

Characterization of arabinose induced self- lysis system: BBa_K112000

In iGEM 2020, our original design was to design a part consisting of UV promoter sulAp and T4 lsysis system. However, due to the high leaking expression of SulAp, we are unable to construct that part at last. Instead, we built a part based on arabinose-induced promoter, the part could successfully lysis the bacteria after arabinose induction.

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Fig1 Part designed by our team in iGEM 2020

The experiment of the suicide efficiency was investigated using E. coli (strain DH10B), a gradual decline in OD600 value of recombined DH10B (pSB1C3-pBAD-T4) in response to 1mM arabinose could be observed compared to non-transformed ones (control).

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Fig2 Data from our team in iGEM 2020

Arabinose was considered as a safe food ingredient. Therefore, this year we still choose it to be our inducer of self lysis system. The patient can take a pill of arabinose to start the system and eliminate the engineered bacteria in their intestine. To co-transform the self-lysis system with our OMV-producing vector(pSB1C3 backbone), the antibiotic resistance tag has to be changed(two tags need to be different), therefore, we use pBAD-HisA plasmid as our backbone.

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Fig3 Construction of self-lysis vector
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After checking more instructions about araBAD promoter, we found that the arabinose concentration used in 2020(1mM/L≈0.15g/L) is far lower than the manual suggest(2g/L)(M.R. Green, Molrcular cloning a laboratory manual (fourth edition)), we improved our protocol and accelerate the lysis process from 20 hour to 4 hour. (detailed protocol: supplementary material: protocol14)

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Fig4. OD600 change after 1mmol/L final concentration of arabinose added
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Fig5. OD600 change after 2g/L final concentration of arabinose added

Characterization of UV promoter sulAp(BBa_K518010):

SulAppromoter (BBa_K518010) submittedby UT-Tokyo’s SMART bacteria project, appliesthe RecA mediated DNA repair mechanism to regulate gene expression in vivo. Consisting of both characteristics as apromoter and a silencer, SulApallowsRNA polymerase (RNAP) to attach.But usually,the access of RNAP will be blocked by atranscription regulating factor,theLexA protein, which suppressed on theSulApto silence the downstream gene expression.When exposed to UV (typically UVC, 254nm), RecA activity in the cytoplasm increaseswhich cleavesthe LexA to derepress the inhibitiontor SulApand allowstranscription occurs.

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Fig6 Mechanism of sulAp

In our design, activityof SulAp with and without UV induction has beeninvestigated with the aid of the gene for green fluorescence protein (eGFP). We ligated the pSulA-eGFP fragment onto vector pSB1C3, which then transformed into the top10 (E. coli).The increase inFluorescence per OD600 will be measure through a plate reader(experiment detail:supplementary material: protocol13).

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Fig7 Vector with eGFP report gene
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Fig8. the result of eGFP expression after irradiated by UVC, unit: fluorescence per OD. eGFP-: non-recombinant BL21 irradiated under UVC (without pSS1); eGFP- UV-: non-recombinant not exposed under UV. 0min: recombinant BL21, no UV exposure; 0.5min: recombinant BL21 irradiated under UV for 30 seconds; 1min: recombinant BL21 irradiated under UV for 1 min; 2min: the recombinant BL21 irradiated under UV for 2 min. (Data from our team in 2020)
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Fig9: The result of eGFP expression after irradiated by 15mW/cm2 UVC for 1min Blank: Ecoli Top10 strain without vector UV-: pSB1C3-SulAp-eGFP(top10) without UV radiation UV+: pSB1C3-SulAp-eGFP(top10) irradiated under UV

Based on the data, we improved this part by adding one more LexA binding site, see the page:


Hardware design

We designed a micro-swallowable auto-positioning capsule UVC light source which we trained to recognize that it is in the right location by utilizing a convolutional neural network exposed to a large dataset of endoscopic video footage.

For details, see

