Meet the Team!

Figure 0: Our Team Photo


Jiangyun Wang, Preliminary PI

Figure 1: Prof. Wang

Principal Investigator

National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules

Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Scienes

Prof Wang is an expert in synthetic biology. Particularly interested in biomolecule design and their applications in carbon neutral, disease diagnosis, etc., he has made numerous significant contributions to relevant areas. Throughout the season, Prof Wang provided us with the chance to his lab facilities, and multiple opportunities to discuss with his research group, which turned out to be very helpful.

Xiaohong Liu, Secondary PI

Figure 2: Dr. Liu

Dr. Liu is responsible for some of the maintenance of Professor Wang's laboratory and guides us in our experiments.


Fang Li

Figure 3: Dr. Li

Daily maintenance, safety management and reimbursement of funds for teaching laboratories in UCAS.

Team Members

Student team leader

Yuchen Liu

A student majoring in bioscience, with the passion of designing and innovating.

Figure 4: Yuchen Liu


Ji Sun

This elegant guy is the leader of the wet lab. He always takes the trouble to share his experiences about how to make a good-looking polyacrylamide gel or agarose gel, because almost all of the results of failed experiments were acquired by him (for the first time ). That’s why he is a “leader”, a pioneer of trial and error. He is quite knowledgeable about eating but at the same time worried about his figure. So he participates in this project and attempts a novel solution to satisfy his stomach.

Figure 5: Ji Sun

Zichen Liu

I am Liu Zichen. From the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in bioscience. I have a strong interest in science, especially biology. I often read books about science and like to delve into scientific problems. I hope to become a biologist and contribute to the development of biology in the future.

Figure 6: Zichen Liu

Yiping Li

Li Yiping, majoring in chemistry, finds interest in computational chemistry and organic synthesis, loves playing basketball, tapping on the piano, and ... wandering around in the labs.

Figure 7: Yiping Li

Bowen Liu

As a student major in Biology, I am interested in Molecular Biology and Cryobiology. I join iGEM to expand the possibility of my life. I believe Synthetic biology together with countless standardized parts will play a major role in future.

Figure 8: Bowen Liu

Yue Lu

Yue Lu is a junior student from UCAS-China. As a member of the experimental group, she focuses on the production of vanillin, which is one of the flavor substances. She also took part in human practice and behaved actively in group discussion.

Figure 9: Yue Lu

Jingke Wang

A student majoring in biology. Loves tasty food, animals (especially puppies) and all other beautiful things.

Figure 10: Jingke Wang

Xing Zhu

A college student major in biology at present, loving everyone who loves me and everything that moves me.

Figure 11: Xing Zhu

Kaming Li

KAMING LI(Chinese phonetic alphabet: Li Jia Ming)

My name is KAMING LI, and I'm an ungraduated student (Sophomore) majoring in Biology Science in UCAS. I’m a hobbyist for web lab experiment and molecular biology. Being a member of UCAS iGEM team since 2021, I have learnt a lot and met a lot of new friends. I enjoy cooperating with my teammates in experiments and have fun together as a whole team.

I have taken part in the design, experiments and wiki writing in UCAS team 2022.

Figure 12: Kaming Li

Yuqi Liu

Undergraduate major in Biology Science.

Loving travelling, basketball, and everything about music.

I do enjoy the time we spend together in iGEM and hope to learn more from synthetic biology as well as neurobiology.

Figure 13: Yuqi Liu

Yuze Min

My name is Min Yuze, a pupil from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of our iGEM team. I’m very interested in biological science, and through the preparation for the competition, I have learnt a lot about synthetic biology and conducting experiments. Hopefully I can learn and share more with my teammates, and we will always hold our passion for biology in the future!

Figure 14: Yuze Min

Binwen Liu

Liu, an enthusiast of lab research, software design and exploring the unknown. Nothing-doing expert, excuse-finding master and extreme piggy lover from Chinese Academy of sciences. Responsible for the part flavor production session, further research, part of the wiki writing, and little section of software work.

Figure 15: Binwen Liu


Minlong Chen

Hello there! I am Chen Minlong, from Kunming city, Yunnan province. Now, I am studying in UCAS, majoring in biology. As you can see, I am a Star Wars fan, so first, may the force be with you during this special period! It is very lucky for me to join the igem in my first year at UCAS. I really learned a lot through past year’s modeling practice, for example, I got familiar with the concept and method of gene manipulation used in igem, and I really enjoy the progress of combining biology and other knowledge together. I am also interested in physics and math, and this year I am trying to take up philosophy. Looking forward to a even more interesting experience in the next year’s igem.

Figure 16: Minlong Chen

Shiwen Wang

I am Shiwen Wang, a sophomore at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in AI.

Exploring and trying is the main theme of my life. I hope and believe that I can make a contribution to everyone and the world. I hope to keep trying in the IGEM family!

Figure 17: Shiwen Wang

Jian Yu

Hello! My name is Yu Jian. I am an optimistic and cheerful guy from Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China. I’m an undergraduate student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in Artificial Intelligence. I love sports, especially soccer. I enjoy the processes of study and love the feeling of discussing with friends and exploring the truth through unremitting efforts.

Figure 18: Jian Yu


Zhuoxun Chen

Love mechanics, robotics and the project. Love the friends from the team. Loved by people around me. Create love and give love to the world.

Figure 19: Zhuoxun Chen

Chongyuan Zhu

Hello, my name is Zhu Chongyuan. I’m from Qingdao of Shandong Province in China. I study at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and my major is Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. I enjoy exercising, playing video games, and watching movies.

Figure 20: Chongyuan Zhu

Yiyang Li

A man wondering on the land with curious eye.

Figure 21: Yiyang Li

Jianshu Zeng

Jianshu Zeng, Undergraduate student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, sophomore year, majoring in Artificial Intelligence Enjoy exercising and that the body is the essence of the revolution. Like to explore and try new things. Like to accomplish something challenging with people, such as iGEM!

Figure 22: Jinnshu Zeng


Dingxi Zhang

A student major in computer science, love puppy and all beautiful things. Biggest dream is to acquire whatever have strived for.

Figure 23: Dingxi Zhang

Zhili Wang

This guy's name is pronounced just the same as "plasmid" in Chinese, but he majors in Computer Science instead of Biology. As is suggested in his nickname "OrdinaryPlasmid", he is just an ordinary person, but still curious about everything, trying to do better at coding and be a better self.

Figure 24: Zhili Wang

Zikun Zhang

A not-so-typical Computer Science student. Studing in UCAS. Loves Rock music and K-Pop.

Figure 25: Zikun Zhang

Yuqiao Huang

I’m Huang Yuqiao (White Ze in the sign-up form), a sophomore major in CS and enjoy biology. I’m one of the developers of the “OH MY GUT” video game aiming to popularize scientific knowledge of the human digestive tract, and I illustrate for it.

Figure 26: Yuqiao Huang

Web & art design

Yinuo Chen

With a real enthusiasm for all kinds of animals and plants, she is also equipped with a keen sense of art and excellent painting skills. iGEM, a broad and free platform, affords her a chance to practice her ideas.

Figure 27: Yinuo Chen

Anxu Liao

Liao Anxu, majored in computer science, is an enthusiast of photographing, video recording and graphic design. As a CADer (computer aided designer), I’m responsible for promotion video, App demonstrate video and wiki design.

Figure 28: Anxu Liao

Xiuliang Zhang

Hi, I'm Zhang Xiuliang, the wiki programmer of this year's project. It's so fantastic that our igem project provides the opportunity to combine my major--Computer Science with "genetic programming"! Wish you enjoy our delicately designed pages and the FitYo!

Figure 29: Xiuliang Zhang

Human Practices

Zhuofan Wen

Hello! This is Joffrey, a junior majoring in computer science, loving travelling and cooking. I met a great group of friends through iGEM, and learned a lot of skills!

Figure 30: Zhuofan Wen

Jiaju Li

I studied computer science at UCAS and am passionate about life, excelling at communicating with others, organizing events and teamwork. In life, love sports, such as football, running, etc. In the team, mainly engaged in HP related work.

Figure 31: Jiaju Li


Xinchen Han

I am Xinchen Han, the advisor of modelling part. I am interested in simulating what may happen based on a simplified model, and unraveling the meanings beneath simulating results. I usually apply this into practice, for instance, determining food taking strategies to achieve better performance before planning for a cycling trip.

Figure 32: Xinchen Han

Huijie Zhang

Huijie Zhang: Majoring in physical chemistry, he is a learner who enjoys understanding the laws of nature and expects the world better.

Figure 33: Huijie Zhang

Fengling Huang

As a student majoring in biology, she joined iGEM not only for her passion for life science, but also for her interest in the social practice of natural science. She wants to find out how the world affects biology, and how biology affects the world.

Figure 34: Fengling Huang

