1. Introduction
RDFZ-CHINA partnered with LZU-HS-PRO-A to get an overview of the people who have been suffering from both depression and obesity, also advocating for help and understanding through science popularization. During the partnership, RDFZ-CHINA is responsible for the design of obesity & depression survey and data analysis, while LZU-HS-PRO-A come up with a practical solution to these patients. RDFZ-CHINA also partnered with LZU-HS-PRO-A in a biosafety meetup, in which we introduced how is our biosafety system designed.
2. Background
Depression, obesity and stress are connected biochemically, each one of them can result in or be caused from another factor. Obesity and depression are common conditions that could result in significant mental and physical illness. When considered together, obesity with depression has been shown to negatively impact the people’s living standards in a synergistic manner.
3. Meetup Timelines:
3.1 First Meetup
We introduced our projects to each other, brainstormed about the similarities of our projects. After finding a significant relationship between obesity and depression, we decided to partner with LZU-HS-PRO-A, benefitting each other through the partnership.
3.2 Second Meetup
We discussed about different treatments' approaches, advantages, and disadvantages to obesity and depression. Together, we determined how to conduct further research to conclude our solutions- by designing a survey and analyzing its result.
3.3 Third Meetup
After collecting the survey, we analyzed the result and shared it with LZU-HS-PRO-A. We together come up with our solution to the problem of obesity-depression cycle.
4. Results of the survey:
We surveyed 596 people to get a complete picture of the obesity situation. In the survey that we designed, we focused on asking the BMI index, subjective willingness of respondents to lose weight and the actual situation, the physical and psychological issues brought by overweight, causes of gaining obesity, causes of psychological problems brought by obesity, and respondents’ tendency to choose weight loss methods.
We also analyzed the responses of the surveys to clarify the project audience, understand the current status of the target population, and assess the value of our study. Eventually, we conclude that the causes of obesity and the problems it brings are diverse and influential, and the average person pays relative attention to weight/body image issues.
The need to lose weight is widespread (even in an inappropriate way), and there are fewer healthy and efficient options available. Social unfriendliness toward obese people is widespread, and brings them psychological problems to a certain extent, this toxic atmosphere needs to be improved.
5. Solutions:
Based on the results and analysis of our survey, we concluded our solutions to solve the obesity-depression cycle.
5.1 From a personal perspective:
Patients should be kept attentive and supportive, encouraged to visit the clinic, try to create a less stressful environment, be patient and treat patients with respect. They should also be encouraged to take weight loss measures, such as dietary changes, appropriate exercise, and the use of weight loss medications and devices.
5.2 At the societal level:
It is important to educate the public about mental health and to strengthen education for young children. Obesity and depression are always particularly vulnerable to discrimination by peers when they are students, and the root of the problem is that immature adolescents reject and ridicule those who are different from the majority of their age group.
6. Biosafety Meetup:
By introducing our kill-switch system, we clarified each component's unique functions and how can they operate together to prevent the leakage of probiotics. The sharing of LZU-HS-PRO-A provided us more insights about the design of the biosafety system. They also gave us valuable advices that we took into practice in later version of our system design.

Lastly, we want to advocate for the obesity & depression patients: being overweighted or depressed are not embarrassing, they are not people’s flaws and disadvantages. Both obesity and depression can be treated! If you have friends or families who are suffering from these conditions, please give them support and respect. Only with kind communication and warm-hearted help can these conditions be cured.
Thanks to the efforts that LZU-HS-PRO-A made during the partnership. They offered us a brand-new perspective to the solutions of obesity, and we are envisioning to keep partnering with them in the future to solve the problems of obesity and depression.