We aim to engineer E. coli and B. subtilis to overexpress carbonic anhydrase (CA) and urease (URE) proteins to enhance their biomineralization potential. The ultimate goal is to do so in the same organism, essentially combining two complementary biomineralization pathways. Both proteins are catalysts, URE initiates urea hydrolysis into ammonia and carbon dioxide, while CA hydrates carbon dioxide into carbonate ions.
We developed a metabolic flux analysis model to evaluate feasibility of our project. Notably, we build up model complexity until we could answer the following questions:
We started with the simplest model aiming to build up basic understanding of the system dynamics. The results are as expected: calcium carbonate will build up until all the calcium in the system is depleted.
Aim: Basic system dynamics: Calcium carbonate production from transcribed translated Urease without consideration of cell growth and external environment.
Experimental support: All rate constants were obtained from literature
We began our journey by simplifying the problem and making the following assumptions:
The first step in the building of this model was to identify how the urease enzyme facilitates CaCO3 precipitation. Equation (1) shows urease enzyme action on urea to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3).
Because the system is dissolved in water (cells are >70% water), CO2 spontaneously dissolves into carbonate (CO32-) (Eq. (2)), which can then react with calcium ions (Ca2+) in the environment to create CaCO3 (Eq. (3)).
Following these reactions, and under the assumptions stated above, we built the model shown on Figure 1, which follows the effect of the urease enzyme on CaCO3 precipitation from the transcription and translation of the enzyme, through the chemical reactions described in Equations 1-3, to the precipitation of CaCO3.
Figure 1. Flowchart of the initial model.
The values for the rate constants used were obtained from literature and are shown in Table 1.
Figure 2. Calcium carbonate as a function of time predicted by the initial model.
While this model was able to give an estimate of how much CaCO3 a single cell might be able to precipitate from the action of urease (Fig 2), it was not able to give us much more information as a bulk cell culture or during mineralisation. To gain deeper understanding of the system and plan out possible experiments for indication of urease activity, we need to include pH. Most available urease activity assays work on principle of observing a colour change of a pH indicator. This is because the ammonia produced in urea hydrolysis acts as a base. Therefore, understanding how fast and how much pH of a system can change is ultimately required to successfully evaluate urease activity
Our process is entangled with pH as the breakdown of Urea via Urease creates CO2 which decreases pH, and ammonia which increases it. It is therefore paramount that pH is included in the model, however as most things in nature, it is not that straightforward.
Water contains around 5% of dissolved CO2, which exists in thermodynamical equilibrium with carbonic acid, carbonate ions and bicarbonate acid. Chemical dynamics of CO2 and all its forms in water are complex and widely studied, we base our model on work done by Schulz, K.G. et al. and modify it to include catalysed reactions involving urease and carbonic anhydrase proteins. In this case, urea concentration becomes a limiting factor as it defines how much ammonia and CO2 can be added to the system.
Aim: Investigate coupling of protein action and carbonic cycle in water resulting in pH time-dependence to our initial bathtub model
Experimental support:Rate constants based on literature review (Schulz et al., 2006)
In Fig 3, we start with carbonic cycle as outlined by Schulz, K.G. et al. with additional carbon conservation additional constraint equation given by the fact that carbon in the system is conserved ([CO2] +[HCO3] +[CO3] = const.) and modify it to involve CA and URE catalysed reactions, URE produces CO2 and 2 ammonias from urea (Fig 4). We assume that once ammonia binds to H+ it does not dissolve (an assumption to make the system easier to analyse). The carbon conservation is also modified upon introduction of the protein action and more notably of urea. Urea acts as carbon reservoir and calcium carbonate acts as a carbon sink, however total carbon is still conserved.
Figure 3: Carbonic cycle set of ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) and chemical reactions involved.
Figure 4: Carbonic cycle with action of urease and carbonic anhydrase involved.
Fig 5 shows a clear difference between thermodynamical equilibria of water with dissolved carbon dioxide, and those with protein catalysts included. The x axis is shown logarithmically to draw attention to the transient behaviour at small times. All three chemical systems initialise at the same pH level and their pH starts decreasing with time, the rate of decrease is given by the net CO2 hydration rate. Once the cell has produced substantial number of proteins, after about 90 seconds, the catalysed systems (with URE, CA) are driven by the protein action and a steady state is reached once all the calcium ions in the environment are depleted.
Figure 5. Time dependence of solution pH with modelled enzyme chemistries. Water equilibria shown in blue. Urease shown in orange and Carbonic anhydrase shown in green.
Thus far, all of our models have been considering single-celled dynamics, but that is not the case in real life since, in favourable environmental conditions, cells continuously undergo cell division.
To accurately include growth, we produced growth curves for E- coli and fed these back into the model. This allowed us to expand the use of the model and explore it further to predict total CaCO3 precipitation.
Aim: Quantify CaCO3 precipitation produced by a growing bacterial population.
Experimental support E. coli growth curve
To accurately include growth in the model, we informed it with experiments. For this, we measured the E. coli growth curves (Fig 6). Looking towards additional model expansion, the growth curves measured were run at different pH levels. This is necessary as the process heavily influences pH and we need to understand how the cells deal with the changing environment.
Fig 6. E. coli growth curves in buffered Luria Broth at different pH. All buffers at 0.089 M concentration. pH 6, pH 7 and pH 8 in Tris-Cl buffer, pH 9 in bicine buffer, pH 10 and pH 11 in CAPS buffer.
The experimental growth curve at pH 7 was fitted with a logistic function (Eq. 4), which allowed us to extract the growth rate, k, of the bacteria and the maximum bacterial population reached, L. The logistic curve cell growth approximation used in the model the logistic function is plotted in Fig 7.
Fig 7. Logistic function obtained from fitting the E. coli growth curves.This logistic function was added to the model, such that it affected the rate of transcription of the enzymes, i.e., more cells will lead to more enzymes, which will precipitate more CaCO3.
This allowed us to benchmark CaCO3 precipitation to 7.1mg. Nonetheless, even models that have been informed by experiments require experimental confirmation that they are working as intended. For that reason, we developed a specialised assay to assess CaCO3 precipitation in our cells:
This assay measures the mass of precipitated compounds, making it an optimum assay to compare against our model. In the experiment, transformed and non-modified cells were cultured in an CaCL2-urea-LB medium (5% 1M CaCl2, 5% 1M urea). The resulting aggregate (after 15-hour culturing) was separated off by centrifugation dried and weighted. To evaluate the effect of the genetically engineered constructs, negative controls and blanks were run and the experimental value in Figure 8 represents the weight of engineered culture aggregate minus the control culture (for raw data please see the Proof-of-Concept page)
This assay yielded a precipitate weight of 3.95 mg, only differing from the value provided by our model by 3 mg.
This model is created with the help of experimentally measured growth curves and is then used in comparison with a calcium carbonate precipitation assay on which it is also validated. This result proves our model works, has predictive power and could be used to further explore the system, we have explored the dependence of calcium carbonate precipitation on initial concentrations of CO2, HCO3 and CO3. This investigation shows that the model creates CaCO3 with polynomial dependence on CO2 and HCO3 concentrations (Fig 9 a, b) and linearly on the CO3 concentrations (Fig 9c), this means that under pressurised conditions, when the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in water increases the amount of calcium carbonate increases as well. This is great for our proposed implementation of including the bacteria into a building material, as the constrained environment will increase pressure.
Fig 9. Relationship between initial concentrations and final CaCO3 precipitation for a) CO2, where CaCO3 precipitation increases with polynomial dependence, b) HCO3, where CaCO3 precipitation also increases with polynomial dependence, but not as sharply and c) CO3, where CaCO3 precipitation increases linearly with initial CO3 concentration.
These differences in CaCO3 can be easily explained through the following points:
It would be interesting to model the CaCO3 precipitation including all of these parameters in the model, unfortunately, time restraints prevented us from doing so. Nonetheless, we encourage future iGEM teams to build on our model and include these parameters to explore its behaviour.
Experimental support: E. coli growth curves at different pHs
However, in reality, pH affects cell growth, protein production and action, and therefore number and overall activity. Bacterial strains are expected to grow differently at different pH levels and at non-physiological high/low pH the bacteria are expected to grow slower or die. This means, that the effect of our proteinโs activity (net pH increase) might interfere with the bacterial growth which in turn affects protein production.
By measuring growth curves of our organisms (E. coli DH5a) at pH levels ranging from 6 to 11 (Fig 6), we were able to evaluate the effect of pH on bacterial growth. We fit the experimental growth curves with a logistic curve to extract their specific growth rates and maximum concentrations.
As a model of pH growth dependence, we choose a Gaussian distribution, a reasonable assumption (model needs to go to zero at large and low pH, be smooth and concave) which explains the experimental measurements. We fit these Gaussian distributions to the measured data, growth rates and maximum concentrations, respectively. The respective distributions are then used to scale growth rate ยต and maximum concentration Nmax with pH during modelling of the logistic growth equation (Fig 10).
At this point, we were ready to include the feedback loop.
Figure 10. Involving pH dependant logistic cell growth into the model as number of genes of active genes.
The bacterial growth fed back into pH change and vice-versa, as a result we saw delayed pH change and gradual calcium carbonate build up (Fig 8). The chemical system is bounded by urea and calcium ion concentrations, these two provide limits of calcium carbonate and of additional carbon dioxide that can be added to the system. Hence, it is clear that urea and calcium concentrations also affect the final pH. The more calcium carbonate is precipitated, the more the pH increases, until the moment that the cell culture perishes. However, we have shown that the culture survives long enough to utilise all calcium in the environment, hence for our purposes the overall reaction is self-sustainable.
This statement is confirmed by the fact that experimentally we observe significant calcite precipitation in both liquid and agar plate cultures
Figure 11: Feedback loop of changing environmental pH on end product calcium carbonate production.
One of the problems with the model combining growth and pH is that the ammonia hydration is instantaneous and lacks reverse reaction, inclusion of which would decrease the resulting pH. Further, the growth curves we used to fit pH growth dependence are of untransformed bacteria with no biomineralization activity. There might be major differences in the behaviour of the biomineralizing and non-biomineralizing bacteria as calcium carbonate can act as a pH buffer. And finally, the large changes in pH might influence the protein function, currently, this issue is side-stepped by assuming cells stay in homeostasis with constant internal pH, but in real conditions the protein action would be affected by pH.
As part of future work, we propose to establish a clearer link between the model and experimental system by directly measuring pH change over time. Further, we could evaluate the weight of calcium carbonate aggregate and compare it with experimental data.
We have developed multiple ODE models with varying levels of complexity. Starting with the simplest initial model, we learnt the basic relationship between carbon and the calcium ions in the system. Following, we introduced the carbonic cycle, which allowed us to introduce pH change int time and in the system. This important because all of our assays observed pH change. This model allowed us to learn about the different changes in timescale in chemical reaction taking place in our system: for the first timesteps, urease action is not yet active, so carbonic acid cycle takes over, however, after a while, urease takes over and ends up stabilising. This led us to set up our urease and CA assays on 2 different time scales: short (5 minutes) and long (500 minutes).
This model allowed us to determine at which pH range we should look, allowing us to set up growth curves to study those ranges. With this we were able to benchmark the expected pH changes and therefore the expected OD562 variations in urease assay.
In the 3rd model we incorporated growth of the bacteria culture. The bacteria were completely independent from the rest of the system and were modelled by turning on additional urease genes. This model was informed by experiments: we based the modelled growth on experimental measurements of growth curves (at pH 7). By including growth in the model we were able to extract observable predictions from the theory in the form of amount of precipitated CaCO3. This prediction enabled us to run a CaCO3 aggregate assay in which we measured the weight of precipitated mass of an overnight culture. The model predictions and experimental data correspond very well, since they give predictions in the same order of magnitude. Therefore, even though our system overestimates the CaCO3 precipitation (this is understandable given the assumptions made), the model was still validated and we analysed it for the influence of various initial parameters on the CaCO3 precipitation. From this we learnt that itโs extremely sensitive to the initial concentration of CO2 concentration, which might be useful to explore in future work.
Lastly, we incorporated experimental growth curves measured at different pH levels into the model, and incorporated a pH feedback loop into the growth. By investigating this system we learnt that even though the cell growth strongly depends on the pH, the CaCO3 formation acts as a pH buffer as the HCO3 and CO3 ions are converted in CaCO3; thus the pH is not extreme and therefore the cells survive until the Ca stores are depleted. Therefore, the model has shown that for all of our purposes, the series of chemical reactions, including cell growth, are self-sustainable. Overall, our model informed experiments throughout its development and our model has influenced our experimental approach, and vice-versa, throughout the course of its development.
Figure 9: Reactions used in the model
Table 1