MerSe, Promising a Brighter Future for Human in Space Through Engineered E. coli and Synthetic Biology

By Joy Hsiao


NCKU_Tainan 2022 has published and presented their newest invention, Se coli, a modified version of E. coli that is capable of supporting lives in space. Using synthetic biology, they aim to set up a biomanufacturing system which produces essential substances and materials for lives beyond the earth, envisioning a new era in space exploration.

    Gaia, Mother Nature for all the creatures, human beings connect to her so tightly to an extent that we seem to stand no chance for adventuring in the universe. “Circumstances need to be changed. We refuse to stay back, remain silent and ignore the fact that situations on earth keep on deteriorating.” said NCKU_Tainan.

    In the project MerSe, they demonstrated Se coli, a prototype that can be later applied to various design. Se coli with dual plasmids has two functional segments. On one hand, it synthesizes selenomelanin that shields itself from space radiation. On the other hand, with over-expression of gadB, it produces GABA, a chemical that alleviates depression and improves sleeping quality. GABA-synthesis Se coli is just one of the examples. Se coli plays a significant role in human survival in space.

Scenario 1:
    Synthetic biology has given rise to the prosperity of pharmaceutical synthesis, including medicine for malaria, phenylketonuria, cancer and diabetes. With the application of Se coli, suffering from chronic diseases will no longer stop someone from becoming an astronaut and there will not be a shortage of medications for long-term space travel.

Scenario 2:
    Nutrition is another obstacle for space exploration. In the future, by applying the design of Se coli to other organisms, Se yeast, Se LAB and even Se plant are possible to emerge, which means human stands a chance to establish a system for food production in the space. Lab-grown meat produced through synthetic biology can surely satisfy your appetite without chickens and cows running in spacecrafts!

Scenario 3:
    What if astronauts are running out of fuels? Study has shown that some specific species of bacteria have the ability to produce methane and oxygen which can be a source to compensate fuel consumption; besides, microorganisms now are able to convert carbon into fuels through gene editing. Similarly, as long as all of them mentioned above start to synthesize selenomelanin for their own protection, they can support mankind in space with no doubt.

    “The sky is the limit.”
    With MerSe and Se coli, even sky cannot be the limit.
    “What is your imagination for future space travel? Have you ever thought to be one of those who set off for the unknown?” asked NCKU_Tainan.
    Starting from well-developed techniques, Se coli has now become the greatest invention for selenomelanin synthesis and is expected to serve as a useful tool for the space industry. From GABA to pharmaceuticals, nutritions and even fuels, the future of Se coli utilization seems to be convincing, and lots of its potential applications have yet to be identified.
    “We are ready to move forward, to infinity and beyond.”

    The value of Se coli and MerSe lies in the future; the thing that matters is not about what it can do now, but what it can provide afterwards.

Artificial Intelligence Is Used to Improve the Future of Biomanufacturing in Outer Space

By Julianna Chen


Team NCKU_Tainan 2022 has created a bacterium, named Se coli. It is a bacterium that can produce selenomelanin to protect itself from space radiation and aims to help humans to produce substances they need in space in the near future.

    To choose the perfect colonies among all the Petri dishes, the team uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help them with the heavy chores by recognizing their colors and sizes as the first step. “We aim to design a software, and teach the system to pick the colony of bacteria out, which is most suitable under any conditions. We hope that we could train it to work on its own without any operator aside.” said NCKU_Tainan.

    Along with identifying which colonies would possibly survive in outer space, the team also trained AI to monitor whether the cell is usable or not, to reduce the cost and to enhance its accuracy during the biomanufacturing process. Also, the AI tool could be used to predict the success rate of plasmid transformations beforehand. “We expect in the future, we can use our current software as the preliminary design, and then go further to develop other possible advanced tasks,” said NCKU_Tainan (see Software page).

Sustainable Development of the Start-up Biotechnology Company - MerSe

By Wallace Huang


When it comes to long-term sustainability, the company would put its focus on Se coli with selenomelanin producing γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), while continuing to develop other microorganisms and other applications as the technology matures in the future. “We would try to redefine how we look at our future in outer space by exploring integration, biology, technology, and people”, said MerSe, “by using a co-creation approach; by using and exploring local traditions, and to see how we can learn from the past then integrate that into our deep future.”

    Next, the team would aim to become a partner with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and work closely with numerous companies that have put their focus on improving life in space. “We MerSe would put efforts on creating a new global market 250 miles up in low-Earth orbit, and envisions a future where the next important breakthroughs in both synthetic biology and technology will occur off the planet.” stated by MerSe (see Entrepreneurship page).