Articles for BIOspektrum
Like other German iGEM teams we also received the opportunity to write an article presenting our project for the scientific journal BIOspektrum. BIOspektrum is aimed at people interested in molecular life sciences and after a short introduction of iGEM in general, they made room for our articles. Ours was published in the edition of September this year.
In our article we shortly described the problem surrounding algae blooms and Anatoxin-a specifically. Then we went on to explain how we intended to develop a biosensor capable of sensing Anatoxin-a through connecting a receptor with the signaling pathway of E.coli . Finally we described how this problem could potentially worsen with accumulating nutrients in bodies of water and climate change.
We hope we could raise interest in readers to further inform themselves about the topic surrounding cyanobacteria and the problems their toxins could pose. Also, we were glad to provide information about iGEM itself to a scientific community.

Magazine "BIOspektrum"
Articles for Faktor 14
Faktor 14 is a magazine created by students, in which they grant other students of every faculty the possibility to present their research. Results of big research projects are published in scientific journals, but smaller bachelor and master theses rarely get that opportunity. Therefore, Faktor14 offers the opportunity for younger researchers to take part in the scientific community. The magazine is interdisciplinary and can therefore mediate between the different faculties of the university but also between professors, students, and the city.
The iGEM team Tübingen also got the possibility to introduce our project this year. In the article we wrote, we first introduced our project and presented the iGEM competition and furthermore explained, why our project has an impact and why it may play a role in protection of the environment in our future. We were really thankful to be able to present our project to the rest of the student body in our university and perhaps maybe further than that.
Instagram channel

Our Insatgram channel
We used our Instagram channel to make learning about scientific topics more fun and accessible. Therefore, we created info posts about subjects surrounding our project. With these, we wanted to reach people who follow us, which are primarily young people with or without a scientific background. Because of these reasons, the info posts we created were easily comprehensible
This is an example of a post we made:

Instagram post about algae blooms
Through this, we could also present our project to the world. We also included team member posts as well as pictures of teambuilding events to introduce our team.