
We have been able to collaborate with NTHU_Taiwan. We helped them by translating an illustrated book about their project in our mother tongue, Spanish, and also, sending our team pet to make a map with all the teams around the world. Where each team is represented by their pet. That is why we created our team pet: Bioleaf, which has become an important part of our project and our team.

We have also filmed videos and posted them in Instagram to promote the inclusion of deaf people into our community, which is a subject that we think is really important and it should be spread as much as possible. An initiative started by RUM-UPRM, that we were more than happy to help with. #ASLintheLab

We have also answered some questionnaires about the project of different teams as iGEM TUdelft, iGEM Lund, or iGEM Groningen. This not only helped them to get feedback but also gave us the opportunity to learn about new projects and connect with new teams.

Apart from answering this questionnaires to help other teams we have also sent our own questionnaire about our project and also asked other teams to draw a Nicotiana benthamiana (the plant that we work with) to make a collage with the drawings from all around the world to represent our worldwide Plant Synthetic Biology Community.