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Long time ago, according to the needs of human beings, the different fermentation of the engineering bacteria robots formed different Kingdoms of Fermentation.

Figure 1: Kingdom of Fermentation.

Here was such a fermentation kingdom. The engineering bacteria robots in the kingdom obtain a kind of battery for survival by constantly providing fermentation products to human beings. The bacteria robots in the kingdom maintained their daily fermentation work by constantly ingesting batteries. However, not all of these engineered bacteria robots can work at a high quality.

Figure 2: Engineering bacteria robot and Useless zombie robot.

Engineering bacteria robot: Oh, I'm tired to death, man. Why do you eat with no work done all day? The batteries in our headquarters seem to be running out. I work hard every day but I can't get enough food. What's your secret, can you tell me?

Useless zombie robot: You have a bright insight, my friend. I can't believe you found this out. For your shrewdness, I'm going to tell you .

Engineering bacteria robot:Thank you very much. You really save my life.

Useless zombie robot :It's very simple. The answer lies in only one word: mutation.

Engineering bacteria robot: Mutation?

Useless zombie robot: Exactly. Or you could call it strain degeneration. As long as you accumulate enough mutations, the fermentation yield is bound to decline. We can just sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Engineering bacteria robot: I get it!

Figure 3: The trend of "loafing around".

Gradually, this trend of "loafing around" spread among robots, and more and more useless zombie robots came out. They spent their days enjoying themselves, constantly competing for the batteries of hard-working engineering bacteria robots. Gradually, due to the increasing number of useless zombie robots, the situation became more and more serious. There was a famine throughout the kingdom, and the Fermentation Kingdom could no longer maintain its normal work.

Figure 4: Dispers.

The once prosperous Fermentation kingdom now was in such a bleak situation. At this critical moment, a group of people called ”Dispers” came to the Fermented Kingdom to rescue the Engineered bacteria robots with a powerful artifact named “DISP”(Direct intelligent screening platform ).

Dispers: We are the embodiment of OUC-China. When we heard that the Fermentation Kingdom was in trouble, we came to help.

Figure 5: CHIP Chips were produced.

The Dispers found the representative totem of the Fermentation Kingdom and put it on the scanner of the DISP magic tool. After the sound of "bleep", the DISP was rumbling , and the dispers felt the earth was shaking. With a burst of noise, lights shining from the DISP, then a series of chips were produced.

Figure 6: CHIP chip.

Dispers: These are CHIP chips. c stands for "control", h stands for" hold",i for "inhibition" and p stands for" transport". By implanting it into the robot, the defects of the robot can be targeted for treatment.

Figure 7: Rebirth.

The Dispers implanted "CHIP chips" into the useless zombie robots to repair and update them ,then the engineering bacteria robots were reborn. Subsequently, the Fermentation Kingdom recovered to its old days of prosperity .


A project by the OUC-China & Research iGEM 2022 team.
