Team Members
Student Members
Jikun Qu
As the team leader of HNU_China, Jikun Qu founded up this team. Jikun Qu mainly participate in engineering design as well as education process. He has also communicated to researchers in CAS with the help of professor Yao.
Wenqing Liu
She takes part in the measurement of yjbB part. In the mean time, Wenqing Liu holds the finance measurement of the team perfectly.
Yue Jin
A brilliant girl devoting her works on testing the function of PPK mutant. We were impressed by her hardworking as well as her will when facing the hardships.
Yuhan Wu
The leader of pst part measurement. She has also provide the recording of our video with her elegant voice.
Qinan Huang
A brilliant gentleman focusing on computing chemistry. He's the main character in ourmodeling work,and has helped us with founding the wiki.
Laijia Jin
A chemistry undergraduate student from Hunan university. Very willing to learn new things in the synthetic biology field and honored to be a part of the T-switch project.
Wenrui Deng
She founded up a reliable measuring protocol of inorganic phosphate concentration with her fantastic skills on analytical chemistry.
Hexu Zhang
In our team, his position was to conduct wet experiment, mainly for molecular cloning experiment. Major in testing PPK.
Penghui Li
He is responsible for functional verification of phosphorus export element in our project.
Bangwei Jin
A hard-working man mainly works on the testing experiments of pst part.
Jiajie zhang
Mainly do the property verification experiment of temperature sensitive control element.
Jiani Shuai
A sophomore majoring in biomedical engineering in Hunan University, has become fond of playing with E. coli since joining IGEM and participated in T-switch team.
Jiaqin Li
The key designer for our visual arts as well as video presentation. She has built up a dramatic visual style for our project.
Yuwen Li
The designer for our visual arts, also known as the hunter in Houhu lake who feed herself with the tears of her members.
Zidi An
The designer for our visual arts, also known as the hunter NO.2 in Houhu lake who feed herself with the tears of her members.
Zhenming Jin
Primary PI
Ruifeng Yao
Secondary PI
Yirong Wang
Secondary PI
Ye Qiu
Secondary PI
Li Chen
Secondary PI
Qingjie Li