Our team consists of a front-end group, a back-end group, a design group and an HP group.

The front-end team is responsible for the layout and production of the web pages, including the logical structure of the wiki and the beautification of the software pages.

The back-end team is responsible for model optimisation, algorithm development, software implementation, server construction and front and back-end interaction.

The design team is responsible for all visual output of the team, including the team logo, mascot design, drawing flowcharts, video production and editing, etc.

The HP team is responsible for contacting experts and other participating teams for communication, as well as for the operation of the public website and science education and publicity.


Jialu Wei

- Responsible for the work of the whole team and co-ordinating the work schedule.

- Participating in parts of the back-end, HP, and design groups.

- Coordinating cooperation and communication with experts and participating teams.

Chennan Zhang

- Resiponsible for the designing of team mascots and polishing of wiki pages.

Chongchen Pang

- Responsible for the function implementation of the ecmodel

- Participate in the development of web backend

Enlin Gu

- Model Construction and usage of GECKO method

- Participate in the development of web backend

Ruoyin Zhou

- Attempting to add species information to improve the deep learning model

- Providing some information to be displayed on the front page

Shijie Zhang

- Responsible for development of DLKcat model, tried other methods and GAN model

Suran Wang

- Participate in recording promotion video andpresentation

- Do related research and operate Wechat official account for publicity

- Contact professors and teams from other universities for communication and collaboration

- Responsible for practical activity including preparation for the online courses.

Xiangyu Zhu

- Responsible for the configuration of the port and web server in the development of web backend

Xihao Han

- Responsible for human practice and external communication

Yang Fu

- Responsible for the realization of attention mechanism used in CNN

- Participate in drawing the flowchart and result analysis diagrams

Yiyan Ma

- Edit home and human practice parts of wiki

- Responsible for frontend part of web application construction, participated in human practice work

Yiying Lun

- Member of the front-end programming group

- Edit and design the software and team wiki

Yuelin Ni

- Serve as the leader of the design team

- Responsible for providing logo, wiki illustration, banner, poster and team uniform design for the project.

Yumeng Chen

- Edit project part of wiki


Prof. Chaochun Wei (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

- Primary PI

- Support and guide us

Yue Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

- Secondary PI

- Provide many theories and proposals to support our work

Prof. Linquan Bai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

- Provides us with the practical significance of the model, and communicates and guides the experimental methods

Prof. Ting Shi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

- Provide theoretical support, feasibility and biological significance of our mutation hot spot combination

Yuhang Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

- Communicate with us on the evolutionary theory of protease