Epidemics have stopped us from wandering, many uncertainties have arisen making us less curious about tomorrow, and crises from infectious diseases such as the SARS-CoV-2 and monkeypox have had a major impact on human life.

What measures or methods should be taken to give early warning of a potential crisis? What should we do to increase the confidence and security of people around the world in the future and reduce the impact of viruses or epidemics. How to create a world which have healthy human and stable economic development?
Reduce the impact of infectious diseases or viruses on human work and life, so as to promote exchanges between countries around the world and boost the rapid development of the world economy.

Existing methods
Nucleic acid testing, mass vaccination, traditional medicine interventions
Our Project
By detecting pathogens in sewage, people can predict and get a warning of a potential epidemic in a city. We tried to design a device that could detect the concentration of a specified pathogen, which required the relationship between the concentration of the virus in the sewage and the final fluorescence signal intensity, in turn, the virus or other markers in a certain area are monitored.