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With SJTU-BioX-Shanghai

Glad to stand by the side of our dear fellow team, SJTU-bioX-Shanghai, we had in-depth communication and cooperation throughout the whole project.

In April


We first got in touch officially with SJTU-bioX-Shanghai in april, right where we justed tredded on this amazing journey, wondering what was to be selected as our topic. We had established close contact with the members of SJTU-bioX-Shanghai thanks to the advantage of locations and shared resources by then. Since our first official discussion on topic choice between two team leaders, we have been earnestly focusing on each other’s idea about the topic.

They had two options to choose from at that time, one was DNA information storage,which became their ultimate choice, and the other was microbial production of aromatic hydrocarbons for scented candle making. Our advice to them was that microbial aromatic production involves issues on costs, while problems on industrialization were also to be considered, because there was many limitations for microbial production compared to plant-derived aromatic substances.

We had two pending options at that time, one was the prediction of secondary structure of RNA and the other was this current option. Their suggeted that there are already some better tools developed by more advanced algorithms regarding secondary structure prediction, and it would be difficult to have further algorithmic innovation. After thorough consideration on these different views, we helped each other on better deciding our topics.

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