1 in 6 couples in the U.S. deals with infertility --- that's nearly 17% !
Male factor
Male factor infertility is the primary medical issue in about 30% of all infertility cases.
Sperm quantity
In the last 40 years, the sperm quantity worldwide has dropped 53%.
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It is a problem that we can not escape anymore, for our next generation, for the future of all humanity.
It is closely related to every one of us, yet it still lacks public awareness due to shame feelings and fluke minds.
How can you tell if your semen is in healthy state?
How much courage will it take to apply for an examination in hospital?
And how much will it cost if you can do it at home on your own?
This year, we try to design a chip that can test the semen quality in a visible way, which makes it possible to examine your reproductive health state at home.
See how our engineered bacteria is used to test the sperm quality!
See how our modeling and hardware made the design possible! Besides, you can’t miss our fantastic software.
Beyond the lab, see what we have tried to "close the loop"!
Let's stand together to confront our reproductive anxiety and discuss reproductive health issues in open air. We believe that, in the end, the rain can embrace the Terra Mother and raise a flower.