Education and Communication

We have held some activities to

promote the iGEM competition and popularize the synthetic biology

, and at the same time, we urge more students to join iGEMers in the future.

1.An offline information session of GXU-China


Since March, GXU-China human practices group has prepared many details about HP, such as the activity planning and discussing, art designing, related material purchasing, venue request and other aspects. From 19:00 to 22:00 PM on June 29th, we held an offline information session in the Student Activity Center. GXU-China team members,


and their

parents, teachers and students

from different colleges took part in this activity.

Propaganda poster


We have designed a series of interesting

interactive sections

, such as fun jigsaw puzzles, magic coloring, Q&A, etc. Each activity was accompanied by gifts with our team characteristics. At the same time, we also made posters related to the iGEM competition and synthetic biology to prepare for the





Art designing

Java Yao, the leader of GXU-China, vividly conveyed the

concept of the iGEM competition

, expounded the development process of synthetic biology, and introduced our

team project

according to the poster and related information.

Through some

interactive games

like coloring, puzzle and Q&A, we truly enhanced their

we truly enhanced their interest about biology and they gained much common sense and basic knowledge of itinterest

about biology and they gained much

common sense


basic knowledge

of it. At the meantime, we made them complete the questionnaire about our project and receive much

useful suggestions




It is worth mentioning that at the end of the activity, many

lower grade children

at the scene were attracted by our activities and


in our interactive links, some of them asked our team members about biology with

a curious attitude

. We explained it with patience and recommended some useful resource to them.We do believe this activity reach our proposal of



Human Practices



This event not only achieved the pre-conceived purpose of promoting the iGEM



synthetic biology

activities, but also realized the purpose of


and expanding the


of our team.

2.GXU-China Laboratory Opening Day


On the occasion of the class of 2022, in order to enable


from the College of Life Science and Technology of Guangxi University to have some preliminary understanding of synthetic biology, iGEM, and GXU-China team and stimulate their interest in biological research, we held

a Laboratory Opening Day

mainly for the freshmen of grade 2022 on September 17.


Huixia Zheng, a member of GXU-China, introduced

synthetic biology, iGEM



team to the freshmen of grade 2022. During this period, we have mentioned the application field of synthetic biology. When it came to the medical application of synthetic biology, a freshman showed enough


and hoped that he could make good use of

synthetic biology

in the future to treat currently

incurable diseases


We came to the laboratory and introduced the


commonly used in synthetic biology laboratories such as PCR instrument, electrophoresis apparatus and centrifuge, and gave them the



try it

by themselves. At the same time, we asked them some questions, motivate them to think, and set up rewards. After walking into the laboratory, the freshmen were full of


about the laboratory, and they were very

eager to operate

the instruments by themselves, which fully stimulated everyone's


in biological research.

Next is the

demonstration and introduction

of the use of

microscope instruments

. Although they had some knowledge of the microscope in high school, they were limited to textbook knowledge.

Interesting experiment

is the last activity for freshmen after walking into the lab. In the lab, they finally really saw the colonies growing on a petri dish. We designed a simple experiment for them, and they completed every step carefully to achieve the expected effect of this experiment. In this part, the students personally experienced the difficulty of the experiment personally, but they all said that they were really happy to complete the experiment.


The Laboratory Opening Day brought the freshmen from

theory to practice

, from which they realized the precision and detail of biological experiments, and felt the charm of cells and microorganisms. Some students did not like biological science as this major at first, but through this activity, they mentioned their


in the field of life science, and wanted to make

a great difference

in this field in the future.

3.Popularization of online science lecture record


HainanU_China team, JLU_China team and GXU-China team jointly held an popularization of online science lecture on "Watching the World with the Beauty of Biology" at 8:30pm on September 26. The focus on this activity is the students from

10 classes of Hainan University of Foreign Studies

(hereinafter referred to as "Beiwai"), from Beijing University of Foreign Studies. Three teams explained

different knowledge

to students.


First, Meiyan Liang , a member of HainanU_China, showed the

popularization of DNA molecular

motors to students. In August 2022, European scientists used DNA origami to build the first nanoscale electric motor built by a DNA chain. This advanced research results aroused the


of the younger students, which made this popularization of online science lecture have a good start.

Besides, GXU-China leader Java Yao gave them a detailed popularization of

synthetic biology

, iGEM and GXU-China team. Java Yao started with the introduction of synthetic biology, leading up to the iGEM competition, attracting the attention of the younger students.Thus encouraged them to join the iGEMers big family in the future.

Finally, Shiyao Wang from JLU_China team introduced some


of synthetic biology to the junior students, which bring them having a deeper understanding of synthetic biology. Shiyao Wang really built a synthetic biology system through design, experiment, summary, and then back to design, taking a paper as an example, telling students that an experiment is

not easy to succeed

, which makes them seemingly understand that scientific research need

continuous efforts





After the activity, we received

positively feedback

from the teachers and students in Hainan University of Foreign Studies. The content of this popular science activity is novel and the students' interest also makes them have more

understanding of synthetic biology


4.The spread of synthetic biology



In order to

better promote synthetic biology, promote the iGEM competition, improve the popularity of GXU-China

, promote the GXU-China entries and provide a platform for recruiting the next iGEMers, we established a wechat official account when the 2022 GXU-China team was established, and regularly published some articles on it. As we cooperate closely with other universities and publish tweets, more and more people pay attention to our wechat official account and learn a lost of useful knowledge from it.





1.Share the daily work of the GXU-China team members.

2.Share the progress of the GXU-China project.

3.Publicize the events held by GXU-China.


Promoting Synthetic biology, the iGEM competition.





1. Got a lot of attention and likes from many college students.

2. Followers know more about the knowledge and application of synthetic biology through the understanding of our project.

3. Provides a platform for synthetic biology and social communication.

4. The purpose of

popularizing and spreading synthetic biology and improving the popularity of GXU-China

was achieved.