Sidebars examples


We interviewed former team leaders of SJTU-Software, in the hope of gaining valuable insights on preparation for iGEM competition.

We were lucky to have received various guidance from topic choice to pressure management during the whole project.

We showed the interview contents in detail in our Wechat public account, providing an opportunity for our team members and members of other teams to learn from these experiences together.


We went into rural areas of western China to spread the idea of sythetic biology and iGEM.

Through our cooperation with social practice group Fantastic Plants And Where To Find Them, we gave lectures online to help students better understand the idea of sythetic biology.

In the online course, we first introduced the classification methods and characteristics of plants, and introduced important plant organs and tissues. We also introduced the fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves of plants.

In addition, we also introduced the conception and wide application of biosynthesis, and through interesting videos to help pupils understand the principle of transgene and its application in life.

Such online courses are so popular with pupils and them have deepened their understanding of nature and different creatures from the course.

Meanwhile, we brought chances of hand-on experiments into classes where there were hardly ever experiment classes due to scarcity of resources.


Ⅰ、Wechat Public Account

We have established our own WeChat public account for more publicity, so that our voice can be heard by more people.

On our WeChat public account platform, we further explained our project background and significance, and presented more relevant knowledge to everyone in the form of lovely scientific articles.

We explained the DL-ecGEM model in our project in detail in both Chinese and English, and led everyone to understand actinomycetes and their application in production.

In addition, we supplemented the introduction of the causes and treatment of diabetes to help people better understand the practical application background and significance of our project.

Ⅱ、Emoji Package

We designed and launched our own Wechat emoji package based on cartoon images of actinomycetes, in the hope of getting more people to know of these lovely creatures.

By using our emoji package in daily chats, the chatting interface are ignited with these vivid delights. Meaningwhile, interests on our project are raised and good inpressions on actinomycetes are rooted.