
Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM. One tree can't make a forest.

With Peking University

As a team composed of iGEM alumni, BNSC_China has maintained intensive cooperation with Peking iGEM 2022. We provided them with experimental skills training before the formal experiment. Since our team also adopted Orthorep and EvolvR, Peking iGEM 2022 obtained related plasmids from BNSC_China. During the project, we discussed many issues on plasmid construction and transformation with them, which played a significant role in promoting their project.

With CAFA_China

This year, we accomplished amazing partnership with CAFA_China. As a team composed of artists, CAFA_China was lack of knowledge in synthetic biology. We provided basic theories training for them, to help them understand what is synthetic biology. Also, we helped a lot in their project design.

Moreover, we also learned a lot from CAFA_China about skills to communicate and deliver information. This allowed us to better design our HP and made it easier for us to communicate with stackholders.

In the end, our two teams worked together to create a bio-art piece and gained the most precious friendship in working and communicating face-to-face. This will be one of our most memorable iGEM experiences.

For details of our collaboration and partnership, see Partnership.