
Wet Team

Dry Team

Other Support

Lab Support

  • ATLATL Innovation and Development Center - Subcat Academy: For making available use of adequate laboratory settings, experimental equipments and reagents.

Meeting Room Support

  • ATLATL Innovation and Development Center - Subcat Academy

Instructor Support

  • Dr. Dayun Lu: Professor assisting for theory and experimental techniques for the wet lab
  • Chen Chen: Teaching assistant for the experiment
  • Yangyang Kong: Mentor for the wet lab
  • Xinrui Wang: Mentor for the dry lab
  • Min Xu: Team management teacher, organize all the materials required for the competition, coordinate the division of materials, and supervise (urge) the submission of required materials.
  • Prof. Zhenggang Han: provide our team with project brainstorming, part of project design, and HPLC support.

Human Practice Support

  • Zhen Liu, PHD in finance from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Xingzhou Chen, assistant professor from Wuhan Institute of Technology in the field of protein function and enzyme engineering
  • Qiqian Jia, production Manager from Hongqiao Winery in Gansu Province

Collaboration teams

  • 2022 iGEM team H-Metal Silence (Fujian_United)
  • 2022 iGEM team DE-PETer (Beijing_United)
  • 2022 iGEM team De-Dia (Nanjing_HS)

Special Thanks

Academic Support

  • Prof. ZhangLin Lin - Researcher at the Institute of Synthesis, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of School of Biology and Biological Engineering, South China University of Technology (When the wiki was written): Provide guidance in the direction of experimentation and help polish, modify the wiki contents.
  • Yingjie Lei - Student from Dulwich International High School Suzhou, leader of iGEM team SZ-SHD (2019-2020), advisor of iGEM team SZ-SHD (2021-present): Provided experimental suggestions, and imparted competition experience and laboratory operation experience.

Additional Support

  • Yang Zeng - Student from ULink College Guangzhou: Provides all assistance except writing, revising, contesting materials and giving advice.
  • Puqian Zheng - Student from ULink College Guangzhou: Free web support for material writers.

A Post-Credits Scene - Looks Really Special, But Actually Exterme Normal Acknowledgement From A Member Of Wet Team (*^▽^*)

When I submitted the last part of the wiki, it was 10:28 PM China time on September 28th, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.
These tears were shed for the hardships and successes of the later wiki rewrites and revisions.
Since September, many team members, including the leader, have faced the pressure of further education and cannot complete the writing task on time, and only a few team members are left to write.
Many people have helped us during this difficult time, such as our PI, our management teacher and many others.
First of all I would like to thank my professional, excellent, efficient, knowledgeable and assiduous teammates, their professional operation and excellent results are the most important factors that we cannot do without good results. I think their goal is not the iGEM Gold Medal, but the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
I would like to express my special thanks to all members of Sikai Academic for their support of this project from beginning to end, especially to our PI teacher Miss. Yangyang Kong and management teacher, my "smelly sister" Miss. Min Xu.
Dr. Dayun Lu from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is our "big brother" and has provided us with countless guidance in the experimental process.
There is also Prof. Zhanglin Lin, a researcher at the Institute of Synthesis, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who spent a day revising and polishing our Wiki for his son.
Finally, thanks to the judges who are reviewing the wiki, thank you for reading my nonsense, you have worked hard, thank you! .
There are still many people I have not thanked, such as my classmates, who have helped me a lot and even violated school rules. Since it's only two minutes before the wiki freezes, I can't thank them all, but they made an indelible contribution to our team.
It's only a minute before the wiki freezes and my "groans" are over, thanks to every organism that has helped us.

A fifteen year old A-Level biology student,
At 11:59:16 (UTC+8) on October 14, 2022, on chair of his school biology laboratory.