Before starting the experiment, we had received laboratory safety training and laboratory skills training, made clear the grade of the laboratory and the experimental regulations that should be followed, and learned how to deal with emergency situations, such as the use of equipment and machinery, sterilization operation, fire hydrant treatment of chemical burns and evacuation procedures. We have studied the laboratory safety and instruction manual, and we follow them strictly. Before we conduct experiments, all our experimental protocols are written and risk assessed before they are put into action.

Basic Laboratory rules and Etiquette:

1. Wear gloves, overcoat, safety goggles (for handling hazardous chemicals and organisms), long pants and non-open-toed shoes.
2. We will tie our hair to prevent pollution.
3. Dispose of waste in biomedical garbage bags (anything sharp can be safely disposed of in a special trash can) and separate the waste
4. There is no food, drink or personal items in the laboratory
5. Wash your hands during the experiment
6. Regularly handle and clean equipment such as incubator
7. Experimental procedures for UV irradiation
In addition to this, we always record the laboratory procedures and actions of the day in an online document for peer review and economic evaluation. For any risky experiments, we will be personally supervised by trained members of our faculty and staff, working in a supervised environment regardless of the level of risk. The yeast involved in our project is risk-free and safe