Variable definitions
Firstly, we provide the meaning of abbreviations.
Table 1. Definitions of parameters
Parameter | Description |
$C_{A}$ | concentration of ccdA |
$C_{B}$ | concentration of ccdB |
$C_{F}$ | concentration of FNR |
$M_{A}$ | concentration of mRNA which expresses ccdA |
$M_{B}$ | concentration of mRNA which expresses ccdB |
$M_{F}$ | concentration of mRNA which expresses FNR |
$C_{iF}$ | concentration of inactivated FNR |
$C_{aD}$ | concentration of activated gene expresses ccdA |
$C_{iD}$ | concentration of inactivated gene expresses ccdA |
$k_{M_F}$ | transcribe rate of mRNA that expresses FNR |
$k_{M_B}$ | transcribe rate of mRNA that expresses ccdB |
$k_{C_B}$ | translation rate of mRNA that expresses ccdB |
$k_{C_F}$ | translation rate of mRNA that expresses FNR |
$k_{iF}$ | changing rate of active FNR into inactive FNR |
$k_{com}$ | combination rate of ccdA and ccdB into complex |
$k_{C_A}$ | translation rate of mRNA that expresses ccdA |
$d_{M_A}$ | degrade rate of mRNA expresses ccdA |
$d_{M_F}$ | degrade rate of mRNA expresses FNR |
$d_{M_B}$ | degrade rate of mRNA expresses ccdB |
$d_{C_F}$ | degrade rate of FNR |
$d_{C_B}$ | degrade rate of ccdB |
$d_{aD}$ | degrade rate of activated DNA |
$d_{C_A}$ | degrade rate of ccdA |
$k_{2}$ | The second step of the MM kinetics constant |
$K_{1}$ | MM kinetics constant for the FNR activation DNA reaction |
$K_{2}$ | MM kinetics constant for activated DNA transcription reaction |
$K_{0A}$ | The equilibrium constants of ccdA Dimerization |
$K_{0B}$ | The equilibrium constants of ccdB Dimerization |
$K_{0}$ | The equilibrium constants of the combination of $A_2$ and $B_2$ |
$K_{A}$ | The equilibrium constants of the combination of $A_2B_2$ and $A_2$ |
$K_{B}$ | The equilibrium constants of the combination of $A_2B_2A_2$ and $B_2$ |
Expression of mRNA
For mRNA, we have
\begin{equation}\frac{dM_F}{dt}=k_{M_F}-d_{M_F}M_F \end{equation}
According to equilibrium assumption
Similarly,we have
ccdA, ccdB, FNR
Take expression of mRNA, degrade of each protein and combining of ccdA and ccdB into consideration, we have
FNR protein
[Fe-S] structure consisted in FNR protein change to planar configuration which losses biological activity quickly under the catalysis of O2,
Considering the lack of multi-concentration gradient experiments in this part and the high sensitivity of FNR to detect oxygen, we consider the anaerobic state with all steric activity and the anoxic state with all planar deactivation, and consider the O2-catalyzed oxidation process by associating equations (1), (3) with multi-concentration gradient data.
FNR binding to HIP-1 promoter
Consider a simplified model, in which only the FNR that maintains the active configuration binds to DNA and starts the transcribe progress, turning inactive DNA to active DNA, we have
Then the transcribe of activated DNA:
Ligands' cooperative behaviour
Two approaches can transform HIP-1 from inactivate states to translatable statue, and we assume that enzymes needed for translation are always abundant, so order of it is always 1.
In steady state, we have the following four equations:
\begin{equation}C_{RH}=K_{2}C_{H} \end{equation}
Then we have the ration translationable DNA takes in steady state


Calculate to get the whole amount of $C_{ccdA}$ expressed in the process.
Now let's consider the ccdB
$$\frac{dC_{MB}}{dt}=\begin{cases}kC_{aDB}-k_{dmB}C_{MB} & t\le T_{B}\\-k_{dmB}C_{MB} & t>T_B\end{cases}$$
After we got the whole amount of ccdA and ccdB, consider their interation
which reach a constant state, which is established at a slower speed compred to
the expression of ccdA/B\\
We use $[A_2]$ to denote the concentration of free $ccdA ccdA$, $[B_2]$ to denote the concentration of free $ccdB ccdB$, $[A_2B_2A_2]$ to denote the concentration of free $ccdA_2 ccdB_2 ccdA_2$ $K_A$, $K_0$, $K_{0A}$, $K_B$ list the equations:
\begin{equation}A+A\rightleftharpoons A_2 \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\frac{[A_2]}{\;[A]^2}=K_{0A}\end{equation}
\begin{equation}B+B\rightleftharpoons B_2 \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \frac{[B_2]}{\;[B]^2}=K_{0B}\end{equation}
\begin{equation}A_2+B_2 \rightleftharpoons A_2B_2\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \frac{[A_2B_2]}{[A_2][B_2]}=K_0\end{equation}
\begin{equation}A_2B_2 + A_2 \rightleftharpoons A_2B_2A_2 \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \frac{[A_2B_2A_2]}{[A_2][A_2B_2]}=K_A\end{equation}
So we have
For the following two kinds of multi-complexes (each with $n$ repeating units), we have
$$\begin{equation}[A_2B_2A_2\cdots B_2] =K_A^{\frac{n}{2}-1}K_B^{\frac{n}{2}-1}K_0[A_2]^{\frac{n}{2}}[B_2]^{\frac{n}{2}}\end{equation}$$
$$\begin{equation}[A_2B_2A_2\cdots B_2A_2] =K_A^{\frac{n}{2}}K_B^{\frac{n}{2}-1}K_0[A_2]^{\frac{n}{2}+1}[B_2]^{\frac{n}{2}}\end{equation}$$
Add up all concentration of $A_2-B_2$ complex, and consider the total concentration of $A_2$ or $B_2$ is given through $[A_2]=K_{0A}[A]^2$
We built a simbiology model to simulate the Suicide switch to confirm its feasibility of the suicide switch, we represent the effect of oxygen concentration by a function $\theta(O2,x)$, the combination of O$_2$ and FNR deactivates FNR, so the concentration of FNR is a function of $\theta$, and FNR activates ccdA expression, so the production rate of ccdA is a function of $\theta$. Since we consider two states, normoxia and hypoxia, and the combination of FNR and O$_2$ is very sensitive, we consider that $k_A(\theta)$ ranges from 0 to 1, with the hypoxic state close to 1 and the normoxic state close to 0.

Figure 1. Changes of ccdA, ccdB, and complex when O$_2$ is introduced

Figure 2. Changes of ccdB after O$_2$ are introduced. The dashed line represents the
change of ccdB if the death of bacteria is neglected
However, in the real world, the concentration of O$_2$ is not binary, therefore, we need to evaluate how O$_2$ concentration affects ccdA. By numerical simulation, we derive the curve below.

Figure 3. Relationship between [O$_2$] and [ccdA] at steady state