Students in HNU have seldom known about the concepts of synthetic biology. It’s pretty necessary for us to popularize them as well as iGEM itself. What’s more, HNU particularly focus on use of natural science in real world and entrepreneurship, and synthetic biology is generally thought to be an important key in biological entrepreneurship. Our project of education aims at inspiring students to broaden the understanding of contemporary biology from basic science to engineering application. High school students, who are facing their choice of major during college time, may also desire advertisement about the future development of bio-engineering. Therefore, our team has held lectures to focus on both principles and applications of synthetic biology.
Lectures in Hunan University
The theme of our lecture is Synthetic Biology: A new solution for bioengineering. Bachelor students in our school may generally consider biology as a subject only serving for scientific research. Our team hope to introduce the prospect of synthetic biology in engineering and commerce to students through the lecture.

Participates of the lecture were firstly given an online questionnaire about their opinions on biological manufacture. Students have argued about the possible hardships contemporary biology is facing during application. Their opinions are listed below.

Our lecture then tried to lead students to re-think contemporary biology in the aspect of engineering. Several classic examples, like the overproduction of insulin, have shown the possible solution for biology to amplify its manufacture. Synthetic biology is generally used for engineering solution for biological problems. We hope that this lecture could help them use their biology knowledge to solve questions in real world.
Lecture in the high school attached to Hunan university
Students in high school, especially those who are facing their choices on major, may desire the knowledge of this young subject. Here in the high school attached to Hunan University, we’ve held a small lecture to introduce synthetic biology simply according to high school knowledge. We’re happy to witness the change happened in those high school students after the lecture. One participate of the lecture has thanked us for refreshing his concepts of biology. We do hope that our lecture could help them make a better choice through their future life.