthusiasm for science intact." ~Carl Sagan

Inspired by the great thinker and scientist Carl Sagan. The project developed in partnership with the NGO Nosso Pequeno Lar has the objective of exploring the intrinsic curiosity of the children assisted by the institution and the awakening of their scientist being.

The project consists of group dynamics that work the scientific method and critical thinking and the teaching of science classes. In addition to visiting environments where science is made.

Meeting 01

Class Proposal I : "Levels of Organization of Life - The Incredible World of Biology"


Science can be interpreted as human enterprise in order to describe, understand, explain and predict phenomena, as well as the relationships between the characteristics of these phenomena, by the use of empiricism, skepticism, scientific method and technology.

Levels of organization in biology are the hierarchical form of biological structures. This organization is structured based on a lower level (atom) and follows up to a higher level (biosphere). Each of these levels consists of the units present at the previous level, increased in organizational complexity. (mod.)

2.Main Goal

The main objective of this class is to define the concept of science, an introduction to the scientific method in addition to exploring the levels of organization of life.

2.1.Specific Objectives

- Scientific method teaching;

- Understanding the biological organization of life;

- Stimulating interest in scientific study and practice;

3. Materials and Methods

I) Provocations;

Children will be asked questions about what they understand by science and how they see a scientist. From the perspective presented by the students will be created narrative in this context for the explanation and application of the scientific method.

II) Paper sheets with hierarchical illustration of life;

III) 3d parts of atoms for assembling molecules;

4. Results and discussion

The role played by scientific and technological innovations in society is very expressive, whether in politics, economics, culture or education. The redefinition of educational practice is necessary given the acceleration of changes in social relations. The dialogue provided by the interdisciplinarity between the human and natural sciences questions the standard from the mechanistic paradigm leading to a learning process where the student is the main author in the search for knowledge.
The interactive dynamics described in item 3 was developed with 10 students from the NGO Nosso Pequeno Lar whose ages ranged from 8 to 14 years old.
The methodological procedures assumed the character of a descriptive exploratory investigation, through the analysis of what was proposed and presented to the children - exposure of the scientific method and the levels of organization of life - in addition to the dynamics of assembling molecules.
After exploring the levels of organization of life, exposition of how scientific research is carried out and the work of a scientist. The students emphasize the interest in the most diverse areas of science, on the other hand, they also made comments relevant to the professional future they aspire to.
The awakening of interest in the activity proposed to the children was clear, during the discussion they were very participative and answered the questions asked accurately. Such as: What is science? What makes a scientist? The surprise was evident for them when they learned of the possibility of working with science.
Assembling the molecules from the 3D models printed by the Ideia Real Laboratory. There was a lot of adhesion between them, at first they were asked to assemble ready-made molecules of substances such as H2O and O2 and encouraged them to guess what it was about. In the second moment, they were free to assemble the molecules as they wanted and then it was fully explored whether the assembled molecule was existent or not.
With the lecture and the proposed dynamics, the children understood the scientific method and the organization of life on planet earth.

Meeting 02

Class Proposal II : "Visit to the Museum of Natural Sciences of PUC Minas"


The Museum of Natural Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais is a Brazilian museum of natural sciences, which through exhibitions, education and research, preserves the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Brazil.

2.General objective

Given the interest in awakening children's intrinsic curiosity and the scientist existing in them, as mentioned by Carl Sagan. The team and the Museum of Natural Sciences of PUC Minas partnered to view the institution's facilities on November 12, 2020. The Museum of Natural Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais is a Brazilian museum of natural sciences, which through exhibitions, education and research, preserves Brazil's natural, historical and cultural heritage. The Museum has exhibitions of scientific collections, highlighting the collection of mastozoology, exotic and paleontological fauna. The contact with the past and the present will have inestimable value and an essential contribution to children's knowledge and the creation of their scientific and critical thinking.

2.1.Specific Objectives

- Understand the levels of Life Organization;

- Get to know Brazilian paleontology and fauna;

- Talk about usage and application of these molecules;

3. Materials and Methods

I) Museum Visit;

Resources needed: Museum tickets(we were able to obtain vistation fee exemption), Transportation for 15-20 people, Monitors from NGO and iGEM team, Authorisation for the visit.

4. Expected Results

It is expected that students understand the importance of the preservation of the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Brazil and that the children develop interest in science.

VI CEMB - Biological Machine Engineering Course

Our team organized the sixth edition of the Biological Machine Engineering Course, in parthership with the Biohacker space IdeaReal, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). It aims to instigate the participants, from different backgrounds, to think about how to build a better world through the programing of life, and present their ideas.

This type of event is a excellent way to introduce people to the competition and synthetic biology in general, in addition deepen knowledge of ones that already know the field and make network with the synbio comunity. In total, we had 30 participants, formig 7 interdisciplinary teams.

This one week course is inspired by the iGEM structure, so its organiztion is designed in a way to integrate people of differente areas, knowledge level and ages, providing a multiciplinary and a colaborative learning about sythetic biology and co-realted themes.

The content addressed the teams of:

  • - Entrepreneurship and inovation
  • - Synthetic biology and molecular biology techniques
  • - Bioart, maker movement, DIY-Bio and nanobiotechnology
  • - Computational modeling of biology sistems
  • - iGEM Competition, past projects.

The schedule included speeches of each theme, lectured by renowned professors, like our PIs Mrs. Liza Felicori and Mr. Tiago Mendes, followed by a practical laboratory activity, with 15 hours of hands-on work in total. Throughout the week, our team kindly mentored the participants, with the help of others udergraduate, masters and doctoral students, for a better guidence to the development of their projects. The general idea of the course is for the teams to learn about synthetic biology, and with the knowledge acquired in the activities present a project that solves a especific problem, like a "mini iGEM".

The last day of the course was for the presentation of the projects and awards for the best project by judges choice (our speakers), best project by public choice, best human practices, best biological machine and best entrepreneurial proposal. We had amazing ideas and very good speeches by the participants. Many different projects were created by them

Foto 1 Foto 2 Foto 3 Foto 4 Foto 1

We are so happy to see the great impact of the Biological Machine Engineering Course, where we were able to improve our abilities in science communication, once we had to mentor the groups using different approaches, which later help us to talk about our project with the community, besides learning new things with the different projects developed, that we had to research about to help the groups and understand others people perspective. The feedback of the participants also shows that they liked the course and get inspired, the practical activities in addition to the theoretical content were a strong feature of the event. In addition to some points they didn’t like that much, we will consider the improvement of the next editions. Take a look at some feedbacks of the participants:

CEMB Photo Gallery

Foto 1 Foto 2 Foto 3 Foto 4 Foto 1

BioArt Residency

The residency in Bioarte at the VI Biological Machines Engineering Course takes place in conjunction with the Laboratory of Border Poetics as an extension action of the MULTI|Lab project. With this activity, we aimed to connect the scientific and social parts of our project through art.
MULTI|lab is an extension project of the Guignard school that starts from discussions of the research group on border poetics LabFront. The project reaches its 5th year and presents developments on themes related to artistic production from audiovisual to its relations with fields of science and technology, such as biology, computer science and engineering, all for the internal and external community of the academy. Inside it, residencies, exhibitions, workshops, study groups, conversation circles and much more are promoted.

Curatorial scope

Memories of art and native peoples in Brazilian territory, a preservation of ephemeral memory


We started from characteristics that are ephemeral in some expressions of bioart and we considered the cultures originating in the Brazilian territory from the reality of constant persecution and obliteration of your memory. A memory that still has elements present in local traditions, especially in the relationship between art, crafts and design (stamping, patterns, scenes and scenarios, tapestry, weaving, basketry, modern/contemporary works of art, etc.).

See below some of the amazing works created!

This document contains the art created through the LabFront curatorial scope.

Curatorial Scope - Design

This document contains the works created during the course.

Through this activity, we could reflect on how biology and biotechnology are connected with our Brazilian native cultures, starting a new discussion in this field. The showcase will take place within the Panorama IV exhibition, an exhibition that takes place together with CIACT-SAD, which is our annual congress. Thank you Laboratório de Poéticas Fronteiriças (LabFront) for this amazing partnership!

UFMG's Synthetic Biology Club


Our Synthetic Biology Club was born in 2020 after the Jamboree Brazuca, which made UFMG’s students back in touch with SynBio, hence, organizers of the event, Yala Sampaio and Paulo Aguiar, supported by the professors, such as Dr. Liza Felicori and Dr. Rafaela Salgado, decided to found the UFMG’s Synthetic Biology Club, in order to attract new people to the topic and hopefully build a new innovation hub in the academic environment. Needless to say, it was the very same year the COVID-19 pandemic started, hence the meeting environment had to become virtual. Nonetheless, it was still very successful!

By the end of 2020, some of the participants got the encouragement to make a new iGEM team, and from that, new members joined after participating in the 2021’s edition of the Club and learning more about iGEM. Then forming the UFMG -UFV Brazil team.

Club's Meeting Schedule

Weekly meetings are held every Thursday, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM GMT-3, and last the entire academic semester. In 2020 and 2021’s editions were virtual and conducted on the Zoom platform, while in the 2022’s editions, the meetings were carried out in a hybrid approach. Therefore, we could expand the group, taking advantage of the benefits of in-person learning and online facilities and outreach, integrating people from far localities of UFMG university.

1. Leveling

As stated above, participants came from very diverse backgrounds - some knew more, and some knew nothing about molecular biology, biochemistry, and SynBio. Hence, the first month of the Club’s focus is explaining the main concepts needed to understand the subject: replication, transcription, and translation; also introducing the iGEM Competition, discussing past year's wikis. The classes were conducted by the team’s founders, who already had a great background in genetics, molecular biology and SynBio. Nowadays many members of our iGEM team conduce the meetings.

In the first edition, a survey concerning the participants’ profile was carried and the results reinforced the importance of a leveling approach in a diverse environment before getting started with SynBio and we maintain a similar diversity of participants for the 2022 edition:

Figure 1: chart representing the primary areas of study of the members (a and c) and the academic levels (b and d).Results represented in a-b relate to 2022/1 edition, with 29 participants, and c-d to 2022/2, with 40 participants. Although many students came from fields such as health sciences and biology, it’s important to state that many of them were in the begining of their academic journey, so they didn’t have deep knowledge in some specific aspects related with SynBio. Besides, these students come from very diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, which means their access to basic information, such as molecular biology and genetics, eventually can be pretty incipient, which makes necessary to recall e explain some topics a bit more [1].

2. Introductory

By the time the basic content was fully understood, it was time to take the following steps and see how that basic theory correlates to SynBio and what are the specialties of this field. Hence, the next five weeks involved activities about genetic circuits, molecular biology techniques, their applications, bioinformatic tools. Besides that, aiming to bring the labor market perspective of the synthetic biology field, we promote, in 2022, open speeches by professionals working in the area. It is important to emphasize that the discussions were carried out based on presentations made by the club participants, so they could have an opportunity to study, understand and increase the knowledge exchange.

A few discussions were based on presentations that some members had expertise on, such as bioinformatic, genetic circuits and molecular biology techniques. These members were mainly graduated and/or PhD candidates who worked in these fields, so their contribution was great in therms of making a relatable and applicable approach through very didatic presentations and full of information.

3. Discussion

The final five weeks of the semester focused more on an integrated discussion environment focusing on more active and dynamic learning. At this time, specific topics that are important to know and will contribute to members’ creation capacity are addressed, like operons, artificial proteins, translation modification strategies, alternative splicing, among other subjects that came from the participant's suggestions, concerning new articles and previous iGEM projects. Hot topics come and go, CRISPR, for example, and further suggestions are always welcomed. Based on the participant's willingness to learn and discuss specific topics, some articles are chosen, and debates are opened to raise productive discussions about SynBio innovations, and their economic and ethical aspects, among other curiosities.

Besides that, this is a relevant moment to evaluate eventual doubts that arrise from these discussions, which contributes to reinforce concepts and correct misunderstandings. It is also a great opportunity to call more attention to the iGEM institution, projects and events, inspiring the members to participate in the competition or in other SynBio events.

Finally, there is also a discussion to evaluate the club itself and organize the structure and didactic approach in order to improve future editions. And this year, we are organizing practical activities in the laboratory, putting forward the club members' knowledge.


Nowadays, UFMG Synthetic Biology Club is in its 6th edition (4 fully online, 2 in hibrid approach), and its fame is just getting bigger. In the last edition (2022/1), the adhesion of selected participants was around 90%, and for the 2002/2 edition the subscribers raised even more, specially because of the hibrid participation. We are proud to say that our initiative is implementing a new Synthetic Biology hub in Brazil, strengthening the subject in our country and captivating new students with every new edition. Our perspective is that the club originates new investigative groups, entrepreneurship projects, and SynBio events (the VI CEMB, for example!) in our community.


Our perspectives for the future of Synthetic Biology Club are optimist. We noticed that our proposed activities are increasingly attracting new students from different fields and increasing the adhesion of veteran members. We adapt and improve each edition's lectures, exercises, approaches, and professional guests. By evaluating old problems and discussing them with the help of everyone in the Club, we can adapt the organization and try to solve them for the subsequent editions. Developed from students for students, our learning environment is getting better each edition, and the goal of spreading synthetic biology in our country is achieving higher patamars every year.


[1] Gervasio, J.; et al. BioSin UFMG Club: Engaging a multilevel and multidisciplinary community in synthetic biology. Biochem Mol Biol Educ, 50:249–53, 2022. Available on: