
Thank the team members for their cooperation and the support of experts, doctors, interviewees, teachers and students!

Team members

Yifei Bai (captain)

  Responsible for the project design.
  Responsible for the coordination and communication between different groups, advisor, and instructor, following up the progress of different groups.
  Organizing group meetings, and participating in conferences.
  Participate in the part experimental work, and wiki writing.

Lin Wang (captain)

  Responsible for wiki construction.
  preparation and engagement of expert interview.
  Participate in part experimental work.
  Participate in art design.

Dingwen Zhang

  Responsible for organizing experimental group work.
  Responsible for experimental results analysis.
  Participate in wiki writing.
  Responsible for the art work.
  Design the logo of our project

Xinzichu Xie

  Responsible for organizing HP group work.
  Responsible for wiki writing of HP work.
  Participate in part experimental work.
  Participate in education and communication.
  Participate in presentation

Dilin Pan

  Responsible for modeling analysis.
  Participate in wiki writing of modeling.
  Participate in conducting survey in community.
  Participate in part experimental work.

Zhenyi Xu

  Participate in wiki writing.
  Participate in conducting professor communication.
  Participate in part experimental work.
  Design the hardware.

Yichang Cheng

  Responsible for the video recording.
  Participate in conducting expert interviews
  Participate in wiki writing of HP work.
  Participate in questionnaire survey.

Xiangyi Zhang

  Responsible for questionnaire survey.
  Participate in data analysis of HP survey and in wiki writing.
  Participate in project research.
  Participate in education and communication.

Xingyan Gao

  Participate as an organizer in communication with other teams.
  Participate in experiment and engineering.
  Involved in wiki writing.
  Participate in project research.

Yixuan Han

  Carry out the experimental work and data analysis.
  Participate in wiki writing.
  Participate in the project research.
  Participate in interview activities.

Runxi Zheng

  Participate in part experimental work.
  Participate in wiki writing.
  Participate in project research.

Fei Gao

  Participate in part experimental work.
  Participate in wiki writing;
  Participate in art work.
  Participate in the questionnaire survey

Xinrui Jiang

  Participate in the whole experimental work.
  Participate in data analysis.
  Participate in wiki writing.
  Participate in education and communication.

  Haowei Zhang

  Participate in code with gitlab for wiki.
  Participate in upload wiki material.
  Participate in editing the figures.
  Participate in wiki writing.
  Participate in the questionnaire survey

PI, instructors and advisor

The first PI, Yu Wang ,responsible for whole design and guidance.

Our instructor, Shuangyan Wang, oversaw the project and provided us with support for the experiment platform, materials, and equipment, and crucial labwork training and helped with data analysis.

Our psychological guidance instructor, Xiujie Li, gives great guidance to students' speeches, answers students' questions about depression, and guides students to design questions about depression in the questionnaire.

Our advisor, Lei Huang, provided detailed assistance on data analysis, visualization, and troubleshooting, and wiki editing.


We thank Dr. Zhifang Liu, a professor of Shandong University, for offering important suggestions that helped us to optimize our system of paper strip sensor.

We also thank Dr. Xu Chen, from Shandong provincial mental health center for his introduction of MDD, especially in how to diagnose MDD, which make us sure to develop miRNA diagnosis.


Thank other teachers and students from Jinan Foreign Language School for their kind supports. And Thank the interviewees for their cooperation to fill out our survey which helped us to shape our project.

We also thank iGEM teams, HS_China, SMS_Shenzhen, BJEA_China, Nanjing-China, WHU-China, and LZU-HS-PRO-A for the wonderful collaboration experience throughout the season.