UBCO iGEM's first team began this January, 2022. With the initial advice of UBC Vancouver and many emails to CSBERG to set up our team, we started our journey. Despite our introductory knowledge to synthetic biology, our members persevered, learned, and strived to achieve what our team has accomplished so far.
Genetically Encodable Bioluminescent System from Fungi
The first paper that elucidated the fungal bioluminescent pathway from Neonothopanus nambi.
Plants with genetically encoded autoluminescence
This paper engineered an autoluminescent system in tobacco plants using the fungal bioluminescent pathway from Neonothopanus nambi.

DR. MITRA TabaTabaee
As our Principle Investigator, Dr. Mitra Tabatabaee provided general guidance and feedback. She participated in a variety of projects and training support such as OD measurement training, providing us with a transformation protocol, helping us review aseptic technique, feedback on project conceptualization, and participating in the Phototroph Community Meetup as a guest speaker.

Dr. Isaac li
Dr. Isaac Li was our other principal investigator, supporting the team by providing fundraising advice, feedback on project conceptualization, and supporting us during lab space and funding emergencies.
Other Instructors
Dr. Don Nguyen
Dr. Don provided initial instructional feedback for our plasmid design process, advice on Golden Gate troubleshooting, and provided measurement guidance.
Dr. Brendan D'Souza
Dr. D'Souza graciously lent his support in feedback for project conceptualization and running training sessions for plasmid extractions, digestions, transformation, and electrophoresis.
Yiyan Yu
Our project mentor Yiyan Yu provided feedback on project conceptualization, and advice on cloning.

University of Copenhagen
Strain donation of Synechocystis sp. 6803 Δslr1573 + TyrA + AroG + Xal + HpaBC
New England Biolabs
Reagents and Minipreps
The Dang Group
- 2 Sets of Micropipettes
- Miniprep Reaction Kits
The Hallam Lab
Glucose tolerant strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Member Attributions
General | Gustavo | Alyssa | Trevor | Josh | Anastasia | Srushti | Ryan | Robin | McKenna | Maddie | Osho | Stephen | Tanner | Ravi | Ankkit | Aziz |
Coordination | ||||||||||||||||
Conceptualization | ||||||||||||||||
Lab Maintenance | ||||||||||||||||
Hardware | ||||||||||||||||
Wiki Development | ||||||||||||||||
Wiki Content | ||||||||||||||||
Graphic Design | ||||||||||||||||
Social Media | ||||||||||||||||
Team Video | ||||||||||||||||
Biosafety | ||||||||||||||||
Fundraising | ||||||||||||||||
Wet Lab | Gustavo | Alyssa | Trevor | Josh | Anastasia | Srushti | Ryan | Robin | McKenna | Maddie | Osho | Stephen | Tanner | Ravi | Ankkit | Aziz |
Plasmid Design | ||||||||||||||||
Plasmid Assembly | ||||||||||||||||
DNA Extraction | ||||||||||||||||
DNA Analysis | ||||||||||||||||
Culture Propagation | ||||||||||||||||
Media Preparation | ||||||||||||||||
Cyano-Protocols | ||||||||||||||||
OD Measurement | ||||||||||||||||
Hardware Tests | ||||||||||||||||
Human Practices | Gustavo | Alyssa | Trevor | Josh | Anastasia | Srushti | Ryan | Robin | McKenna | Maddie | Osho | Stephen | Tanner | Ravi | Ankkit | Aziz |
Phototroph Community | ||||||||||||||||
Team Collaboration | ||||||||||||||||
Education Outreach | ||||||||||||||||
Expert Outreach | ||||||||||||||||
Survey |
Provided conceptual artwork for Life Bulb as an art medium for implementation.
- Les Louis
- Let's Talk Science
- Dr. Jennifer Jakobi
- Dr. Tanja Voegel
- Rebecca McCullough
Our team met with experts of diverse fields to gain their opinion and perspective and develop our product in a more holistic manner. These meetings often consisted of virtual Zoom calls. We thank all our experts for their time and valuable input.
Cyanobacterterial Experts for Experimental, Hardware and Market Support
- Rene Inckemann (Maxx Planck Institute)
- Elliot Roth (Spira Inc.)
- Ryan George (Spira Inc.)
Bioluminescence Experts for Hardware and Market Support
- Paige Whitehead (Nyoka Design Labs)
Lighting Expert
- Leela Shanker (Greenlight Alliance)
Bioartist for Hardware, Design and Community Integration Support
- Corinne Takara (Okada Design)
Local Indigenous Community Integration
- Sncewips Heritage Museum
- Coralee Miller (Sylix Artist)
- Les Louis (Sylix Artist)
- Dan Odenbach (Aboriginal Program Administrator)
- Dominique Alexis (Event and Project Manager)
Phototroph Community - Guest Speakers & Advisors
- ASU iGEM - Priyati & Gabby
- Rene Inckemman
- Cedric Brinkmann
- Dr. Luis De Stefano
- Dr. Mitra Tabatabaee
- Dr. Everett Eustance
- Santiago Ochoa
- Dr. Henrik Toft Simonsen
- Dr. Jake Wintermute
- Hannah Press
- Dr. Mortiz Koch
- Finn Wieland (Biocord)
UBC Faculty Support
- Dr. Isaac Li
- Dr. Mitra Tabatabaee
- Dr. Don Nguyen
- Rosemary Garner
- Nijiati Abulizi
- Dr. Tyler Donner
- Dr. Brendan D'Souza
- Dr. Thu-Thuy Dang
- Dr. Soheil Mahmoud
- Dr. Shirley Hutchinson
- Dr. Trudy Kavanagh
- Dr. Alyse Hawley
- Dominique Alexis
- Hallam Lab
- Dr. Micheal Deyholos
- Dr. Nozumu Yachie
- Dr. Dan Durall
Lab Volunteers
These volunteers supported various aspects of our project. Lab volunteers assisted with general lab duties such as autoclaving, washing glassware, making media. Our graphic design volunteer created drawing icons to be used on our wiki and our wiki development volunteers assisted with coding.
- Danika Strelaeff
- Forest Crocker
- Garvin LeBlanc (Graphic Design)
- Skyler Alderson (Wiki)
- Soren Stenback (Wiki)