The Death Zone Poison
What is Eutrophication?
Eutrophication is a process caused by the gradual increase in the concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other plant nutrients in the biosystem, which are introduced into the ecosystem primarily when streams wash away soils from land. Debris, products of reproduction, and dead terrestrial organisms are then deposited in water bodies as they enter the ecosystem. The overabundance of nutrients in water bodies results in harmful environmental effects. As the organic materials break down into nutrients, the productivity or fertility in the ecosystem increases. A great concentration of algae and microscopic organisms in the water bodies feed on the nutrients, growing, propagating, and forming unsightly algae blooms on the water surface. When the scum on the water surface blocks light penetration, plants produce less oxygen for underwater life. Moreover, dead algae are decomposed by bacteria and produce putrid odors or even release toxins in the water. The bacteria will consume oxygen in the water during the decomposition process and deplete the oxygen needed to sustain life. Ultimately, without oxygen, bodies of water become "dead zones."
Fig. 1 An image of marine polluted by the phytoplankton bloom
Why are excess phosphates a problem?
Ammonia (NH3), Ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), and phosphates are the primary forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies. Phosphate is a limiting nutrient, which means only limited solubility of phosphates is required for organism growth in aquatic ecosystems. In other words, excess quantities of phosphorus will result in problems of water quality such as eutrophication and harmful algal growth.
In the past two decades, human activities exacerbated the release of phosphorus. Discharges of agricultural and industrial wastes, applications of inorganic fertilizers, along with increased soil erosion and landslides from fields result in accelerating phosphorus transport into aquatic systems. As described, restricted nutrient levels can often limit the productivity of bacterioplankton and algae. However, organic and inorganic phosphorus from soils has increased in the water system due to land erosion. As a result, the overall nutrient concentration in the water bodies rises to unnaturally high levels. Bacteria and algae, thus, are allowed to flourish and deplete oxygen in the system.
Fig. 2 Pollution of water bodies by chemical fertilizers
A Global Issue
Given the widespread extent of water quality degradation caused by nutrient enrichment, eutrophication has been and continues to be a major global challenge. A study by the United Nations Environment Programme indicates that 30~40% of lakes and reservoirs around the world have been affected by eutrophication. Evidently, it poses a serious threat to the aquatic ecosystem, yet current solutions are either ineffective or extremely costly. Tainted drinking water supplies and the degradation of recreational opportunities, for example, can be detrimental to human health and well-being. Eutrophication as well contributes to the spread of gastrointestinal and dermatological diseases such as conjunctivitis and hypoxia. In the US alone, the combined costs of the treatments for eutrophication in freshwaters are approximately $2.2 billion annually (Dodds, et al).
Current Solutions
Eutrophication is one of the major environmental issues today. There have been studies that provide great notions and methods that can be applied to solve the problem of eutrophication.
According to Natural Resources 235, the best way to cope with eutrophication is to reduce and manage the amount of fertilizers humans use for agriculture. The use of fertilizers is one of the major reasons behind eutrophication. However, there are already a lot of dead zones, which are bodies of water that are hypoxic. Therefore, taking preventative measures would not be the most idealistic way to cope with the current condition. Most of the 27 reservoirs in Taiwan are affected by eutrophication (Lo Chi & Jake Chung). Mainly, the Taiwanese government has two current solutions to deal with eutrophication. The two methods being Multi-soil Layering (MSL) and Biomanipulation.
Multi-soil Layering is a system introduced by Japanese researchers to decrease pollution and effectively remove phosphorus in the bodies of water (“水庫優養化剋星─多層複合濾料(MSL)”). MSL contains two layers to filter and extract phosphate. This system has the benefits, such as the use of natural materials and high efficiency. The total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency is approximately 92% to 99.2% (Chia-Chun Ho & Pei-Hao Wang). In Taiwan, recently, MSL has been successfully implemented in Longtan Pond, Taoyuan. The system is placed near or juxtaposed to the reservoir, ensuring the cleanliness of the pond. Unfortunately, the cost of this system comes at a relatively high price. It is estimated that the whole cost is about $10,000 USD (Chia-Chun Ho & Pei-Hao Wang). Compared to the average cost for Annual Pond Maintenance Cleaning, which is about $2,000 USD, it is relatively expensive. Though this MSL is great, the main downside is the cost.
The other solution implemented by the Taiwanese government leans toward a biological approach, which is biomanipulation (歐士豪). Biomanipulation is the use of ecological techniques to solve environmental problems. By reducing the number of planktivorous fish, the density of large cladoceran zooplankton increases; hence, the growth of algae is reduced. (L.-A. Hansson, C. Brönmark). This method is known as the fish-stock biomanipulation. The cost, efficiency, and time of this approach is unforeseeable due to the environmental variability. The time needed to clear the water was four weeks in this fish-stock biomanipulation, which is efficient and effective in this example. In spite of that, the flaw that holds this method back is its lack of instability because biomanipulation is dependent on the environment. Some environments are suitable for biomanipulation, but others may not (Gerard ter Heerdt & Michiel Hootsmans). Therefore, the success rate of operating biomanipulation is uncertain.
To summarize above, both MSL and biomanipulation are considerable solutions to eutrophication. The major problem of MSL is the high price; meanwhile, biomanipulation lacks stability. Due to those problems, we designed our project to modify the MSL system into a better version.
Our Solution
Our approach to solving eutrophication is to engineer cells of Escherichia coli to decline the external phosphorus level, which is the main reason behind eutrophic waters. The plan is to overexpress target genes, specifically Organophosphate Hydrolase (OPH) and an antisense mRNA for phoU (AsPhoU), that hydrolyze organic phosphate into inorganic phosphate (Pi), catalyze Pi transport, and polymerize Pi into Polyphosphate (PolyP), which can ultimately be stored in the bacteria to reduce the overall amount of phosphate in the surrounding bodies of water.
Fig. 3 phosphate uptake in the presence and absence of AsPhoU
Through overexpressing OPH, our E.coli is able to hydrolyze organophosphates, such as Paraoxon-methyl, into p-nitrophenol (pNP) and Dimethyl phosphate (DMP) (Grimsley JK). Glycerophosphodiesterase (GpdQ) then hydrolyzes DMP into inorganic phosphate for later use (“Glycerophosphodiester Phosphodiesterase Gpdq.”).
By producing AsPhoU, we are able to eliminate phoU expression, thus enhancing PstSCAB expression. The PstSCAB proteins then transport Pi into the bacterial cytoplasm via the ABC-type transport systems – with PstS as the periplasmic Pi binding protein, PstC and PstA as integral membrane proteins, and PstB as the ATP binding protein (William R. McCleary).
Furthermore, the low concentration of Pi induces the expressions of PhoB and PhoR genes from the Phosphate regulons. The histidine kinase sensor PhoR subsequently catalyzes the activation of the response regulator PhoB, whereas the activated PhoB positively regulates the PstSCAB transcription operon and enhances Pi intake into E. coli , as explained above (William R. McCleary).
After Pi is intaken, E. coli activates expressions of PhoB and PhoR genes from the Phosphate regulons. The histidine kinase sensor PhoR subsequently catalyzes the activation of the response regulator PhoB, whereas the activated PhoB positively regulates the PstSCAB transcription operon and enhances Pi intake into E. coli , as explained above (William R. McCleary).
Lastly, Polyphosphate kinase (PPK) is responsible for the synthesis of polyP in E.coli (Ye Zhu). As a result, excess polyphosphate is stored in bacteria, therefore diminishing the concentration of phosphate in the water body, reducing the overgrowth of algae, and inducing the amount of oxygen available for aquatic ecological growth.
At the earliest stage of research, we came up with ideas spanning an impossibly wide area of expertise, from diagnostics and therapeutics to food and nutrition. Yet the more we expanded the scope of our topics, we realized that there is no better place to start than from our own living environment. We were astonished to learn that sixteen out of the twenty-six reservoirs in Taiwan are affected by the over-enrichment of nutrients (水質處生物組). Through synthetic biology, we hope to approach such a multifaceted issue from a different angle and develop a creative but feasible solution.
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