

Lactose intolerance Online Lecture

The video is introduced from term explanation, symptoms, etiology, and relief methods to provide an introduction about lactose intolerance symptoms for the public. We hope that more people can understand the symptoms of lactose intolerance and learn to relieve the condition through this video.

Screen shots from the lactose-intolerant lecture

β-galactosidase and Synthetic Biology Online Lecture

This video explains the manifestation, use, role, and impact of β-galactosidase. It also explains the definition of synthetic biology and the difference between genetic modification. This video is more academic, and we aim to let everyone know more about biology through this video.

Screen shots from β-galactosidase and Synthetic Biology Online Lecture

Project Introduction Lecture

This video is an introduction to our team's project, including the origin of our ideas, project goals, general experimental planning, and HP activities. We hope more population can pay more attention to and understand our project. We also held the on-site lecture in front of senior 1 students, basically introducing why we determine to solve this problem and what we have done until now. They started to be impressed with how amazingly the synthetic biology can contribute to our daily lives.

Screen shots from Project Introduction Lecture

Offline lecture

Recommended Diet Online Lecture

This video provides suitable foods and drinks for lactose-intolerant patients. By understanding the plan in advance and preventing the deepening of the disease, lactose intolerant patients can know a better way to eat through this video.

Screen shots from Recommended Diet Online Lecture

Synthetic biology lecture

In cooperation with team Thinker-ShenZhen, we together gave a lively lecture on synthetic biology at Shenzhen Middle School, wishing for spreading the knowledge of synthetic biology and arousing the youth's interest in biology.

click to view:https://2022.igem.wiki/thinker-shenzhen/