We have two models this year. The
first model was designed to predict the lipid production of algae after we co-cultured C.minutissima and E.coli It is worth mentioning that in the
model we also consider the natural growth of C.minutissima and E.coli, using the logistic and ordinary
differential models as a basis. The second model is an expression model to reflect the
expression of our synthesized IAA, and we also want to combine Michaelis-Menten equation to
better represent the role of the two enzymes in the IAA pathway.
Co-culture Model
Under the co-culture system of this
project, Chlorella will use IAA produced by E. coli to promote growth and synthesize lipids from
carbon sources in the wastewater. Our preliminary study concluded that Chlorella utilizes the
carbon source in the wastewater mainly as carbohydrates, so in this model we represent it as
glucose. The self-growth of Chlorella, its lipid production and glucose consumption then form a
certain mathematical relationship. Our aim is to develop a mathematical model that reflects the
growth, lipid production and glucose consumption of Chlorella. We want to apply the model to
determine the optimal values of each control parameter of the wastewater treatment process.
Most microbial growth processes can be explained by Logistic equations. In the present model we treat algal growth as consistent with microorganisms and use Logistic equations to calculate biologically and geometrically meaningful parameters simply by means of s-shaped curves independent of substrate concentration. [1]
A. The growth model of
Chlorella was then constructed as follows:

Where is the growth rate
of C.minutissima; μmax is the biggest growth rate for C.minutissima; X is the
concentration of C.minutissima in the reaction vessel and Xmax is the maximum
concentration of C.minutissima.
When t equals to zero, the
concentration of C.minutissima is the initial concentration value (X = X0). After
integration, the equation becomes:

We can find out
μmax and Xmax through the experiment. So as long as we determine
X0, the equation as a function of Chlorella concentration X and time t is then
B. We describe the lipid formation
by the Luedeking-Piret equation[2]. The rate of lipid formation is linearly related
to the instantaneous biomass concentration X and the growth rate :

Where, is the rate of lipid
formation; α is the coefficient of lipid formation; ß is the non-growth related
Gaden[3] classified
the modes of product formation according to the relationship between product formation and
microbial growth into: category 1, where product formation is related to microbial growth;
category 2, where product formation is partially related to microbial growth; and category 3,
where product formation is not related to microbial growth.
For the above equation, when α=0
and ß≠0, the relationship between product formation and microbial growth is of category 3. For
α≠0 and ß≠0, the relationship between product formation and microbial growth is partial and
therefore belongs to category 2. When α≠0 and ß=0, the relationship between product formation
and microbial growth is linear and fits into category 1.
We concluded that lipid
formation was initially linearly related to Chlorella growth, so we grouped the experimental
cases into the first category (α≠0 and ß=0). Thus, integrating the above equation:

C. Finally we found that the
kinetics of glucose consumption can be expressed as the conversion of substrate to product plus
the consumption of substrate.[4] The equation is:

C. Finally we found that the
kinetics of glucose consumption can be expressed as the conversion of substrate to product plus
the consumption of substrate.[4] The equation is:
Where is the total
consumption rate of glucose, Yx/s is the maximum growth coefficient of
Chlorella; Yp/s is the maximum lipid production coefficient; S is the glucose
concentration; and m is the maximum consumption rate (maintenance coefficient) to sustain the
life of Chlorella.
Lipids are intracellular
metabolites, and in our scenario, glucose is used in three main parts: growth of Chlorella,
accumulation of lipids and maintenance of Chlorella life. Under this assumption, the above
equation can be simplified as :

S0 is the initial
concentration of glucose. As a result of the Yp/s by formula are obtained.
The unknowns are Yx/s and m. From this we obtained the glucose concentration as a
function of time.
We can use this to predict
how much glucose we can add to culture Chlorella to obtain more lipid production and how glucose
will change over time.
However, due to the epidemic, the
experimental supplies were not delivered on time, so we could not carry out the experiment to
get the data, so the model could not be continued.
IAA expression pathway
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a
plant growth hormone, which is an important hormone synthesized by plants for regulating growth
and physiological activities. In addition, IAA controls plant metabolism and senescence,
landward and polar transport, and responses to drought, alkali salts, pathogenic bacteria, and
heavy metal stresses. Many plant-related microorganisms, such as Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and Streptomyces, can convert L-tryptophan to IAA. in recent years, the biosynthetic
pathway for converting L-tryptophan to IAA in microorganisms has been elucidated.[1]
We decided to introduce the synthetic pathway of IAM of indoleacetic acid into E.coli for better
interaction between E.coli and Chlorella, so that E. coli secretes IAA to promote the growth of
Chlorella. To measure the yield of IAA, we introduced the expression model and the Rice equation
enzyme reaction model for yield prediction.11
Model Design
Because the intermediate product in
this model is IAM, which is reacted by ami1 enzyme to generate the end product IAA, and IAM is
generated from L-Trp by iaaM enzyme reaction, the expression models of iaaM and IAM enzymes and
the Rice equation enzyme reaction models of L-Trp to generate IAM and IAM to IAA are involved
here. And the combination of both is needed to achieve the best prediction.
We plan to use the expression
model to obtain the concentration of the two enzymes during the stabilization period and use
this concentration as the initial enzyme concentration in the Michaelis-Menten equation to
perform the product-related calculations.

(1) At first,we assume that the
overall transcription rate is only determined by the copies of the plasmids carrying the target
gene fragment in E.coli and the strength of the promoter.
(2) Once the degradation process
starts, the translation of the mRNA will stop and the protein will become ineffective. With
similar molecular weight sizes, we assume that proteins’ degradation rates are the same, as are
the mRNAs.
(3) The concentration of mRNAs and
proteins studied in the model are zero at the beginning.
Variables & Parameters
Variables | Biochemical species | Units |
mRNA iaaM | The number of iaaM’s mRNA |
Molecules |
iaaM | The number of iaaM | Molecules |
mRNA ami1 | The number of ami1’s mRNA | Molecules |
ami1 | The number of ami1 |
Molecules |
The expression requires several
important constant parameters such as the copy number of psb1c3 in E.coli is 100-300, while the
size of psb1c3 is 1872bp, the size of psb1c3 is 7705bp, the size of iaaM is 623aa, and the size
of ami1 is 425aa.We also have the following parameters in table.2.(It is not clear what
transcriptases and ribosomes are actually used in the project, and it is not possible to
estimate the specific transcription and translation rates.)
Paramater | Description | Unit |
VTrciaaM | The transcription rate of iaaM’s mRNA | Min-1 |
dm1 | The degradation rate of iaaM’s mRNA | Min-1 |
VTrciaaM |
The translation rate of iaaM | Min-1 |
diaaM | The degradation rate of iaaM | Min-1 |
VTrciaaM |
The transcription rate of ami1’s mRNA | Min-1 |
dm2 | The degradation rate of ami1’s mRNA | Min-1 |
VTrciaaM |
The translation rate of ami1 | Min-1 |
dami1 | The degradation rate of ami1 | Min-1 |
Cellular Equations

We import the equation into
matlab2021 and solve it to obtain the following figure 1.

Because the reaction pathway
intermediates as well as the final product require enzyme catalysis and the amount of enzyme can
be derived from the expression model,
the Mie equation is established to determine the yield
of the product.

Variables & Parameters
We look for the variables in the
model as shown in Table 2:
Paramater | Representative |
EiaaM | Enzyme Concentration |
SL-Trp | L-Trp Concentration |
ES | Enzyme-Substrate Complex |
PIAM | IAM Concentration |
Eami1 | Enzyme Concentration |
PIAA | IAA Concentration |
K±1IAA Concentration | Forward Rate and Reverse Rate |
K2 | Catalytic Rate |
K±3 | Forward Rate and Reverse Rate |
K4 | Catalytic Rate |
Km | Michaelis-Menten constant |
Cellular Equations

In our expectation, the reaction
rate of the first step reaction should first increase and then decrease to a stable value with
the influence of the second step reaction, and the rate of the second step reaction should
gradually increase and then level off to a stable value. Due to various force majeure factors
this year, such as the failure delivery of the transportation company, the experiment was not
conducted as scheduled, resulting in missing data needed to construct the model, which could not
be constructed.