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Picture Book for Children

To raise awareness and prevention of Staphylococcus aureus-related diseases among people of a young generation, we’ve created a picture book ‘Save Kobe from Staph’, with understandable plot and graphics to present the way for spreading and symptoms of diseases, current treatments, and our novel method. We believe that education should start at a very young age.

Fig.1 The cover of our picture book

Fig.2 The content of our picture book

We hope people can know our novel microneedles as well as Staphylococcus aureus through the interesting interaction between those characters. In that way, we not only spread our novel idea but also keep people away from suffering from Staphylococcus aureus-related diseases.

We hope people are able to know our novel microneedles as well as Staphylococcus aureusthrough the interesting interaction between those characters. In that way, we not only spread our novel idea but also keep people away from suffering Staphylococcus aureus related diseases.

Elementary School

The main purpose of our picture book is to establish a correct concept of disease prevention for children, as for science communication, considering the pandemic, we held an online conference for elementary school children in Taiwan.

Fig.3 Story time with elementary school students

During the conference, we introduced to the students that the characters in the picture book are a kind of bacteria. Moreover, they’ve learned knowledge of those diseases and how to prevent them through the picture book.

Fig.4 Story time with elementary school students

Study Sheet

In order to increase the concept of disease prevention, we made a study sheet for the students. We use the Yes or No question to help children establish the correct concept of disease prevention. We asked those children to create their creative tools to fight against Staphylococcus aureus after listening to our interesting picture book. After receiving the feedback, we can see that the students all have basic concepts of preventing disease, and are amazed at the creativity of some students' weapon designs!

Fig.5 Writing study sheet

Fig.6 Writing study sheet

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Questionnaire Survey

While doing the questionnaire, we also conveyed the severity and related knowledge of Staphylococcus aureus by the way. According to the statistical results, only 31.2% of the participants believed that the risk level of Staphylococcus aureus exceeded 3 points in the current cognition of the participants, but after reading the introduction of the article, the number of people who believed that the risk level of Staphylococcus aureus exceeded 3 points increased to 50.2%, which means we were successful in educating participants about the dangers of Staphylococcus aureus.

Impetigo and S. aureus

Impetigo is a common skin infection that affects children and infants. Impetigo can be divided into two types, non-bullous and bullous types. Most of them first appear on the face, especially around the mouth and nose, then infect other parts of the body due to scratching.

The obvious feature of the non-bullous type is the appearance of a golden or light brown crust on the lesion like dried honey sticking to the skin; the bullous type is characterized by the appearance of thin, clear blisters that quickly develop into a muddy pus. Impetigo is extremely contagious. If a child is infected, it is best to isolate first, and then go to school after recovery.

The pathogens of Impetigo are usually Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, the two bacteria may also be co-infected. Impetigo is easy to spread due to scratching, but it is not difficult to cure. Oral antibiotics and ointment can be used, and it can be cured in about 1 to 2 weeks. Once Impetigo is found, it is better to treat it as soon as possible, because the Impetigo may be complicated by acute nephritis due to the entry of toxins secreted by bacteria into the blood.

References: https://kb.commonhealth.com.tw/library/437.html

Before Survey

In your opinion, which number best describes the danger of S.aureus for skin diseases? (The bigger the number the more dangerous it is.)

After Survey

After reading the article, which number best describes the danger of S.aureus for skin diseases? (The bigger the number the more dangerous it is.)

Conference at NTHU

To spread the main purpose of the iGEM competition-knowledge and application in synthetic biology, we held a short talk with freshmen and senior high school students. At the same time, we introduced our project to everyone, spreading our idea to the public.

Fig.7 Summer camp in Life Science

Fig.8 Freshmen in NTHU

Education Video

We aimed to promote synthetic biology to the public by making short, simple videos and pictures which are released on either Youtube, Instagram, or Facebook. YouTube is a social media that publishes various types of videos, providing huge information to the public. So, we decided to use YouTube to promote our education video to those who are curious about synthetic biology as well as the iGEM competition.

Social Media Education

Through Facebook and Instagram social media platforms, we made the three main concepts used in our theme into texts in easy-to-understand words and added illustrations to let the public better understand the relevant knowledge.

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S. aureus
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S. aureus
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S. aureus

Board Game

Through Facebook and Instagram social media platforms, we made the three main concepts used in our theme into texts in easy-to-understand words and added illustrations to let the public better understand the relevant knowledge.

The preparation of the board game

For creating a whole new game, we participate a psychology board game speech,the content of the board game is mainly about some mental illness. Through the speech, we meet Mr.Shih-Yuan Pie, who are both a psychologist and the author of the psychology board game. Through the speech and discussion with Mr.Shih-Yuan Pie, we learned lot of concept and experience of board game design.

The Message we want to Deliver through the board game

For promoting the Synthetic Biology, and making the mechanism of Gene engineering be understandable, we made a board game “Survivor”,which combines both Theory of Natural Selection and Synthetic Biology.

We hope player could through “Survivor” to have further understanding about the relation of synthetic biology and Natural Selection, thinking about the hidden danger  in Synthetic Biology to our natural ecosystem and the effort we should do for avoiding that.

The Message we want to Deliver through the board game

" Survivor " is a turn-based game, each player have their own “gene pool”, players can add the gene types (less than five) which they chose to their gene pool every turn. The order of players to choose gene will be decide every turn start.

The turn while playing, the “environment” will undergo some changes , and there is specific requirement of gene by different “environment”. It’s mean that player who has the corresponding gene could be survive from the environmental change, otherwise you will be eliminate. An environments usually have more than five random corresponding genes at the beginning, player whose gene pool have atleast one of them could be survive. But along with the progress of game, the corresponding genes of environment will be fewer and fewer for eliminating more players.

The ultimate goal of the game is to survive from a changeable environment and bring the most genes.

Future work

We hope to launch an online version of the game to achieve a more practical integration between the face to face and online education program.

Fig.9 Environmental Card

Fig.10 Gene Card