
We would like to exalt the immense support of the Biology Institute and Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cultura (ProEC) of Unicamp. Without the enormous trust and funding entrusted to our team we would not have had the great opportunity to represent our university internationally, and we hope to return in results at least double of the expectations deposited in us.

To the Synthetic Biology Laboratory (LaBS) at Unicamp, we also owe deep thanks for the work structure made available throughout the year during which we developed Cellulopolis.

We would also like to thank Exxtend, a biotech company specializing in oligos and DNA probes, who very willingly provided us with key parts for the execution of our project.

To the official iGEM sponsors, we are grateful for all the support provided, whether in the form of services, advice, or the simple fact that they made it possible for the competition to be what it is today.