
Daily work/Notes

July 25th

Ice-breaking activity, all members of the team got a chance to go up stage to introduce themselves to the team. After getting familiar with each other, we started to allocate tasks for the wet team and the dry team for the next day.

July 26th

Preliminary understanding of PCR and homologous recombination mechanisms. In the afternoon, members started to obtain target genes from the yeast cell gene pool by the use of primers. Following that, all tubes were placed in the PCR machine for denaturation, annealing, extension, and final extension processes.

July 27th

Verified the PCR products by making the agarose gel, and ran gel electrophoresis.

July 28th

After screening the agarose gel, we cut the target DNA section and recycled the DNA through centrifuge.

July 29th

Making YEPD and LB nutrients culture agar plates for upcoming experiments. Cultured yeast cells.

July 30th

A day off, the yeast cells were continued to be cultivated.

July 31st

Completed connecting gene fragments. Extracted the yeast cell plasmid through centrifuge, and performed the double enzyme digestion.

August 1st

After understanding the double enzyme digestion mechanism, the DNA section were inserted into the plasmid. The plasmid was later put back into the competent state yeast cell.

August 2nd

E. coli, yeast culture coated the plate. The wild type, type A and type B yeast cells were sent to companies to undergo DNA sequencing tests.

August 3rd

The team went over the whole experiment again to check for any misunderstandings of the contents.

August 4th-8th

Simulated fermentation of alcohol and detection of the content of higher alcohols and ethanol by HPLC.

August 9th-11th

Collate and analyze the data of the fermentation test in lab by stimulating winery.

September 28th

The web pages for all parts of the wiki are completely build.