| CPU_Nanjing - iGEM 2022

Mayu Shan: Student Leader
    As the leader of CPU_Nanjing, he is responsible for the overall management of team affairs and the coordination of different departments. He is involved in HP design and organizes field visits, hardware construction and education activities.
Chengjun Yuan: Presentation Member
    He is in responsible of team presentation. He is also in charge of translating materials into English and dubbed team promotion video. His strong English ability contributes a lot to our project.
Siyuan Chen: Human Practice Member
    She operates the official account of the team, producing relevant articles so as to reach out to different communities, gaining insight on the comprehension and benefits of our project. Moreover, she participates in communication and collaboration with other teams.
Siyi Fei: Video Producer
    He is the director and editor of team promotion video. He also records the progress of the project by videos and participates in field visits. He helps distribute questionnaires and promote online educational materials.
Qiuhan Ren: Modeler
    He is mainly responsible for modeling. He designs a mathematical model to anticipate the efficiency of our project on accelerating the evolution of phosphorus on terrestrial planets. He also takes part in the team recruitment and some field visits.
Zexuan Wei: Modeler
    He is involved in building mathematical model for our project. The model of planetary biochemical cycles of carbon is designed by him. The result he calculates helps us analyze the feasibility of realizing negative carbon-emission in addition to our ultimate goal of manufacturing phosphate.
Haotian Liu: Human Practice Member
    He takes part in team recruitment and field visits. He is responsible for photographing in Human Practice. He analyzes the results of early questionnaire, which is helpful in comprehending the crucial pain point about interstellar migration.
Ruochen Qian: Wiki Producer
    She designs and produces team wiki together with Xiaohui Ma. Graphic design and overall arrangement of web pages are completed by her. She also takes part in field visits and acts in our promotion video.
Xiaohui Ma: Wiki Producer
    She collaborates with Ruochen Qian in wiki production. She is responsible for the visual design and integrated layout. She also takes part in experiments to verify the work flow of our hardware.
Shaohang Zhang: Presentation Member
    He is mainly responsible for providing all sorts of information related to our iGEM journey and paperwork polishing. Beyond that, he also participates in the early stage of the molecular biology experiments, including the design of the new part.
Zijin Pu: Presentation Member
    She is mainly responsible for background investigation and the final presentation of our project. She also contributes to the design of new parts, helps record the progress of wet lab and is engaged in human practice including collaboration with cooperating teams.
Tianchang Xia: Experiment Member
    He is involved in the design and construction of our hardware. He designs part of our online education materials to promote synthetic biology and participates in field visits. He also acts in our promotion video.
Ye Gu: Experiment Member
    He undertakes the job of the construction and evaluation of our Parts. He is also involved in testing the working procedures of the hardware. He takes part in field visits and produces part of the online courses to expand the influence of iGEM.
Zeyu Cai: Experiment Member
    He is involved in designing the bioreactor to prove the concept of our project. Part of our online course is produced by him. He also participates in team recruitment, field visits and offline education activities.
Chang Liu: Art Design
    She is responsible for the art design of our team. She collaborates with Xinyi Xia in designing the team logo, uniform and artistic elements on our web pages. She is also involved in producing materials for educational activities.
Xinyi Xia: Art Design
    She is in charge of designing artistic materials for the project, including uniform, logo and patterns on wiki. She participates in the design of peripheral products and materials used in education.


Dr. Weimin Zhang: Introduced the importance of phosphate in agricultural production and offered us precious phosphate-free soil.

Dr. Xingxia Chen: Gave us professional suggestions on the design of our questionnaire.

Dr. Jierong Jiang: Made us aware that phosphate is indispensable in textiles used in daily life.

Dr. Xiaomeng Wang: Shared us with her enormous knowledge on the biogeochemical cycles of elements.

Dr. Zhonghua Liu & Dr. Liuyan Yang: Helped to verify the feasibility of the method and materials developed by our project.

Manager Jie Zheng: Provided technical support for hardware design.



    Our teammates take part in all stages of the experimental work. Shaohang and Zijin were involved in designing and improving Parts from searching for phosphite dehydrogenase and polyphosphate kinase of different bacteria to arranging the sequences encoding the two enzymes. Liu Chang drafted the initial design of our hardware. Gu Ye, Tianchang, Zeyu and Mayu participated in the construction of the hardware to verify the feasibility of manufacturing phosphate from materials available on terrestrial planets. Ruochen and Xiaohui took part in experiments of determining key features and operational protocols of our bioreactor. Thanks to their efforts, we obtained sufficient effective data from experiments to support our concept and close the loop between the initial assumptions and the final results.

Human Practice


    In the early stage, Siyuan carried out a survey in the form of questionnaire to gain insights on what people concern about interstellar migration. Our visit to Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences couldn’t have happened without the help of Zijin. Siyuan and Zijin were also involved in communicating with other teams and designing collaboration plans. Zeyu, Gu Ye and Tianchang participated in most field visits. Photography work was mainly undertaken by Haotian and Siyi. Peripheral products related to our project was designed by Liu Chang and Xinyi. As the leader, Mayu was in charge of organizing field visits and producing online education materials together with Tianchang and Gu Ye. Our human practice is much more wonderful in addition to successful completion thanks to their devotion.



    In order to estimate the efficiency of our project on transforming terrestrial planets into habitable ones, Qiuhan and Zexuan constructed a series of mathematical models, which were based on effective data obtained from the lab. They also created a model of planetary biochemical cycle of carbon to assess the rate of carbon fixation by blue-green algae via photosynthesis.



    Our website was built by Ruochen and Xiaohui together. They spent a lot of time determining the main style of our wiki. Xinyi and Liu Chang created plentiful artistic elements for the website. All the members participated in the construction of wiki as they provided useful resources and beneficial suggestions.

Promotion Video

Scriptwriter&Director: Siyi Fei

Editor: Siyi Fei

Videographer: Siyi Fei

Actors: Mayu Shan, Haotian Liu, Ruochen Qian, Tianchang Xia, Zijin Pu, Zeyu Cai

Dubbed by: Chengjun Yuan

Art Designing: Xinyi Xia, Chang Liu

Narration Writers: Chengjun Yuan, Zijin Pu, Shaohang Zhang
    We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to our team PI, Dr. Hai Qian. Without his help, we cannot complete our project. In the initial design and later practice of our project, both Dr. Xin Wang and Dr. Jingzhi Hu gave us many constructive suggestions, which made our project go smoothly. We also want to thank those people that believe in our team and accompany us through our long iGEM journey.