In this part, we can construct a model diagram between the activity of the enzyme solution CCxynA and xylan
concentration. It can be used to predict the activity of the enzyme solution CCxynA. The concentrations of xylan
solution were 14uL, 70uL and 350uL, respectively. Table 1 shows the experimental data of the activity of CCxynA and
xylan concentration.
Table 1.The experimental data of the activity of CCxynA and xylan concentration
Xylan concentration | 14uL | 70uL | 350uL |
ccxynA | 0.225927521 | 0.381960253 | 0.534383396 |
Here, we establish differential equations ( 1 )
— = —(1)
Solved (2): y = aln(bx) + c;
Where a,b and c is the parameter.
Substituting data to fit three parameter values.
Where a,b and c is the parameter.
Substituting data to fit three parameter values.
x0=[14 70 350];
y0=[0.225927521 0.381960253 0.534383396];
a0=[0.0001 0.0001 0.0001];
a=0.0958, b=0.0370, c=0.2896.
Model Results:
1.Activity of enzyme solution CCxynA

With the increase of xylan concentration, the model showed a trend of increasing first and then stabilizing. We can
use this model to predict the maximum absorption rate (Vmax) and Michaelis constant (Km) of the enzyme solution
CCxynA, thereby predicting the reaction rate and maximum activity of the enzyme.