
In this page you will find the contributions made by Team RUM-UPRM 2022.

3D-Printing Manual:

The bioremediation system was initially designed as a two-dimensional drawing. The dimensions set were based on having a total volume of 1.5 L where 1.0 L will be the contaminated water and 0.5 L will be air. The height was determined to be equal to the radius for manufacturing optimization in which 3D-printing material is minimized for the fixed volume. The system was divided into three bioreactors in which the first one was subdivided into different parts for simpler design. These components were designed using the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, SOLIDWORKS®. The files were converted into appropriate files for 3D-printing, and they were assembled ensuring the parts fit together to attain the desired performance. It is of utmost importance to expand and share knowledge to colleagues, therefore a Design Manual was composed so it can guide other iGEM teams to construct their own hardware.

3D-Printing Manual

AlgD Characterization:

The Device 1 used in the past cycle; algD, served as an inducible promoter for RDX, it was put in the iGEM registry as part BBa_K3857000. Our team had the duty to characterize this part. We found that Lee et al., (2013) described the Pseudomonas alg operon as regulated by AlgR, AlgB, AmrZ and AlgU which is the recognition site (σ22). If a future iGEM team decides to use this part, they must use a Pseudomonas sp. as final chassis or integrate all the regulators needed to induce transcription in the desired chassis.

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