
The problem:

Nowadays, detecting and identifying chemical elements always involves the use of heavy, costly and specialized instruments. However, a high porpotion of laboratories, especially those lack transportation and funding, may find these instruments unaccessible.

Our solution:

Consequently, THINKER_CHINA constructs a low-cost, efficient and easy-to-operate BioSensor that has various applications.  For instance, from the aspect of environmental protection, by detecting the concentration of contaminants in water, we can evaluate the degree of water pollution and implement corresponding sewage prevention and control policies.  In terms of health, we can effectively prevent disease by reflecting the results of the test organism. 

Wet Team

Wet team is in charge of doing the lab research, including marshalling the data, learning related bodies of knowledge etc. In addition, 11 members of wet team all have taken a role in various parts as building mathematical models, collaborating with the experiment part and participating in wet lab’s human practice.

Dry Team

18 members of our dry team are engaging in public research, education outreach, and the presentation of our product. Apart from these, dry team will also participate in compiling the business plan, running our social media, producing our team souvenirs, creating mathematical models, building wiki website, and creating art design when needed.