Earlier this year all Tec de Monterrey campuses participating in iGEM 2022, Tec CCM, Tec CEM, Tec Chihuahua, Tec Monterrey and Tec Guadalajara, joined forces and established the iGEM Tec Partnership.

In this partnership we shared ideas, helped in the design stage by exchanging information and investigation and gave feedback on our projects. We also created different activities and established several collaborations between us. For the lab, we constantly helped each other sharing reagents and materials and solving experimental issues that came up.

We formed a strong alliance that went beyond iGEM scope, because we also helped and guided each other with the several customs and delivery issues that we all encountered. Additionally, we also brainstormed ideas for the fundraising of our projects.

Tec Monterrey Chihuahua Campus (Tec-Chihuahua)

Tec Chihuahua and Tec Guadalajara gathered during the season several times to discuss several things. Tec Chihuahua mentored Tec Guadalajara with identifying the different characters and creating the chain value for the project, in addition to this mentoring they also guided Tec Guadalajara through the process of developing the mathematical model for the project. Both teams worked together to implement Tec Guadalajara’s proposal of an antibiotic collection box in Chihuahua campus.

In lab matters, Tec-Chihuahua verified the overexpression of EryK in an SDS gel.

Student leaders from both teams constantly gathered and communicated to help each other solve customs and delivery issues that occurred during the season. As well as brainstorming ideas for fundraising.

Tec Monterrey Monterrey Campus (Tec-Monterrey)

Tec Monterrey and Tec Guadalajara worked together to implement Tec Guadalajara’s proposal of an antibiotic collection box in Monterrey campus.

Student leaders from both teams constantly gathered and communicated to help each other solve customs and delivery issues that occurred during the season.

Tec Monterrey Mexico City Campus (TecCCM)

Tec CCM and Tec Guadalajara worked together to implement Tec Guadalajara’s proposal of an antibiotic collection box in Mexico City campus.

Student leaders from both teams constantly gathered and communicated to help each other solve customs and delivery issues that occurred during the season.

Tec Monterrey Estado de Mexico Campus (TecCEM)

Tec CEM and Tec Guadalajara worked together to implement Tec Guadalajara’s proposal of an antibiotic collection box in CEM campus. Tec CEM and Tec Guadalajara also collaborated along with iGEM ASU team to organize the International Bioremediation Conference, where we gathered experts in the subject to talk about it and show how SynBio is helping solve the water pollution problem.

Student leaders from both teams constantly gathered and communicated to help each other solve customs and delivery issues that occurred during the season.