


From the beginning of 2022, OUC-China has brand new members for this competition season. With the help of our advisors and experienced seniors, we build a team consisting of 13 undergraduate students from different majors. And by sharing happiness and solving problem together, now we become close friends and have the tacit understanding. All the members in 2022 OUC-China devoted the best of themselves to develop the project. What needs to be specifically mentioned is that without the help of many people from schools, other institutions, and society, we will accomplish nothing. We sincerely thank their help.

Member’s attribution

Can Cui, the team captain of OUC-China iGEM 2022 and general affairs supervisor, was responsible for designing our project , as well as post data processing and analysis. As a wet and dry coordinator, her efforts and coordination arrangements ensure that all work is carried out normally. At the same time, she was responsible for writing the design,proof of concept and contribution on Wiki. She played an irreplaceable role in our project!
Ziwei Wang, dry-lab leader of our team, he participated in the conception of the whole project and mainly responsible for the model part. He was responsible for the major modeling and excavated deeply in theory.In addition, he undertook part of the experiment and played a very important role in the whole process!
Rui Shi, wet-lab leader of our team,was responsible for designing our experiment , as well as post data processing and analysis. He participated in the whole experiment, recorded the experimental characteristics and checked all the loops and parts that needed to be submitted.
Jinwen Zhang, she was responsible for human practice, playing an important role in interviewing professors and analyzing the questionnaire,as well as cooperating with our partner team. She also wrote the HP part on the wiki!In addition to that,she was also responsible for the training of the next reserve OUC-China team!
Zirui Wang, she is the artist of our team. She designed all our posters, wikis, videos, team uniforms and new comics , all the amazing ideas come from her! In addition, she also participated in human practice.
Teng Liu, the wiki manager who established our wiki! Although he had little knowledge and experience in writing web pages at the beginning, he accomplished the task excellently through hard study.
Hongkai Fan, a lab manager, who was responsible for most of our experiments! He designed some part of the experimental plans according to the expected goals. He was also responsible for analyzing the results of the experiment and writing the safety and protocols on the wiki.
Ziyuan Wang ,she was responsible for our hardware. She designed the hardware and the automatic signal processor. She also wrote the Hardware part on the wiki!Besides that,she actively participated in our experiments as well.
Yuchen Qi, she is the financial manager. She helped the team manage team fees and sort out financial revenues. In addition, She made some education videos and our promotion video with Jinwen Zhang.
Xinchen Yue, a lab manager, who was responsible for some our experiments! He is responsible for writing protocols on the wiki. And designed experiment as well. In addition,he submitted the characterization of our parts.
Conghan Li,a lab manager, who was responsible for some parts of our experiments! She is responsible for designing some our experiments. She also wrote and arrange some experimental protocol.
Rui Zhang,a lab manager, who was responsible for some our experiments! She also submitted the sequences of our parts.
Yitong Li,she was responsible for our modeling,she also helped Jinwen Zhang train of the next reserve OUC-China team!

Acknowledgement For Support

Every member in 2021 OUC-China iGEM and the postgraduates in our lab gave us practical suggestions.
Yang Liu, the Captain of OUC-China 2011 helped improve the synthetic conception of our project.And Chaoxin Chen ,the Captain of OUC-China 2020 gave us long-term support through the competition.
Our PI Prof. Guanglei Liu offered us constructive advice over our project and gave us long-term technical consulting support through the procedure.
Prof.MinWang recognized our project and generously gave the approval of financial support.
Prof. Xianghong Wang and Prof. Zhihong Tang kindly offered us experimental lab and restroom


Chenxiao Li, majoring in Biotechnology at Ocean University of China. He is very interested in synthetic biology, and in the iGEM project. Although he missed the team building, he still try to help out in any way I can. He is mainly responsible for molecular docking operations, the production of pictures of docking results, molecular dynamics simulations, etc.
DUT-China,FAFU-China,NEFU-China,NAU-China,JNU-China,XMU-China and NJU-China cooperated with our team,we together accomplished some work.
Staffs and R&D personnel in microbial fermentation factory generously offered us some practical advice,which made our platform more functional in real world.
Vland was very interested in our project and glad to provide the company with engineering bacteria to test the performance of our platform software and hardware.


A project by the OUC-China & Research iGEM 2022 team.
