
Education has a huge impact on the development of a country, and it is closely related to the rise and fall of a country. It is also a practical activity to improve people's comprehensive quality and a required course for human development, social progress and human growth. It can help people gain knowledge, broaden their horizons, improve their abilities, feel positive emotions, and form good habits.

BNUZH-China team is from Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus). Relying on the characteristics of Beijing Normal University, education is a very important part of our human practice activities. Through various froms of education, we have publicized and introduced to tens of thousands of people through online and offline methods, and shared and learned biological knowledge together with them.

Community Education

Ecological volunteering teaching

BNUZH-China was invited by Zhuhai Ecology Bureau to serve as the keynote speaker of the ecological science and education project, introducing biology and synthetic biology to primary school students in Zhuhai. BNUZH-China team members presented fantastic classes for children by introducing animals, plants, microorganisms and other aspects, and led them to explore a different biological world through wonderful and rich knowledge explanation and hands-on practice.

Fig.1 BNUZH-China served as the keynote speaker of the ecological science and education project

Family Education

The BNUZH-China team also introduced the knowledge of burns to parents and children in need through online live broadcast and other ways. In addition to sharing and introduction, the team members actively interacted with the participants, and answered the questions raised by parents and children in the online live broadcast. The participants said they benefited a lot.

Fig.2 BNUZH-China team members were conducting family science education

School Education

On-campus science popularization

How to let more students know about biology? BNUZH-China team has set up exhibition stands in each teaching building and dormitory building on the campus, and placed the "Burn Science Popularization" brochures and the "BNUZH-China" project brochures designed by BNUZH-China team. Meanwhile, the team also left the m contact information and questionnaires for students with doubts.

Fig.3 2022 BNUZH-China’s project poster is posted on the campus of Zhuhai campus of Beijing Normal University

Biological Knowledge Contest

In order to let more people know about burns and synthetic biology, BNUZH-China held a biological knowledge contest. The topic of this contest mainly focuses on biological knowledge (focusing on knowledge related to burns and scalds), so that participants can learn more about biology through easy and interesting online answers. After the launch of the competition, a large number of participants from all walks of life were attracted. In this process, they not only gained rich prizes, but also learned extensive new knowledge of biology.

Volunteering teaching

During the summer vacation, team members from BNUZH-China went to many poor counties in China Mainland to support education, covering Guizhou, Gansu, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Guangxi and other provinces. We introduced the knowledge of synthetic biology and our team projects to local primary and secondary school students and social personages, and popularized burn knowledge. In the volunteering teaching activities during the whole summer holiday, relying on the characteristics of Beijing Normal University, we publicized our project to nearly 20 primary and secondary schools and more than 20000 students, truly benefiting as many students as we can and letting them know more about synthetic biology.

Fig.4 Our team members went to volunteer to teach in all the poor areas of China

Science Popularization Lab Activities

In the eyes of many people, the laboratory may be related to "high-tech", "rigorous operation", etc. It seems to be the exclusive place for students studying science. BNUZH-China team held the activity of "Science Popularization into the Laboratory" to encourage more primary and middle school students and schoolmates to visit the laboratory, introduce experimental equipment, laboratory precautions, show the project and carry out simple experiments. The participants said that they benefited a lot from this trip. They learned more biological knowledge and increased their love for biology.

Fig.5 BNUZH-China team held the activity of "Science Popularization into the Laboratory"

Public Education

"Daily knowledge about biological science" activity

In order to let more people know about synthetic biology and burn injuries, the BNUZH-China team has opened a public mailbox to answer questions for people from all walks of life who have doubts about the BNUZH-China team project and want to know more about synthetic biology. At the same time, we have designed the "Daily knowledge about biological science" activity to provide a platform for students who like to use biological knowledge to answer questions in daily life or want to seek answers to questions about biology encountered in life. Since the opening of contributions, we have received a large number of questions or shares and had a profound discussion with contributors.

Fig.6 BNUZH-China’s "Problem messenger" soliciting public questions

Online popular science lectures

In the network era, we can pass on more knowledge to people in need through online courses. BNUZH-China team together with SZPT-China, HBUT-China, NWU-China-A, NEFU_China carried out science lectures on the theme of "Entering the World of Synthetic Biology" to help more people enter the world of synthetic biology and learn more about it. At the same time, we also introduced the projects of BNUZH-China team and the excellent projects in previous years of iGEM to the audience, showing the beauty of synthetic biology.

Fig.7 BNUZH-China presented a popular science lecture on "Entering the World of Synthetic Biology"


In the BNUZH-China team, there are many members who hope to become biology teachers in the future. Relying on the pedagogical characteristics of Beijing Normal University, team members shot small popular science videos about biological knowledge and synthetic biology knowledge, and put them on multiple network platform. Through simple and interesting micro lesson videos, we will talk about biological tips knowledge one by one to help more people understand biological shallow knowledge in life.

Fig.8 BNUZH-China team members made micro-lessons to popularize biological knowledge

Reading for other awesome iGEM projects

The iGEM competition has a history of nearly 20 years, in which many excellent cases have emerged. This year, the BNUZH-China team selected the more classic iGEM projects of previous years and introduce the projects to more people for understanding the charm of synthetic biology in the way of guided reading.

Fig.9 BNUZH-China Popular Science Reading Series

Biological Poetry

Sidney Lanier once said, "Poetry, above all the other art and science, embodies truth." BNUZH-China, SZPT-CHIAN and NEFU_China jointly launched a microbial poetry collection and propaganda activity. The team members wrote biological related poems and showed them on the public account of the three teams, exhibiting biological knowledge in a more novel way and showing the beauty of biology


In order to better achieve popular science education, we designed the "Burn Science Popularization" brochures and the "BNUZH-China" project brochures, and sent the brochures to major communities in Zhuhai, volunteering teaching places where our teammates will reach, etc., showing them to people of different ages to help them better understand synthetic biology or burn knowledge.