
Modeling of strain fermentation growth curves:

A mathematical model was applied to study the relationship between OD600 and the growth time of SF-1 and WT. The maximum OD600 of the engineered strain was then predicted based on the model results.

Considering the changing trend of the experimental data, we choose the following model for numerical simulation:

f(x) = a / (b + exp(-c ∙ x)) (1)

Where a, b and c are the parameters need to be determined.

Below is the experimental data of the OD600 value of SF-1 and WT changed with time.

Time (h)/Type SF-1 WT
2 0.076 0.016
4 0.106666667 0.049
7 0.18 0.109
16 1.007333333 0.639
24 2.558333333 1.105
32 2.554666667 1.233666667

Matlab Code:

% exp. data
% model simulation
aa=[0.001907 0.01861];
bb=[0.0007284 0.01497];
cc=[0.4245 0.2651];
% figures
figure, plot(time,SF1,'o')
hold on, plot(x,y1,'-')
figure, plot(time,WT,'s')
hold on, plot(x,y2,'-')

Model Results:

1. SF-1

Figure 1. Fitting model of SF-1

General model:
        f(x) = a/(b+exp(-c*x))

Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
        a = 0.001907 (-0.01341, 0.01722)
        b = 0.0007284 (-0.00505, 0.006507)
        c = 0.4245 (-0.07615, 0.9252)

Goodness of fit:
        SSE: 0.04365
        R-square: 0.9939
        Adjusted R-square: 0.9898
        RMSE: 0.1206

2. WT

Figure 2. Fitting model of WT

General model:
        f(x) = a/(b+exp(-c*x))

Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
        a = 0.01861 (0.01006, 0.02716)
        b = 0.01497 (0.008301, 0.02163)
        c = 0.2651 (0.2348, 0.2953)

Goodness of fit:
        SSE: 0.0004011
        R-square: 0.9997
        Adjusted R-square: 0.9996
        RMSE: 0.01156


The modeling results showed that the OD600 of SF-1 and WT showed a trend of increasing at first and then tending to be stable with the increase of time. In addition, the OD600 of SF-1 was higher than that of WT, indicating that genetic engineering did not affect the growth of yeast strain SF-1.

According to the expression of model (1), f(x) tends to a/b as x approaches infinity. It is calculated that the OD600 value of SF-1 will gradually approach 2.6181(0.001907/0.0007284) with time. When the time was 29.5h, the OD600 value of SF-1 is 2.605 (99.5%×2.6181), indicating that the engineering strain was nearly stopped. The OD600 value of WT will gradually approach 1.2432 (0.01861/0.01497) with time. When the time was 35.6h, the OD600 value of WT is 1.2370 (99.5%×1.2432), and the engineering strain had nearly stopped growing.