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ADx app


Our team recognized the need for early detection of Alzheimer Biomarkers as diagnosis prior to symptom appearance is one of the novel pathways enabling variety Alzheimer Disease treatment to work. Therefore our project is focused on developing a diagnostic microfluidics chip that would be able to do this. However, we wanted to take this one step further and create an ADx app. This app is made for two types of patients: those who are noticing Alzheimer symptoms and those with well established symptoms.

How does ADx app work


ADx app enables users to upload videos and photos that will be periodically repeated and played to the user in order to remind them of the moments with their loved ones.

Symptom Checker

ADx app enables users to upload daily symptoms that will be saved in order to recognize any outliers, patterns or significant changes. Users can choose a variety of options that are common among early Alzheimer symptoms. However, patients can write their own descriptions which would also enable them to keep a health diary.

Brain Scans

ADx app enables users to upload their brain scans (obtained in the health institutions), including the date and type of the scan. ADx app will provide pictures of both healthy and Alzheimer brain scans. Although, the current goal of the app is to keep all brain scans in one space for the patients and make them accessible, our future goal is to design an ADx app to compare the patient’s scan with Alzheimer scan by aligning them.


We would like to thank high school students from Bosnian Gymnasium that motivated us with their ideas, designs and suggestions about our app. Read more about our communication with these students under Human Practices: Communication.

Link to the ADx App

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