Every year when working with biohazards, chemicals and other
laboratory equipment, we keep safety as our top priority. This year before working in our
lab, all the members of our team compl eted the mandatory Right to Know Certificate,
alongside other training modules offered by the Uni versity System of Georgia. The
completion of all these training modules are necessary to gain ac cess to the lab.
Additionally the training also makes one aware of the different biohazards present in a lab,
and makes them capable of dealing with them. We also ensured that we completed the la
boratory safety quiz and training videos offered by the University Research
Services & Administr ation of Georgia State University. Additionally, all the
handling of the lab equipment is first done under the supervision of our PI. Therefore, all
members are made aware of how to handle lab equi pment before even working in the lab. We
also require each one of our members to wear their Per sonal Protection Equipment when in
the lab. Therefore, we provide every member with their own lab coat and goggles, and there
are also disposable gloves available to all members at the glove sta tion in the lab.
Furthermore, we also ensure that we are following the iGem Safety guidelines when performing
any of the wet lab procedures.

The iGem Synkhlorum project was performed in a Biosafety Level 1
laboratory, as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We worked with
E. Coli strains (DH5 alpha) and Genetically modified
microalgae Chlorella Minutissima. The E. Coli strains and C. Minutissima strains are well
documented. However, close attention and care were put into handling the two organisms to
ensure both strains had no contact with the outside environment and remained contained in
the laboratory. All items used in the lab have been items that are on the iGem whitelist.
Proper care and technique have been implemented in the usage and disposal of all
the items to prevent any environmental leak. The
safety of our lab has been a priority we maintained constantly throughout this competition
Throughout conducting our team’s project, precautions to prevent the
spread of COVID-19 were continually followed. This included wearing masks or face coverings,
hand hygiene, and sanitizing the lab after completing each day’s lab experiments. The team
was also advised that anyone show ing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend the
lab. Team members were also advised to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to further protect our
team and those working around us. Some me etings or events were also offered via Zoom or
Webex for those that did not feel comfortable att ending in person meetings. Precautions
such as these were continuously followed and considered for each of our experiments, as well
as any meetings or events.