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One third of all food produced is lost or wasted around 1.3 billion tonnes of food costing the global economy close to $940 billion each year.
70% of the 7.6 million tonnes of food wasted in Australia every year is edible. Australian households throw away around one in five bags of groceries, equaling around 312kg per person.
All of this waste contains
Bacteria can consume sugars in biomass and convert them into useful products. However,
There is a problem.
When Bacteria is in the presence of glucose, they tend to consume smaller quantities of xylose, the second most abundant sugar resource in biomass.
As large amounts of Xylose and energy is under-utilised and wasted on a daily basis, we often fail to recognise Xylose’s potential as a source of energy.
Through synthetic biology, SweetGenes aims to boost E.Coli’s efficiency by making it favour Xylose as much as glucose.