
Safety is one of the fundamental requirements and a priority for any working environment. Throughout the experimentation process, our team has worked hard to establish a protected working space.

Instrument and Equipment Safety

When regarding safety foremost should be establishing proper hardware, the laboratory we worked in was plentifully equipped with the following safety stations:

  • Fire extinguishers
  • Hand washing stations
  • Eye washing stations
  • Safety showers
  • Alcohol sprays on every table
  • Ventilation
  • First Aid kits

General Lab Safety

Laboratory safety was closely ensured throughout the project, and several precautions were taken to further establish a safe working environment. Before any lab work, students were required to watch an informative video addressing laboratory safety. General safety rules such as wearing appropriate protective gear, frequency of sanitization, waste disposal, etc. Then, instructors reemphasized these safety protocols and additionally introduced lab-specific information such as evacuation procedures and the location of stations such as eye washing stations, fire extinguishers, and safety showers.

Material Safety

Although experimental procedures expose us to the bacteria E. coli Top 10, it is non-pathogenic and shouldn’t pose risk to students. Even so, safety precautions were taken to ensure no further contamination. After extraction of our recombined bacteria, any waste liquid should be sterilized by placing them into a pressure sterilizer to sterilize at 122℃ for 50 minutes with its container before disposure.