Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find asnwers to the questions we get asked the most

Safety & Security

Does your project release genetically modified organisms?

Our project intends to use the product of a genetically modified microorganism for the benefit of the environment and society. And that microorganism just synthesizes our biopesticide, that is our final product.

How does the degradation of your biopesticide when secreted into the environment?

Spidicide-CX degrades in several ways once secreted into the environment. The most common way of its degradation is due to the environment, which causes its degradation by changes in pH, or temperature. Another way is due to the solar irradiation (UV radiation) that denaturalizes the peptides. And finally, another way is due to the proteases of the Coleoptera insects.

Does Spidicide-CX contain compounds that cause allergies?

To determine if the Spidicide-CX peptides cause allergies, we used the I-TASSER server. This server helped us to find similar peptides according to our peptides sequence. The full explanation of what we did can be found in the Spidicide-CX section.