

This page is dedicated to our member team, who have been entirely devoted to our project throughout the year. This page is also committed to everyone who believed in our project and helped along the way. To all, our most sincere gratitude and thanks!

Individual Contributions

Arthur Wakin Enrici: Arthur worked directly in the wet lab. He participated in every scientific part developed in the laboratories of the Federal University of Viçosa. In addition, he developed the e-book for the Biological Machine Engineering Course IV in the educational area. Finally, he assisted in developing and writing the team's Wiki.

Ayrton Breno Pimenta Lisboa: Breno was responsible for the in silico analysis and the literature research that led to the chosen chitinases. Also, took part in the overall project design and discussion.

Beatriz Helena de Mello Orlandi de Deus: Beatriz was responsible for wiki structure development, studying the new wiki format and coding.

Camila de Souza Costa: Camila Costa participated in the Human Practices and Educational projects, especially organizing the Meetup Latam. She was also in the staff for IV CEMB, and for the 2022 BioSin Club and helped to write the wiki content.

Gabrielly Carvalho de Mattos: Gabrielly participated in wet lab activities at UFMG and collaborated with the team with background research, analysis, writing, and content editing.

Laene Abreu Schreiber: Laene Schreiber participated in all Human Practices and Education projects, contacting experts, coordinating events, fieldwork, and organizing the Human Practices team. She also worked on administrative and bureaucratic tasks and helped write the wiki content.

Livia Batista Galinari: Livia has participated in leading the wet lab group at the Federal University of Viçosa, assisted in the mathematical modeling, and gathered useful lab intel for the hardware. She was also involved in Wiki writing and other competition deliverables.

Luiz Felipe Tavares Penido: Luiz participated mainly in Human Practices and Education projects, being present in the field action of the Humanitarian Mission in São João das Missões. He also participated in wiki writing and background research.

Luiza de Oliveira Possa: Luiza participated in the wet lab group at UFV and collaborated with the team logo design. She also actively participated in specific literature searches and wiki writing.

Maria Eduarda Silva Faria: Maria is a Human Practices member, participating in the organization and field activities of the Humanitarian Mission in São João das Missões and producing the comics used for its education action. She was also a staff member of the VI CEMB, the BioSin UFMG Club in 2022, assisted with the Integrated Human Practices, the partnership with the Costa Rica team, administration of the social media, and assisted in the wiki development.

Maíra Pena de Oliveira Rocha: Participant in Human Practices and Education projects, Maíra was also part of the field action of the Humanitarian Mission in São João das Missões, besides virtual research and contacting specialists to help gather more information about the issues addressed in our project. She participated in Wiki writing and development, media content production, and team representation in networking environments, along with eventual aids in the lab field.

Paulo Aguiar Muniz: Paulo Participated in the construction design of the biological parts and the kill switch. helped at Wetlab and was responsible for some administrative tasks related to the project. He also participated in writing the wiki material

Pedro Rocha Garcia: Pedro, a Human Practices member, helped with the humanitarian mission in São João das Missões. He also assisted presenting the project at conferences and made part in writing the wiki material.

Sávio Ferreira Mendes: Sávio collaborated with the wet lab experiments at the Federal University of Viçosa and the wiki writing.

Vanessa Duarte Pasa: Vanessa is an undergraduate student who participated in the WetLab experiments, helped design the composite parts of our project, helped construct the mathematical modeling, and participated in writing and publishing wiki material.

Vitor Frost Marchesan: Vitor Marchesan was the main developer and contributor of the hardware. He also helped with the modeling and with L. acidophilus growth conditions on bigger scales.

Vitor de Morais Santos: Vitor de Morais is a member of the Human Practices team, participated in the organization of education and social projects with the NGO Nosso Pequeno Lar, in addition to having been present in the humanitarian action in São João Das Missões and in conversations with specialists.

Yala Sampaio: Yala has completed most administrative and bureaucratic tasks related to the Federal University of Minas Gerais and its financial affair. She also contributed to the project's scientific components and was the major responsible for the experimentation work group at WetLab in UFMG.

Our supervisors

Dr. Camila Dias Lopes: Thank you Camila for helping us with the bureaucratic problems, all pacience and for being open to help in the project development.

Dr. Liza Figueiredo Felicori Vilela: Thank You Liza for answering our doubts, for all the feedback and help, and for providing us with the resources to develop this project.

Dr. Rafaela Salgado Ferreira: Thank you Rafaela for being open to help us during the project development and for giving us feedback.

Dr. Tiago Antônio de Oliveira Mendes: Last but not least, we are grateful to our supervisor Tiago Mendes. Thank you for every meeting, resource, patience and dedication to us and our project.

Our mentor

Fabio Nunes de Mello: Thank you, Fabio Mello, for giving us insights based on your iGEM experience and for being available to participate in our meetings and give advice.

Our advisors

Beatriz Toledo Akiti: Thank you, Beatriz, for being available to help us with suggestions and feedback that made our project better.

Maria Victória Pereira da Luz: Thank you, Maria Victória, for all the suggestions and feedback that helped us to improve our project.

Special acknowledgment

Dr. Aristóteles Goes Neto: Thank you, Professor Aristóteles, for kindly allowing the use of the space of your laboratory and for always being open to helping us.

Dr. João Vitor Dutra Molino: Thank you for guiding us to develop and build the Bioreactor. Without you, hardware development wouldn’t be possible.

Jonesvan Pereira Oliveira, Municipal Health Secretary of São João das Missões: Thank you, Jonesvan and your team for helping us understand our target audience's reality through meetings, guided visitation of the villages of Xakriabá indigenous land and connecting us with other stakeholders.

Dr. Livia Seno Ferreira-Camargo: Thank you for all the support, space and resources to develop and build the Bioreactor.

Dr. Luciana Werneck Zuccherato: Thank you, Luciana, for all your advice and support during our lab experimentation at UFMG. That includes the help with cloning bacteria, miniprep, gel electrophoresis, DNA extraction from gel, and access to reagents. Thank you for always being open to answering our doubts. Without your help, we would not have achieved anything.

Dr. Marcele Neves Rocha: Thank you Marcele, for all the advice and support our lab experimentation at UFMG. Also, we appreciate all the effort in our Biological Machine Engineering Course, in which she has a teacher and organizer.

Marlene, NGO Amigos de Minas Principal Coordinator: Thank you Marlene for meeting us and being open to our participation in the NGO Amigos de Minas humanitarian actions.

Dr. Pablo Gobira and LabFront team: Thank you, Professor Pablo Gobira, and LabFront group, for helping us implement the bioart activity in VI CEMB. Also thank you for advising about some design and art aspects of the project ProChi.

Pedro Antônio Franco: We would like to applaud Pedro for all the work in the design of our wiki. You performed miracles in a very short time, and all your drawings are breathtaking.


Dr. Renato Lima Senra: Thank you, Renato, for putting up with all of our cries for help at UFV and for always helping us with the experiments, giving tips, insights and assistance.

Msc. Regina Maria Fernandes: A huge thanks to Regina, a manager who helps us with all bureaucratic problems, documentation, and finances. Without her help, we would not have been able to solve all the bureaucratic and financial problems. Also, she helped us with the organization of the Biological Machine Engineering Course. She was always available to help the team and helped us a lot!

Samir Lisboa: Thank you Samir, for helping to organize the Biological Machine Engineering Course. Without you, it wouldn't be possible.

Dr. Viviane de Souza Alves: Huge thanks to Professor Viviane, that provided us with knowledge and bibliographic references about worms. Thank you for being available to help us on the assembly of protocols related to C. elegans.

Other support

Alan Jahel: Thank you Alan Jahel for sharing your experiences in volunteering in the health field of vulnerable populations, helping us understand how the problem is in the real world.

Gabriel Pasa: Thank you Gabriel for the help in the development of our mathematical model.

Msc. Giovanna Maklouf: Thank you, Giovanna, for helping us understand better the iGEM Competition and deliverables through your substantial iGEM experience.

Juan Zegarra: Thank you Juan, for the help in the filming of our Project Promotion Video and for the great photos that you took while being our photographer.

Luiz Felipe Chaves Flores: Luiz is an undergraduate who withdrew from our team midway. Although he failed to complete the competition, thank you Luiz for the creation of our logo and for the design of our social media layout.

Luis Fernando Furtado: Thank you for being open to talk to us about anthelmintic resistance and giving feedback on our project.

Maiara do Valle and Fernando Genta: Thank you for being open to talk to us about our ideas and for helping us with your feedback.

Maria Clara Astolfi: Thank you, Maria, for being open to talk to us about science education and the indigenous community and also giving insights about iGEM Competition structure.

Samir de Lima Lisboa: Thank you Samir for the help in the development of our Biological Machine Engineering Course.

Dr. Maria do Carmo: Thank you, Professor Maria, for listening to our ideas and giving us important feedback about the usage of probiotics.

Paula Fonseca: Thank you, Paula Fonseca, for kindly providing our initial aliquot of Aspergillus niger.

Sarah Sacks: Thank you, Sarah. Our talk helped us decide which and how chitinases to use in our project. Without your help, we would not have such a robust project.

Dr. Thaysa Tagliaferri: Thank you, Thaysa, for being open to help us with Assembly methods and primer design.

Surveillance of Zoonoses of the Brazilian Ministry of Health: Thank you, Marcelo Yoshito, Maria de Fátima Lopes, Daniela Ferreira, Sérgio de Andrade, and Francisco Ferreira, for meeting us online and sharing updated information about the parasitoses in Brazil.